Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

International Institutions and Human Rights

International Institutions and Human Rights
Second semester
Human and cultural development
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Appointment by previous e mail to the teacher.


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

This subject is structured in two large blocks: the first focuses on the analysis of international institutions and the second on the study of Human Rights.

The main objective of this course is that the student is able to identify and understand how the international community is organized, distinguish the institutional structures that exist in an increasingly globalized world, where this type of organizations take on a growing role and affect all the territorial levels. Likewise, it is also a main objective that the student knows what Human Rights we have, their conceptualization, historical trajectory and interpretation.

Pre-course requirements

No prerequisite is necessary.


The main objectives are summarized in the following points:

1. Deepen the structure and institutionalization of the international community     

2. Be able to identify and classify the various types of international organizations     

3. Study relevant and concrete examples of international organizations, such as the United Nations and regional organizations, such as the European Union    

4. Analyze the background and historical evolution of Human Rights     

5. Understand the concept of Human Rights 

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • E02 - Ability to use methods and techniques specific to human sciences.
  • E03 - Ability to appropriately use key concepts in the area of culture.
  • E05 - Ability to evaluate social issues linked to cultural diversity.
  • E06 - Awareness of and respect for different points of view resulting from cultural and social diversity.
  • E07 - To acquire knowledge on the different issues and problems of current cultural debate and be aware of their constant change.
  • E20 - Ability to reflect on human-environment interaction and the organisation of the resulting territory.
  • E21 - To master the different levels and functions of language.
  • E24 - Ability to present the results of research project in accordance with the standards of each subject area.
  • E25 - Ability to communicate orally in one's own language and other languages using the terminology and resources accepted in the cultural framework of each language
  • E26 - Ability to read and write texts in one's own language and other languages, as well as transcribe, summarise and categorise pertinent information.
  • E28 - Ability to organise complex cultural information coherently.
  • G02 - To lead, cooordinate and form part of interdisciplinary work teams.
  • G03 - To search for and/or administer economic resources within the framework of an institution or company, or a cultural programmes, project or service.
  • G04 - To know how to communicate, encourage and mediate between the various agents involved in a cultural project, programme or service.
  • G07 - To know how to apply and adapt to new technologies in processes of cultural management, production and dissemination.
  • G08 - Ability to carry out research.
  • G11 - Ability to work in an international context.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Acquisition of vocabulary and key concepts of the subject

Ability to search and select information in specific documentary sources

Ability to develop arguments and synthesis in oral debates and presentations

Ability to perform synthesis of unequal and complex information

Ability to analyze and synthesize the texts used

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The methodology will combine the use of theoretical contents and practical activities, such as the realization of oral and written practices; Individual and collective. Complementary materials will be distributed in class. In class, audiovisual material will be used, as well as written material. Students must work the subject in a continuous way, getting involved, attending class in an active way, through participation.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Final Exam: 50%

Participation in class: 20%

Individual presentation: 30%

The exam must be passed in order to take into consideration the continuous assessments.

Bibliography and resources

DÍEZ DE VELASCO, M., Las Organizaciones Internacionales, 14ª ed., (2ª impr.), Tecnos, Madrid, 2006.

FERNÁNDEZ DE CASADEVANTE ROMANI, C., QUEL, F.J., Las Naciones Unidas y el derecho internacional, Ariel, Barcelona, 1997.

CANESSA, M.F., La protección internacional de los Derechos Humanos, Tirant Lo Blanch, 2008.