Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Introduction to Economy

Introduction to Economy
Second semester
Human and cultural development
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

By appointment with the professor.


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

In this course, we will study concepts and methods that are applied to decision-making and problem-solving in different economic areas. We will approach the decision-making process from different areas within the company and study their economical consequences for the company, especially those that are related to economic balance.


The objective of this course is to transmit technical knowledge, while at the same time, having a strong practical orientation that can be used by students in their future careers. The objective is to develop the students’ capacity to interpret and resolve problems and issues that can be found in companies, treating these problems with rigor and improving the decision-making procedure. This is done by becoming familiar with the use of appropriate tools to analyse and find solutions to these problems. This will be done mainly through the use of appropriate case studies.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • E26 - Ability to read and write texts in one's own language and other languages, as well as transcribe, summarise and categorise pertinent information.
  • G02 - To lead, cooordinate and form part of interdisciplinary work teams.
  • G07 - To know how to apply and adapt to new technologies in processes of cultural management, production and dissemination.
  • G11 - Ability to work in an international context.

Learning outcomes of the subject



1. THE ECONOMIC ORGANISATION. Characteristics and main elements. The Balance principle. The company as an economic agent. Economic benefit. Organisational patterns. Formal and informal economic structures.


M. Friedman The Social Responsability ... friedman1970thesocialresponsibilityofbusinessistoincreaseitsprofits.docx

L'empresa com organització humana. Dimensió explícita i implícita.


2. ORGANIZATIONAL ECONOMICS. The Equlibrium principle. Economic language. Some economic management instruments. Budgets and Balances.

Galería Soler

Escola de Música Armon

3. INCOMES AND COSTS. Types of costs. Differential costs, incomes and benefits. Fixed and variable costs. Opportunity cost.

4. ECONOMIC BALANCE. The concept of Contribution Margin. The Break-even point. Operational risk.

5. PRICE AND PRODUCTION DECISIONS. Full and excess capacity decisions. Operational leverage.

6. INVESTMENTS. The time value of money. The interest rate. The role of Central Banks. Inflation rate. NPV and IRR.

7. DECISION-MAKING IN ECONOMICS. The concept of ‘Rational decision’. Elements of a decision problem. Assessment and action plans. Uncertainty in decision-making. The value of information. Uncertainty and Risk. Expected monetary value.


            Case Electrónica electronica.doc   
            Quo vadis quovadis.cas.doc

8. THE MARKET. Definition of economic sector. Competition. The "Prisioner's dilemma". Trust in decision-making.


Case La decisión de Inglaterra ladecisiondeinglaterra.doc

9. PRODUCTION. Productivity. Work capacity. Work systems.

10. SALARIES. Content of a salary policy. Criteria for determining the salary. Nominal wage. Market salary. Design and analysis of salary policies. Payroll.

Case Eurocultura eurocultura.cas.doc

11. CONTROL SYSTEMS. Economic indicators. Production control. Deviation analysis.

Case Editnova editnova.doc

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Throughout the course, two types of procedures will mainly be used.

1. Presentation of the theory corresponding to each topic in class by the professor.

2. Analysis and discussion of examples of practical cases for each topic.

To take advantage of the class it is completely necessary to come to class very well prepared.


E24 G03 G04 G07 G14 G18 G24 G30

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

  • Class Participation 40%
  • Mid -course exam 10%
  • Final Exam 50%

Bibliography and resources

Basic Readings

-Ariño, M.A. y Maella, P. 2009. Iceberg a la vista: principios para tomar decisiones sin hundirse. Empresa Activa, Barcelona.

-Pastor, A. 2015. La ciencia humilde: Economía para ciudadanos. Editorial Crítica, Barcelona. (4ª edició).

-Pérez López, J.A., Fundamentos de la dirección de empresas, ed. Rialp, Madrid, 1994.

-Porter, M., Estrategia competitiva. Técnicas para el análisis de los sectores industriales y de la competencia, ed. Cecsa, México, 1980.

- Raiffa, H., Introductory Lectures on Choices under Uncertainty, Addison Wesley Publ., Massachusetts. 1968.

- Simon, H.A., Administrative Behavior, The Free Press, New York. 1976.

- Tugores, J. 2015. I després de la crisi, què?, Lleonard Muntaner Editors, Barcelona (existex edició castellana d'aquest llibre).

Complementary Lectures

- Bastons, M., Tomar decisiones. La inevitable cuestión ¿éxito o fracaso?, Ed. Ariel, Barcelona, 2004.

-García-Duran, J.A. 2005. Introducción a la Economía: iniciativa y bienestar. Editorial Ariel, Barcelona. (2ª edició).

-Rosanas, J.M., et a., Contabilidad de costes para toma de decisiones, Ed. Brouwr de Desclée, Bilbao, 1990.

- Tugores, J. 2010. Crisis: lecciones aprendidas ... o no. Editorial Marcial Pons-Fundación Privada Centro de Estudios Internacionales., Barcelona.

Teaching and learning material