Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Psychology of Personality

Psychology of Personality
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

Before or after class and by mail.


Kind student:

The study of personality is presented as a fascinating and problematic task.

Fascinating because at the bottom of every person lies the longing question of knowing what he or she is like. Such fascination responds to a natural and irrepressible desire: that of knowing about oneself in order to know what to expect.

Problematic because there are many scholars, theories and schools of psychology from which the study of personality has been approached. For this reason, it is normal that the beginner (you, kind student) may find it a little more difficult to pass from one model of personality to another or that you insist on making them clash and try to integrate them into a single synthetic, totalizing and almost cryptic model.

My advice is to encourage you to try to reach a personal synthesis, which will help you to know and lead yourself and illuminate the steps you have to take in the journey of life.

It is convenient to let yourself be seduced by the study of personality psychology because of the implications that this may have in approaching other people, whom you will sooner or later have to meet in the exercise of your profession.

If you study motivated or moved by these circumstances, the way will be smoothed out and you will even be captivated by what you study, a fact that will help you to furnish your head. Whenever you have problems and you think about them.

(ref; A. Polaino-Lorente)


Pre-course requirements

It is recomended to have passed all the subjects of the first year if the Degree in Psychology.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CE10 - The ability to recognise the various dimensions of personality, as well as the theoretical and methodological approaches and models for studying behaviour.
  • CE14 - The ability to recognise the basis of normal and altered human behaviour.
  • CG05 - Understanding of the limitations of the psychological analysis of human behaviour and the ability to incorporate concepts and analytical techniques from other disciplines.
  • CT03 - The capacity for analysis and synthesis.
  • CT08 - The ability to put theoretical knowledge into practice


Unit 1. Concept and object of study of the Psychology of Personality.

Unit 2. Methodological approach to the study of Personality. 

Unit 3. Traits and personality 

Unit 4. Cognition and personality 

Unit 5. Affectivity and personality 

Unit 6. Behavior and personality 

Unit 7. The adaptive process 

Unit 8. The propositional dimension of personality 

Unit 9. Personality, psychopathology, health and well-being  

Unit 10. Genetics and Environment. Stability and change in personality 

Unit 11. Personal identity

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


Prueba de Andamiaje III (20 %)

Trabajo práctico evaluación de la personalidad (20 %)

Examen final de preguntas cortas, de relacionar, de V/F y/o de elección múltiple y preguntas PIR  (60%)





Bibliography and resources

Bermúdez, J. (2017). Psicología de la Personalidad. Madrid, España: UNED.

Carver CS, Sheier MF. (2014). Teorías de la personalidad. México: Pearson.

Cloninger, S. A. (2003). Teorías de la personalidad. México: Pearson.

Colom, R. (1998) Psicología de las diferencias Individuales. Teoría y Práctica. Madrid: Pirámide.

Millon, Th. (2010). Los trastornos de la personalidad en la vida moderna. Barcelona: Masson.

Moreno Jimenez, B (2007). Psicología de la personalidad: procesos. Ed: Paraninfo.

Pervin, L.A (2014). La ciencia de la personalidad. Ed: Mc GrawHill

Polaino-Lorente. A (2000). Fundamentos de psicología de la personalidad. Ed: Rialp.

Rojas, E. (2002) .¿Quién eres? De la personalidad a la autoestima. Buenos Aires: Planeta.

Sarrais, F. (2012). Personalidad. EUNSA. Navarra, España: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.


Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 13/05/2022 A15 08:00h
  • E2 23/06/2022 A14 10:00h

Teaching and learning material