Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Research Work Placements

Research Work Placements
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,

Teaching staff

Through the platform.


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

This elective subject is chosen by students who wish to be trained in the research orientation of the Master's degree and go on to doctoral studies.

It is about identifying a research topic in the field of Psychopedagogy and carrying out a small research project with all the phases that it involves.

Since Psychopedagogy is a field of practical intervention, an applied research is recommended. However, it is also possible to carry out an in-depth literature review study on topics still little explored within the same area of knowledge.

The professor of this subject will guide the student both in the identification of the subject, and in the definition and development of the most appropriate methodology for the collection and analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data.

Pre-course requirements

The prerequisite to be able to take this subject is to have passed the subjects of the previous modules (Foundations of Educatinal Psycology Intervention and the speciality subjects)

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Basic and general

CB6. Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and / or application of ideas, often in a research context.

CB7. Knowing how to apply the knowledge acquired and knowing how to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.

CB8. Being able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.

CB9. Know how to communicate conclusions, knowledge and reasons, to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.

CB10. Possess the learning skills that allow to continue studying in a largely self-directed or autonomous way.

CG1. Be able to formulate reflective and critical judgments in educational contexts, considering the social and ethical responsibility of the psychopedagogue.

CG2. Acquire skills of analysis and synthesis of the information obtained in formal and non-formal educational environments in order to pose new questions to psychopedagogical practice.

CG3. Acquire knowledge that allows innovation in the educational field from a psychopedagogical perspective.

CG5. Being able to communicate in an argued way decision-making in the psychopedagogical field.


CT1. Generate innovative and competitive proposals in professional or research activity.

CT2. Make effective and integrated use of communication technologies in the professional or research field.

CT4. Being able to present the ideas developed orally and in writing, adapting to the style and models of professional or research activity.

CT5. Work in teams and with teams (of the same field or interdisciplinary) and develop attitudes of participation and collaboration as an active member of the community.

CT6. Behave with ethics and social responsibility as a citizen and as a professional.


CE1. Identify the anthropological, social and community conditions that characterize psychopedagogical intervention in the different formal and non-formal settings or in research contexts.

CE2. Define and recognize the ethical and deontological principles of psychopedagogical practice or psychopedagogical research.

CE3: Identify the different theoretical paradigms that support psychopedagogical practice or psychopedagogical research.

CE5. Systematically observe people and contexts and formulate pertinent objectives, hypotheses and / or questions tailored to specific psychopedagogical problems.

CE9. Design and apply appropriate methodologies to achieve the research objectives set in the psychopedagogical field.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The learning outcomes that will be required of the students will be linked to the competencies selected in each case. Among others, we highlight the following:

  1. Define the characteristics and basic axes of research in the field of Psychopedagogy.
  2. Put into practice basic knowledge about techniques and instruments for the collection of quantitative and qualitative information.
  3. Use the Observational Methodology in the development of intervention programs applied to the psycho-pedagogical field.
  4. Design teaching counseling strategies to address psychopedagogical aspects in the classroom.
  5. Plan intervention processes, evaluating the area in which action is taken, prioritizing the action needs to which it is intended to respond, specifying the theoretical model of intervention that supports it, the necessary resources for it and the methodological proposal with which it is will evaluate said intervention.
  6. Analyze the data and information obtained through observation, either in conducting research or evaluating intervention program.


  1. The educational psychology field as an object of research.
  2. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Data and Information in Educational Research: Field Work. Collection of data and information.
  3. Biographical-narrative methodology. Speech analysis. In-depth oral interviews. Life Stories and Case Studies. Questionnaires
  4. Qualitative and quantitative data analysis software: Statistical analysis (SPSS); Analysis of interviews (Atlas-Ti, IN-Vivo).
  5. Observation as a method and observation as a technique.
  6. The process of the Systematic Observation Method (participant and non-participant).
  7. Observation Records: Development of category systems.
  8. Analysis and interpretation of the observations.
  9. Research phases: review of the literature, formulation of hypotheses and objectives.
  10. Preparation of educatinal psychology research reports.
  11. Writing of scientific articles. Where to post.

Teaching and learning activities


ctivity 1: Seminar

Research proposal and literature review (state of the art)


This activity tries to support the student in the process of identifying and formulating a research topic.

To this end, the student will be asked to carry out a bibliographic search to describe the current state of the subject (state of the art)

Didactic goals

Identify a topic to research and formulate it with precision.

Select some basic references from the literature of the last ten years on the chosen topic.

