Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Procedural Penal Law 2

Procedural Penal Law 2
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

Pre-course requirements

Having previously studied Criminal Procedure Law 1.


(i) To acquire fluency in criminal litigation.

(ii) Dominating all criminal procedural types.

(iii) Be willing the student to provide a legal service, of quality and efficient, to their clients in criminal matters.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 03 - To be able to express one's ideas and arguments in an orderly and coherent way both in oral and written form (written and oral techniques)
  • 04 - To turn in documents that have been formally and thoroughly prepared to high standards
  • 06 - To acquire the ability to make decisions
  • 11 - To acquire skills for autonomous learning
  • 15 - To develop a perception of the united nature of the legal system and the required interdisciplinary vision for legal issues
  • 17 - To understand and have knowledge of public and private institutional principles in their origin and as a whole
  • 19 - To develop the ability to write legal texts
  • 20 - To have knowledge of the basic aspects of legal argumentation
  • 22 - To be able to identify and interpret documentation normally used in legal and negotiating settings
  • 23 - To identify the state, doctrinal and legal framework of a complex legal issue
  • 24 - To acquire the skills to resolve problems and make decisions using relevant information and by applying correct methods while placing the issue within a legal system context
  • 25 - To acquire the skills for legal paperwork processing: composing texts, clarifying a position on a matter, use of forms, etc.
  • 26 - To master the techniques and other evidence taking stategies
  • 29 - To be able to gather and interpret economic documentation

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. The student will dominate the criminal proceedings, from a practical standpoint.

2. You can develop without problems in any type of criminal procedure.

3. There will be honed their skills in oral and written communication.

4. There will be perfected their procedural skills. 

5. There will be acquired habits of neatness in personal presentation and documents.


TEMA 1.- La fase intermedia. El sobreseimiento. Escritos de acusación y defensa. Calificaciones de las partes. Auto de apertura de la fase del juicio oral. 

TEMA 2.- El juicio oral (I). Actuaciones iniciales: artículos de previo pronunciamiento o cuestiones previas. Las calificaciones de las partes. La conformidad del acusado. 

TEMA 3.- El juicio oral (II): La vista.

TEMA 4.- Finalización del proceso y cosa juzgada.

TEMA 5.- Los recursos.

TEMA 6.- La Sentencia.

TEMA 7.- Especialidad del procedimiento abreviado y del procedimiento por delitos leves. 

TEMA 8.- Procedimiento para el enjuiciamiento rápido y el procedimiento por aceptación de decreto. 

TEMA 9.- Procedimiento ante el Tribunal del Jurado. Procedimiento de responsabilidad penal del menor. Procedimiento contra senadores y diputados en Cortes. Procedimiento contra judieces y magistrados y fiscales. Procedimiento por delito de injuria y calumnia contra particulares. 

TEMA 10.- Procedimientos con especialidades, procesos surpanacionales y procedimiento ante la Corte Penal Internacional. 

TEMA 11.- Costas y ejecución.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Presenting concepts and their practical application in the classroom
15 17
Classroom activities in order to follow up on students (both individual and in a group)
03 06 22 23 24 25 26
Activities outside of the classroom in order to follow up on students (both individual and in a group)
Student independent study
11 17 24
Individual and group projects
04 15 22 24

Bibliography and resources

The main resource to study this subject is the Criminal Procedure Law (LECRIM) - consider that this has to be updated to the time in which the subject is taught. 

Moreover, in order to systematize the content of this law, the following manual are recommended:

ARMENTA DEU, T., Lecciones de Derecho procesal penal, Marcial Pons, Madrid, 12ª edition, 2019.

MONTERO AROCA, J., Derecho Jurisdiccional III Proceso Penal, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 27ª edition, 2019.

To work with the cases, the student will be required to use the legal databases available in the digital library of the University.