Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Multidisciplinary Clinical Planning. Discussion of Clinical Cases II

Multidisciplinary Clinical Planning. Discussion of Clinical Cases II
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,

Teaching staff

Contact with:

Director: Dr. Luis Jané ljane@uic.es 

 Coordinator:     Dra. Pilar Fenoy   pilarfenoy@uic.es 


In this subject, the students will make presentations in session of the clinical cases assisted during the external practices that are carried out at the University Dental Clinic (CUO). The presentation must include the anamnesis, the physical and clinical examination of the case, as well as complementary tests necessary for the correct diagnosis and therapeutic planning ... This documentation will be treated according to the data protection laws authorized by the patients. Students will carry out an initial and final diagnostic orientation for each case and will suggest possible treatment plans in order to offer the ideal treatment in each situation, based on scientific evidence. The presentation and defense of the cases will be carried out in a clinical session with professors and students of the area and a supervisor of the case. The student must be able to answer and scientifically justify the questions that arise during the debate. The clinical cases to be treated will be highly complex and / or multidisciplinary. Likewise, it may be indicated to carry out bibliographic reviews on certain scientific topics, to provide a complete theoretical training on the pathology related to aesthetic restorative dentistry.

Pre-course requirements

Knowledge of the bucco-dental anatomy and the pathophysiology of oral diseases. Know the surgical techniques related to dental therapy and dental prosthesis. Be knowledgeable and proficient in word processing, presentation and spreadsheet software


The main objective of this subject is for the student to be able to present, discuss and defend the different clinical diagnostic situations of CUO patients, as well as the different possible treatment plans and their clinical sequence. This subject will be developed during the two academic years of the master's training program.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

CB6 - Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and / or application of ideas, often in a research context CB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study CB8 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments CE1 - Carry out a correct extraoral analysis and diagnosis, highlighting the aesthetic and functional aspects of the teeth and soft tissues of the lower third of the face as well as the analysis and clinical and laboratory diagnoses, performing diagnostic and therapeutic wax-ups on models, in order to rehabilitate its dental occlusion in functional and aesthetic balance, taking into account multidisciplinary factors of the masticatory apparatus CE2 - Be able to practice as a clinical professional and / or researcher in the field of aesthetic restorative dentistry, acting as a true specialist or expert in the field; knowing how to diagnose, treat, prevent and investigate oral disorders and be up-to-date with the diagnostic and therapeutic advances that arise in the course of their professional life CE3 - Carry out selective teeth grinding to balance mandibular dynamics and dental occlusion, as well as make occlusal and articular protection splints in cases where there is a pathology that requires it. CE5 - Be able to make public presentations on own clinical cases justifying themselves based on the scientific literature, correctly using the scientific terminology related to temporomandibular dysfunction and aesthetic restorative dentistry CE9 - Recognize and interpret images and specialized diagnostic techniques that have relevance in research, as well as knowing how to apply bio-informatics tools and new technologies in the field of prosthetic, restorative and implant-prosthesis dentistry CG1 - Have the ability to communicate with patients in order to explain, with scientific criteria, but accessible language, the diagnosis, the treatment plan and prognosis, in pathologies that will tend to have an advanced or multidisciplinary profile CG2 - Have autonomy to carry out the anamnesis and oral examinations of patients with pathologies that may be advanced or multidisciplinary; completing the clinical history and its clinical course with language and scientific terminology appropriate to a professional of aesthetic restorative dentistry CG3 - Know how to apply the protocols established in the Clínica Universitària d’Odontologia in relation to the diagnosis, complementary examinations and treatment of patients, as well as the planning thereof, taking into account that the patients to whom they are addressed present pathologies with advanced or multidisciplinary profiles

Learning outcomes of the subject

- Learning outcomes - The student must be able to correctly use the scientific terminology related to temporomandibular dysfunction and aesthetic restorative dentistry, perform a correct analysis and extraoral diagnosis of the lower third of the face of patients, highlighting the aesthetic and functional aspects of the teeth and soft parts of the mouth in this analysis. He also knows how to perform a correct intraoral exploration and diagnosis of the patients' chewing apparatus. - The student must be able to identify and reproduce dental macro and micro esthetics, as well as the management of hard and soft tissues of the mouth. - The student must be able to make public presentations on clinical cases, with all the diagnostic details and complementary examinations required, making proposals for treatment plans based on scientific evidence. - The student must have a clear, advanced and current knowledge of implantology. You must know and understand the concepts of osseointegration, passive adaptation, torque, implant connections, type of implant surface, type of prosthetic abutment, impression techniques, transfer of occlusal, functional and aesthetic parameters, perform the different tests and checks of the prosthetic components during the process of making the oral prostheses, managing to control this process at all times so that the finished dental prostheses meet the functional and aesthetic objectives set at the beginning. - The student has scientific knowledge to choose the type of material to use for each clinical situation. - Students have the tools to keep their ongoing training updated. They must know how to adapt their clinical practice and technological equipment to the advances and modifications that occur throughout their professional life, which can be autonomous and self-directed.


