Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Final Degree Project

Final Degree Project
Investigation's work
Investigation's work
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff


M. Caritat Bagur Calafat, PhD cbagur@uic.es 

Dr. Pere Ramón Rodríguez Rubio prodriguez@uic.es


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.


The module End of Degree Project (Trabajo Fin de Grado - TFG) is conformed by only one subject, which involves the development of a research project or a supervised project mentored by one or more professors of the degree. This project will be defended before a tribunal as set the RD1393 / 2007.  

The TFG is an autonomous and individual project that each student will develop under the guidance of a tutor, who will act as a catalyst and facilitator of the learning process. This project will allow the student to show all the training contents and skills acquired along the Degree.

In designing the curriculum of the Degree of the International University of Catalonia and the conceptualization of the TFG, it has been taken into account that in order to provide a high quality personal attention, the physiotherapist must be able to understand the different scientific contributions that generate new intervention and research perspectives. The physiotherapist must also be able to use the different scientific methodologies in the construction of knowledge. On the other hand, in response to the growing social demand for efficiency and effectiveness in health care, physical therapists must not only be able to translate the results of scientific research to professional practice, but should also actively and usefully intervene during the different stages of the processes of scientific research. The education in the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya is also directed, therefore, to provide the future physiotherapist with the skills needed to incorporate the practice of Evidence-Based Physiotherapy to professional practice and to be part of the scientific evolution of this discipline. That is why we have proposed a subject called "Design and tools for projects of Evidence-Based Physiotherapy" with a significant specific importance within the curriculum that will support, in a methodological level, the Final Degree Projects.  

Pre-course requirements


To defend the Final Degree Project, the student must have taken and passed all content of first three years of the degree.

To enroll the Final Degree Project, the student must have been enrolled in the other subjects of the degree.





The main goal of this subject is to make the student to prove that he or she has acquired the abilities, skills and knowledge, from all the courses of the degree, through a project that must be able to integrate all of it in a single document and to acquire self-knowledge about the specific topic chosen for the TFG. Also, the students will have to demonstrate to the tribunal their ability to present and communicate the most important aspects of their work

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - The ability to analysis and synthesis.
  • 02 - The ability to organise and synthesize
  • 03 - Knowledge of a foreign language.
  • 04 - To have computing skills within the field of study.
  • 05 - The ability to manage information.
  • 06 - To have comprehensive problem-solving skills.
  • 07 - Demonstrate decision-making skills.
  • 09 - Demonstrate critical thinking skills.
  • 10 - Develop autonomous learning skills.
  • 12 - To be creative
  • 14 - Demonstrate initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • 15 - Demonstrate a concern for quality.
  • 28.1 - Capacity for oral and written communication in the native language.
  • 28.2 - Demonstrate Interpersonal skills.
  • 29.1 - Demonstrate a committment to ongoing learning and self-improvement.
  • 30.1 - Teamwork skills.
  • 37 - Knowledge of ethics, legal and professional issues in physiotherapy practice.
  • 44 - Knowledge of research and assessment methodology that integrates theory and research in the design and implementation of effective physiotherapy.
  • 45 - Knowledge of problem-solving and critical thinking theories.
  • 55 - Capacity to incorporate scientific research and an evidence-based practice within the professional culture.
  • 57 - Ability to keep up-to-date on knowledge, skills and attitudes related to professional competencies through continuous education.
  • 57.1 - Ability to critically appraise methods, protocols and treatments applied in physiotherapy, and ensure they are always based current scientific evidence.
  • 60 - Capacity for stress management, which involves self control and environment stress management during tense situations.

Learning outcomes of the subject


The TFG will be essential to value the cross learning outcomes obtained during the whole degree, regardless of the specific outcomes, according to the idiosyncrasies of the work of each student. The TFG will show how the student has integrated the learning outcomes obtained during the degree.

If a student chooses to conduct a research project , he or she must demonstrate skill in planning a starting point, proposals, the steps that will be followed in order to meet the proposed objectives and the instruments that will be used. Therefore, the student will have to be able to propose a research plan that combines the trilogy: theme, problems, data collection and analysis techniques. This should be done according to the objectives and outlined hypothesis, with particular emphasis on the ability to develop conceptual framework that justifies the research problem.

If the student chooses to conduct a systematic review, he or she will be able to systematically identify and evaluate several studies of the same kind and with a common goal following their specific methodology. The student will also be able to present the results of the studies evaluated together and establish common conclusions.  



No specific contents of this module are established, as it is a task of integration of the content developed throughout the degree program.

The TFG will be developed in one of the following options:  

Research project.  

· Systematic review

  To develop the TFG, in either option, the expansion of knowledge, according to the research topic chosen by each student, the student will complete the framework of their learning contract by which the student will develop his or her ability to learn independently in this process.

