Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Ethics and Profession

Ethics and Profession
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

Send an email in advance to make an appointment with the lecturer.


Module 1. Introduction to Ethics (10 hours). Ethics is the science that thinks about human conduct and that, ultimately, reflects on the elements to achieve a successful life. This introductory module presents some key concepts in understanding Ethics.

Module 2. Ethics, techno-science and the individual (40 hours). Psychology, which studies an essential dimension of the human being, often involves questions from the field of Philosophical Anthropology. Among these issues, some are especially topical in 21st century society. Here, five are selected for study because of their relevance to the psychologist. Firstly, technology as a human phenomenon, and its profound psychological and sociological implications. Secondly, the relationship between mind and brain, the implications of which go beyond those raised by psychology and neuroscience, to directly affect the conception of human nature. Thirdly, the contemporary debates on the possibility of building conscious machines, which require a reflection on the nature of consciousness and its role in human beings. Fourthly, the debates on the relationship between the notion of free will and the discoveries of neuroscience. And fifthly, the reflection on the experience of corporality in the consumer society.

Module 3. Professional deontology (40 hours). The management of suffering and the development of a mature personality make Psychology a profession where professional ethics are particularly important, which guarantee the professional's maturity and a job well done. The objective of Psychological Deontology is to guarantee professional excellence, defining ethical criteria applied to psychological practice. Thus, the student will be introduced to a series of Deontological Codes regulated by experts, which cover a wide range of behaviours where ethical criteria come

Pre-course requirements



  1. To understand the fundamental concepts of ethics.
  2. To understand the keys to understanding technology as a human phenomenon with anthropological, psychological and sociological implications.
  3. To understand the main theories and paradigms in the approach to the mind-brain problem, as well as its anthropological and philosophical implications.
  4. To understand the conceptual keys of contemporary speculations about the possibility of building conscious machines, as well as their anthropological and philosophical implications.
  5. To understand the conceptual keys of the reflection on the experience of corporeality in the consumer society.
  6. To understand the main ethical codes related to psychological praxis.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB03 - Students must have the ability to bring together and interpret relevant data (normally within their area of study) in order to issue judgements that include a reflection on relevant issues of a social, scientific and ethical nature.
  • CE04 - Know the principles and procedures of psychological intervention.
  • CE15 - The ability to assess the social and anthropological aspects of human beings, taking into account the historical and sociocultural variables that exist in the configuration of the human psyche and interpersonal relations.
  • CG01 - Capacity for critical and creative thinking, and capacity to investigate and adopt a scientific and ethical approach in distinct professional settings.
  • CG03 - The ability to read scientific literature in a critical, well-founded manner, take into account its provenance, situate it within an epistemological framework and identify and contrast its contributions in relation to the disciplinary knowledge available.
  • CG05 - Understanding of the limitations of the psychological analysis of human behaviour and the ability to incorporate concepts and analytical techniques from other disciplines.
  • CT03 - The capacity for analysis and synthesis.
  • CT04 - The capacity to work in a team
  • CT07 - The capacity to learn autonomously
  • CT08 - The ability to put theoretical knowledge into practice

Learning outcomes of the subject

Upon completing this subject, the student:

  • Understands the distinctive features, recognises the fundamental problems, and analyses the epistemological foundations of Psychology as a scientific discipline.
  • Can detect a reductionist view of the human being and criticise a fragmented view of the patient or a reduction of the patient to the pathology.
  • Knows the philosophical and anthropological foundations of the dignity of the human person and knows how to apply them to specific cases in their professional practice.
  • Understands the fundamental structure of the person.
  • Reflects critically on nature and the human condition.
  • Reflects on current issues related to the mind and artificial intelligence.


This subject is divided into three modules:

1. Introduction to Ethics. Dr Andrea Rodríguez Prat

2. Psychology, techno-science and the individual. Dr Gabi Fernández Borsot

  • Technology and Psychology.
  • Consciousness, Machines and People.
  • Neuroscience and Freedom.
  • Body and Psyche.

3. Professional deontology. Dr Patricia Díez Deustua

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The following training activities will be used:

  • MC - Lecture
  • CS - Case study
  • CR - Critical reading
  • ASW - Autonomous study, work and exercises

The following methodologies will be used:

  • TC - Theoretical Class
  • GW - Group Work
  • IW - Individual Work
  • AL - Autonomous Learning
  • DD - Debate and Discussion

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The final grade for the course is obtained from the following components, with the following percentage:

Module 1:

  • Attendance, class participation and class exercises: 20%
  • Final exam: 80%

Module 2:

  • Attendance, class participation and class exercises: 25%
  • Individual work: 15%
  • Group work: 25%
  • Final exam: 35%

Module 3:

  • Attendance, class participation and class exercises:20%
  • Individual work: 25%
  • Group work: 25%
  • Final exam: 30%

 The percentage distribution of each module is as follows:

  • Module 1: 10%
  • Module 2: 45%
  • Module 3: 45%

Additional observations on the evaluation system:

To pass the course it is necessary to obtain a minimum mark of 5 in the final exam and at least a 4 in each block of the subject.