The content of the subject is eminently theoretical and multidisciplinary, the planning of simple cases begins and gradually ends up planning those with a high degree of complexity. The student treats the cases of the patients in a multidisciplinary way, interacting with the professors and students of the Masters of Periodontology, Surgery, Implantology, Orthodontics and Temporomandibular Joint. Sometimes and in very complex multidisciplinary cases, the discussion of the cases is carried out in a joint session of the different areas of the faculty, in which the students and teachers of the different master's degrees participate.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

L’avaluació d’aquesta matèria es farà mitjançant diferents procediments. La fórmula principal serà l’avaluació contínua de l’alumne, que obtindrà diferents qualificacions al llarg dels dos cursos acadèmics de la seva formació.

L'assistència a la sessió clínica és obligatòria, així com que els alumnes en tot moment tinguin presents els coneixements  apresos a les diferents assignatures amb aplicació als pacients. Durant les sessions es farà algun examen no programat prèviament, amb l'objectiu d'assegurar tant l'assistència a sessió com els coneixements.

La asistencia a sesión clínica es obligatoria, así como tener presentes los conocimientos adquiridos en otras asignaturas con aplicación en pacientes. Se realizarán examenes no programados (sin avisar a los alumnos) sobre los conocimientos de las distintas asignaturas. La no asistencia a sesión o la no superación del examen puede conllevar la suspensión de CUO de dicho alumno durante 1 semana.

En l’activitat formativa MC (mètode del cas per a l’anàlisi i resolució de casos clínics) es faran avaluacions a partir de la participació directa i personal en el desenvolupament d’aquesta activitat (coneixement de l’agenda de pacients, ordre i ús correcte de la documentació clínica, aportacions i ajuda a altres companys...).

Es valoraran els coneixements científics, tècnics i clínics relacionats amb la patologia del pacient (l’ús de la terminologia científica adequada, la capacitat de resolució de problemes en fases diagnòstiques o terapèutiques que potser no estiguin del tot definides, l’anàlisi adequada de les dades de la història clínica, la sol·licitud i interpretació de les proves d’exploració complementàries adequades...), i la forma en la presentació de l’activitat formativa MC (capacitat de comunicació, expressió oral i corporal, ús de les bases de dades bibliogràfiques i dels recursos informàtics...). Les presentacions dels casos clínics es faran en arxius informàtics (tipus Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation o Keynote) i formaran part de la documentació clínica de cada pacient, la qual ha de respectar la llei de protecció de dades dels pacients) i el professorat responsable les podrà consultar en qualsevol moment.

En l’activitat formativa SEM (seminaris) es faran avaluacions a partir de la participació directa i personal en el desenvolupament d’aquesta activitat. Es valora la capacitat de síntesi i de resolució de problemes en situacions que poden arribar a no ser del tot previsibles. La metodologia en què es basin les revisions dels articles científics presentats també la valorarà el professorat responsable de l’activitat formativa. Aquestes revisions es faran en arxius informàtics (tipus Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation o Keynote). Si el professorat ho creu necessari, es faran proves escrites (exàmens) per poder avaluar els coneixements teòrics apresos en el decurs dels SEM.

Participació directa i personal: 20%
Coneixements científics, tècnics i clínics: 40%

Forma de la presentació de l’MC: 20%

Metodologia de la revisió de la literatura científica: 20%


evaluation of this matter will be carried out through different procedures. The main formula will be the continuous evaluation of the student, obtaining different qualifications throughout the two academic years of their training. In the MC training activity (Case method for the analysis and resolution of clinical cases), evaluations will be carried out based on direct and personal participation in the development of this activity (knowledge of the patients' agenda, order and correct use of documentation clinic, contributions and aid to other colleagues ...). Scientific, technical and clinical knowledge related to the patient's pathology will be valued (the use of appropriate scientific terminology, the ability to solve problems in diagnostic or therapeutic phases that may not be fully defined, the adequate analysis of the data from the clinical history, the request and interpretation of the appropriate complementary examination tests…); and the way in which the CM is presented (communication skills, oral and corporal expression, use of bibliographic databases and computer resources ...). The presentations of the clinical cases will be made in computer files (such as "Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation" or Keynote) and will be part of the clinical documentation of each patient respecting the laws of protection of patient data) and can be consulted at any time by the responsible teaching staff. In the SEM training activity (Seminars), evaluations will be carried out based on direct and personal participation in the development of this activity, valuing their ability to synthesize and solve problems in situations that may not be entirely predictable. The methodology in which the reviews of the scientific articles presented are carried out will also be valued by the teacher / s responsible for the training activity. These reviews will be performed on computer files (such as "Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentation" or Keynote). If the teaching staff deems it necessary, written tests (exams) will be carried out in order to evaluate the theoretical knowledge learned in the course of the SEM. Direct and personal participation 20% Scientific, technical and clinical knowledge 40% Form of presentation of MC 20% Methodology of the scientific literature review 20%

Bibliography and resources

Michael Cohen; Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning, Volume I: Principles, Design, Implementation

Rafi Romano; The Art of Treatment Planning: Dental and Medical Approaches to the Face and Smile

Rafi Romano; The Art of the Smile: Integrating Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Dental Technology, and Plastic Surgery in Esthetic Dental Treatment

Rafi Romano; The Art of Detailing: Philosophical Foundations

Michael Cohen; Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning, Volume II: Comprehensive Case Studies


Fradeani M. “Rehabilitación estética en prótesis fija- Anàlisis estético- Volumen 1. Quintessence Books