Work guidelines


Reflect on a topic of interest to research (preferably for the TFM)

Select some bibliographic references to read and place the subject in the latest research carried out on the matter.

Prepare an individual google or ppt presentation (3 slides) for each project.

Evaluation criteria


Precision in the delimitation of the chosen theme.

Academic relevance of the fundamental literature reviewed and proposed as a bibliography.

Basic resources

Didactic modules


Complementary resources


Academic google

Other relevant databases


Activity 2: Practical Seminar



This activity tries to support the student in the selection process of the most appropriate methodology for the chosen topic.

Didactic goals

Present the methodological approach relevant to the research topic selected by each student.

Pautas de trabajo


Justify the type of methodology that is going to work in this research (preferably focused on the development of the TFM).

Prepare an individual presentation in google or ppt (3 slides) on the methodology to be applied.



Evaluation criteria


Precision in the arguments to justify the chosen methodology.

Basic resources

Didactic modules



Complementary resources


Academic google

Other relevant databases

Final evaluation. Investigation report


Development in writing, comment and reflection on the contents worked during the duration of the Table regarding the research topic.

Didactic goals

Make a final structured reflection and issue some conclusions regarding the research work carried out.


The Investigation Report must adjust to the type of investigation that arises and it can be about the previous scheme to the TFM and therefore, include incomplete sections that will be developed at the end of the same.

If the investigation includes field work, the structure should be as follows:

- INTRODUCTION. This section is not a personal opinion, it is the prelude to the Theoretical Framework and explains the relevance of the topic to be addressed from what the authors say.
- THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK. This section briefly develops what is found in the bibliography on the subject.
- OBJECTIVES / RESEARCH QUESTION OR HYPOTHESIS. It is not necessary that all of them appear, there may be only one research question or two objectives, for example.

a) Participants
b) Data collection instruments (qualitative or quantitative)
c) Data analysis

- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. This section may be pending to develop during the TFM, but the expected results can be explained.
-CONCLUSIONS. This section may be pending depending on the previous section.

If the research consists of an exhaustive bibliographic review on a research question or hypothesis, the sections will be the following:

INTRODUCTION. This section is not a personal opinion, it explains the relevance of the topic to be addressed from what the authors say and the research question or hypothesis is posed.

METHODOLOGY. This section specifies that it is a review work, it explains what and how many documentary sources have been used and why, how they have been selected, databases used, what is the relevance of the authors, etc.
DEVELOPMENT OF THE TOPIC. In this section, the different epigraphs on the subject are developed coherently and with an appropriate common thread (it can be left indicated in order to complete it for the TFM)

DISCUSSION (REFLECTION) AND CONCLUSIONS. In this section, they are related, compared, ordered, etc. the ideas contributed by the authors (and explained previously), in order to conclude by answering the question or hypothesis initially raised (it can be left indicated in order to complete for the TFM)


Maximum length: 10-15 pages of 1800 characters each - Arial 11 format, 1.5 spacing.


Evaluation criteria


Theoretical-practical relationship in the different sections of the Report

Correct citations according to APA 6th edition

Adequacy of language and use of technical terms in the field of bibliography.

Adequate use of methodological instruments for data collection.

Interest of the results obtained for educational psychology practice.

Basic resources

Didactic modules



Complementary resources


Academic google

Other relevant databases

Evaluation systems and criteria


  • La Evaluación Continua o Formativa representa un 50 %
  • La Evaluación Final (informe de investigación) representa un 50%

Bibliography and resources

CEA D’ANCONA, A. (1997).  Métodos y Técnicas de Investigación cuantitativa, Madrid: Editorial Síntesis

FESTINGER Y KATZ. (1992) Los Métodos de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales. Barcelona: Paidós.

FLOREZ OCHOA, R y TOBÓN RESTREPO, A. (2001) Investigación Educativa y Pedagógica. Bogotá: McGraw Hill.

SABINO, C.A. (1996) El Proceso de Investigación. Buenos Aires: Edit. Lumen.

SALKIND, N.J. (1999) Métodos de Investigación. México: Prentice Hall.

SIERRA BRAVO, R. (1995) Tecnicas de investigación Social Teoría y ejercicios, Décima edición, Editorial Paraninfo: Madrid.

TAYLOR, S.J. y BOGDAN, R. (1987) Introducción a los métodos cualitativos de investigación. Barcelona: Paidós.

VELASCO MAILLO, H. DIAZ DE RADA, A. (2006) La lógica de la investigación etnográfica. Un modelo de trabajo para etnógrafos de la escuela. Madrid: Trotta.