If the practical part is failed in the first sitting, the exam must be done in the second examination period.

In the second examination sitting, an “Honours” mark cannot be obtained, therefore the maximum mark will be “Excellent” (only applicable to students who have been evaluated through the continuous assessment system).

Plagiarism, copying or any other action that may be considered illegal will mean a zero score in assessment section for all those involved. In the case of exams, it will directly result in the immediate failure of the subject.

No changes in the calendar, exam dates or the assessment system are permitted.

Students retaking the subject must undertake all the activities again.

Foreign and exchange students (Erasmus and others) as well as students retaking the subject will be subject to the same conditions as the rest of the student body. This is especially relevant with regard to the calendar, exam dates and the assessment system.

Bibliography and resources

Module 1. Introduction to Ethics

Arregui, Choza, Filosofía del hombre. Una antropología de la intimidad. Madrid: Rialp.

Spaemann, Ética: Cuestiones fundamentales. Pamplona: EUNSA

Yepes (1996), Fundamentos de Antropología. Un ideal de la excelencia humana. Pamplona: EUNSA.


Module 2. Ethics, techno-science, person

Arana, J. (2015). La conciencia inexplicada: Ensayo sobre los límites de la comprensión

naturalista de la mente. Biblioteca Nueva.

Arias, A. (2021). Introducción a la ciencia de la conciencia: El estudio de la experiencia subjetiva

en filosofía, psicología y neurociencias. Catarata.

Corcó, J. (2017). La neuroética como ética fundamental. Pensamiento, 73(276), 569–573 .

Cortina, A. (2017). Humanismo avanzado para una sociedad biotecnológica. Teconté.

Esquirol, J.M. (2012). Los filósofos contemporáneos y la técnica: De Ortega a Sloterdijk. Gedisa.

Mike, F. (1982). The Body in Consumer Culture. Theory, Culture & Society, 1(2),18–33.


Beauregard, M. (2012). Brain wars: The scientific battle over the existence of the mind and the

proof that will change the way we live our lives. HarperCollins.

Eccles, J. (1994). How the SELF Controls Its BRAIN. Springer-Verlag.

Kelly, E. F., Crabtree, A., & Marshall, P. (Eds.) (2015). Beyond physicalism: Toward reconciliation

of science and spirituality. Rowan & Littlefield.

Kelly, E. F., Kelly, E. W., Crabtree, A., Gauld, A., Grosso, M., & Greyson, B. (2007). rreducible mind: Toward a psychology for the 21 st century. Rowan & Littlefield.

Lancaster, B. L. (2004). Approaches to consciousness: The marriage of science and mysticism. Palgrave McMillan.

Nogués, R. M. (2011). Cervell i transcendència. Fragmenta Editorial.

Turkle, S. (2015). Reclaiming conversation: The power of talk in a digital age. Penguin Books.

Ulric Tse, P. (2013). The neural basis of free will: Criterial causation. The MIT Press.


Module 3: Professional deontology

FRANÇA-TARRAGÓ; Manual de Psicoética. Ética para psicólogos y psiquiatras, Desclée de

Brouwer, Bilbao 2012. 

EDICIÓN ANTIGUA: Ética para psicólogos. Introducción a la psicoética, Desclee de Brouwer,

Bilbao, 2001. 

COPC; Código Deontológico del Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Cataluña

COP; Código Deontológico del Psicólogo. 

EFPA; Metacódigo de Ética. 


BERMEJO, C. DEL RÍO, et al.; Ética y deontología para psicólogos, COP, Madrid. 

BLOCH, P. CHODOFF Y S. GREEN; La ética en psiquiatría, Triacastela, Madrid 2001. 

CHAMARRO; Ética del psicólogo, UOC, Barcelona 2011.  

DEL RÍO SÁNCHEZ; Guía de ética profesional en psicología clínica, Pirámide, Madrid 2005. 

PASTOR, C. DEL RÍO SÁNCHEZ, Ética profesional en salud mental: Guía de actuación ético-deontológica y legal en Psicología Clínica y Psiquiatría. Madrid: Pirámide 2018.  


CORRADINI; Elementi di ética e deontología per psicologi. Carocci editore. Roma 2019

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 07/04/2022 P0A06 10:00h
  • E2 29/06/2022 A12 10:00h