Teaching and learning activities

In blended

The training activities for the TFG will basically focus on tutorials (both group and individual sessions with the TFG tutor) and independent study activities. The tutoring sessions can be carried out virtually.

The teaching and learning methodologies associated with these activities are the Project-based learning and Learning Contract.  

With the Project-based learning, it is intended that students carry out the execution of a project in a limited time in order to solve a problem or address a task by planning, designing and implementing a number of activities. All of this must be done with the development and integration of acquired learning and effective use of resources.

The Learning Contract is an agreement between the teacher and the student for the achievement of learning goals through an independent proposal of a project, under the supervision of the tutor and with a specific set time.  

The TFG is an exercise, which integrates all educational content received and skills acquired. Only those skills, which are considered common to the students who complete the TFG appear in the details of the assigned skills of this module. We understand that the integration of the acquired skills will lead to more in depth concepts and skills and that it is difficult to reflect on the assignments of the skills in this module since it would imply to list all the skills acquired by the student throughout the degree and it would not respond to the specificity of these in depth skills which depend on the idiosyncrasies of the TFG developed by the student. This consideration also determine the assignation of skills to the learning activities  

The tutor/s must be professors of Degree or official Master, they will be assigned to those proposed by the management/coordination module, considering both their clinical expertise and their knowledge of research methodology, and considering the preferences of the students


Evaluation systems and criteria

In blended

The evaluation system will have a training component that will consist of the completion of a portfolio in which the students will gather evidence of their learning and improvement and return documents to the tutor-director in virtual and personal monitoring. This evaluation is due to establish a filter by the tutor prior to the presentation of the project, and will be worth 70% of the final grade of the TFG.
The work eventually will be evaluated by a university tribunal, as indicated by the REAL DECRETO 1393/2007, of October 29, establishing the regulations of official university studies. The assessment of the tribunal and the presentation will be worth 30% of the grade of the TFG.
In order to pass the course, it is mandatory to pass the evaluation from the tutor with at least a 6 out of 10, and from the tribunal with at least a 5. Provided that the students pass the two parts, taking into account the percentages, the final mark will be the average of the two. 
The student will have two opportunities to submit and defend the TFG. The presentation and defense of the TFG can be carried out virtually.
The tribunal will be appointed by the Scientific Commission of the Degree. It will consist of three members (president, secretary and spokesperson) of which at least two will be Degree professors.
It is a function of this committee, among others, to make public the list of TFGs accepted for the defense, to propose tribunal members, dates, times and place of these. The role of tutor/s is to determine the suitability of TFG to be defended before the tribunal.

The following timetable has been designed: 



Curso 20/21

Personas implicadas

1ª Convocatoria- Junio

Entrega Documentos (Trabajo + Resumen)



El alumno al tutor


Comunicar Apto/No apto a defensa a los alumnos


Tutor a la Comisión Científica


Invitar  a los miembros de los Tribunales  y organizar horarios/Calendario

21/05/2021 al 04/06/2021

Comisión Científica


Informar a los alumnos / Tutores y confirmar Tribunales


Comisión Científica a los alumnos


Fecha de Defensa



2ª Convocatoria-Julio

Entrega Documentos (Trabajo + Sinopsis)


El alumno al tutor


Comunicar Apto/No apto a defensa a los alumnos


Tutor a la Comisión Científica


Invitar  a los miembros de los Tribunales  y organizar horarios/Calendario

28/06/2021 al 02/07/2021

Comisión Científica


Informar a los alumnos / Tutores y confirmar Tribunales



Comisión Científica a los alumnos


Fecha de Defensa

06 i 07/07/2021


*Documentación necesaria para la propuesta a defensa del Trabajo final de Grado:


Por parte del alumno:


- Un archivo en formato pdf de la memoria del Trabajo Final de Grado. Siguiendo la nomenclatura del archivo: "primer apellido_Nombre_DNI.pdf".


- Resumen del Trabajo Final de Grado para la publicación de la Memoria de Investigación del Departamento de Fisioterapia de la UIC, si es el caso. El nombre del archivo debe ser: “primer apellido_Nombre_DNI Resumen.doc”


- Ambos documentos se deberán  colgar en un espacio destinado a este objetivo en la plataforma Moodle de la asignatura, en el plazo establecido.


Por parte del Tutor/es:


- Informe confidencial del Tutor que contenga la nota asignada al trabajo tutorizado


La defensa del Trabajo Final de Grado delante del tribunal, una vez constituido éste, tendrá una duración de: 10 minutos de exposición del alumno y 10 minutos aproximadamente para las aportaciones y preguntas del tribunal al alumno, con el objetivo de valorar el trabajo de investigación propuesto, sugerir o indicar cambios a introducir en éste.