Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Professional Work Experience

Professional Work Experience
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,

Teaching staff

The training plan of the subject is available through the online support platform.

The collaborating teacher who is an expert in the subject attends to the student's queries, is in contact with the centre's tutor and directs and evaluates their activities.


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

The professional internships of the UIC Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy are a compulsory subject in the MUP's professional orientation. They have a teaching load of 8 ECTS and a six-week face-to-face stay at the center.

These practices should make it possible to establish a relationship between the theory learned and the practice of psychopedagogy by putting into action key competencies such as teamwork, social responsibility, the principles of inclusion, equal opportunities and non-discrimination, as well. such as critical and reflective thinking in educational settings.

Its development includes processes of observation, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation of psychopedagogical intervention plans to achieve a systemic learning of guidance and counseling.

Each student will have a professor responsible for the subject and an expert collaborator who will follow him from the University and a tutor in the training center who will guide him throughout the internship period. The center is asked to determine the specific actions that the student may carry out in the context, always in accordance with the training plan and the objectives and competencies of this subject.

The Training Plan must take into account the objectives and activities included in the agreement signed between the university and the internship institution and must be agreed by the institution, the university professor, the tutor and the student.

Pre-course requirements

The realization of the practices is conditioned to the overcoming of the credits of the module 1: Foundations of the Psychopedagogical Intervention and to be enrolled in the module 2: Optional of specialty of Psychopedagogical intervention.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

2.1-Basic and general

CB7. Knowing how to apply the knowledge acquired and knowing how to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
CB8. Being able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
CB9. Know how to communicate conclusions, knowledge, and reasons, to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
CB10. Possess the learning skills that allow continuing studying in a largely self-directed or autonomous way.
CG2. Acquire skills of analysis and synthesis of the information obtained in formal and non-formal educational environments in order to pose new questions to psycho-pedagogical practice.
CG4. Know how to apply the knowledge acquired and be able to solve problems in complex environments in which the psycho-pedagogue works.
CG5. Being able to communicate in an argued way decision-making in the psycho-pedagogical field.


CT1. Generate innovative and competitive proposals in professional or research activity.
CT2. Make effective and integrated use of communication technologies in the professional or research field.
CT3. Critically analyze personal work and use the appropriate resources and strategies for professional improvement.
CT4. Being able to present the ideas developed orally and in writing, adapting to the style and models of professional or research activity.
CT5. Work in teams and with teams (of the same field or interdisciplinary) and develop attitudes of participation and collaboration as an active member of the community.
CT6. Behave with ethics and social responsibility as a citizen and as a professional.


CE2. Define and recognize the ethical and deontological principles of psycho-pedagogical practice or psychopedagogical research.
CE4. Determine the psycho-pedagogical needs of students, groups and organizations from the application of different evaluation systems.
CE6. Analyze the data obtained in the psychopedagogical evaluation and prepare the pertinent reports.
CE7. Organize psychopedagogical services that facilitate collaboration between educational centers and different organizations, and design training programs.
CE9. Design and apply appropriate methodologies to achieve the research objectives set in the psychopedagogical field.
CE10. Analyze the organization and operation of educational centers to coordinate the personal, academic and professional orientation of students.
CE11. Identify the educational needs in the different stages in order to develop the tutorial function and psychopedagogical orientation.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  1. Identify personal, social, and group needs from the psycho-pedagogical perspective in different contexts

  2. Know and assess the psycho-pedagogical evaluation and diagnosis techniques, designing the process of collecting, analyzing, and returning the information.

  3. Analyze the organization and operation of educational centers in order to coordinate the personal, academic, and professional orientation of all students together with the educational community.

  4. Analyze the organizational development of formal and non-formal educational centers, assessing their functionality.

  5. Prepare innovation projects aimed at the analysis and improvement of educational practices taking ICT into account.

  6. Manage and energize educational teams with the objective appropriate to the psycho-pedagogical needs of students, groups, and organizations.

  7. Design actions that allow the dynamization of socio-educational teams in educational institutions, attending to the various group educational needs identified through psycho-pedagogical evaluation and diagnosis.

  8. Collaborate in the management and development of the work of the teaching / educational teams of the centers.

    the work of the teaching / educational teams of the centers.


The professionalizing practices of the University Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy consist of a stay in an educational internship center (orientation team) or in a psychopedagogical counseling team (EAP) or similar according to the terminology used in different countries. During said stay, the student will carry out or monitor a planning, development and evaluation of an intervention plan in the field of educational guidance and psychopedagogical intervention (according to the possibilities of the center or service).

It will try to guide the resolution of educational problems in the different training areas where the teaching-learning process takes place. The basic axes on which the internship period pivots will be the functions of prevention, assessment and guidance, intervention in the design of programs and advice and support materials.

The breadth and diversity of the fields of intervention require the training of a versatile professional, capable of working with different age groups and diversified contexts, as well as developing their skills for teamwork, gradually acquiring the necessary autonomy to apply the knowledge acquired.

Each Master's student will carry out their internship at an institution and will have a professor from the University and a tutor from the center. Although the person responsible for the evaluation of professional practices is the University professor, it will be carried out in coordination with the tutor of the center who will also participate in it.

Teaching and learning activities

In person




Virtual Forums and Discussions


Practical Seminar.

(Study of cases)


On-line tutorials







Case method - anecdotal record


Learning contract-training plan

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

During the exchange period at the Virtual Campus Professional Practice Table, the Expert Collaborating Professor will consider the degree of participation, exchange, argumentation, and reflection on the practice of the participants.


Evaluation system


Practice report



Virtual portfolio

Degree of participation in virtual forums and debates / Online tutorials and self-evaluation



Rubric mentor of the center 




At the end of the internship period, the student will have to prepare a report of Professional Practices. This report is a report that collects the different experiences and reflections produced during the internship from a previously established work script that basically consists of the following sections:

Institutional context and school educational project

Detection of educational needs and methodology

Diagnosis and working hypotheses

Design of the Psychopedagogical Intervention Plan
