Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Urbanismo 2

Urbanismo 2
Primer semestre
Módulo Proyectual
Urbanismo 2
Lengua de impartición principal: inglés

Otras lenguas de impartición: catalán, castellano


The communication between professors and students will be through their UIC email.

Personal meetings with professors outside of class hours will be subject to prior appointment through e-mail.


COURSE COORDINATOR: Dr. Carmen Mendoza Arroyo

COURSE PROFESSORS: Dr. Pere Vall Casas, Dr. Marta Benages, Anna Gutierrez, Dr. Carmen Mendoza Arroyo



The Urban Design 2 course is a starting point for students towards designing at an urban scale. The course is based on a continuous dialectical connection between theory and practice that guides students toward developing a defined proposal for residential development. It conveys to the student that the analysis and planning of an urban sector should be accompanied by reflecting on the fact that the residential project is the starting point for addressing broader aspects of the city. The proposal for the new residential development must be integrated into the local identity, context, uses, and its architecture. The course introduces urban development plans and composition concepts by analyzing residential projects’ location and urban planning culture models. The neighborhoods designed through the course must constitute a new generation of housing developments that delve into social aspects and climate design considerations. 

Requisitos previos

Students can only take Urban Design 2 once they have passed Urban Design 1.


  1. To provide students with a method for designing at an urban scale. This method is characterized by integrating an inter-scalar analysis (city to sector) of the intervention site and the urban design proposal.
  2. To provide students with the tools and criteria to intervene and understand a specific urban context and design a proposal for the organizational structure of a new residential development at different drawing scales (1/5000, 1/2000, 1/1000, 1/500, 1/250). The project also includes designing the minimum unit of repetition, exploring in depth the building typology and its ground floor design on a scale of 1:1/000 to 1:500.
  3. To introduce new knowledge about concepts, basic dimensions, and reference models to design a roadway system, a public space system, and an urban fabric (from block to typology).
  4. To have students incorporate contemporary issues into the design of their neighborhood’s plan, such as the principles of diversity (uses, typologies, and social mix), identity (civic areas, unique features, etc.), inclusion (gender perspective, accessibility); sustainability (footpaths, public transport, services, etc.) and climate design (orientation, sustainable urban drainage, etc.) to create conditions for urban quality.

Competencias/Resultados de aprendizaje de la titulación

  • 37 - Aptitud para elaborar programas funcionales de edificios y espacios urbanos.
  • 42 - Aptitud para catalogar el patrimonio edificado y urbano y planificar su protección.
  • 45-T - Capacidad para diseñar y ejecutar trazados urbanos y proyectos de urbanización, jardinería y paisaje.
  • 46 - Capacidad para aplicar normas y ordenanzas urbanísticas.
  • 47-T - Capacidad para elaborar estudios medioambientales, paisajísticos y de corrección de impactos ambientales.
  • 51 - Conocimiento adecuado de los métodos de estudio de las necesidades sociales, la calidad de vida, la habitabilidad y los programas básicos de vivienda.
  • 52 - Conocimiento adecuado de la ecología, la sostenibilidad y los principios de conservación de recursos energéticos y medioambientales.
  • 53 - Conocimiento adecuado de las tradiciones arquitectónicas, urbanísticas y paisajísticas de la cultura occidental, así como de sus fundamentos técnicos, climáticos, económicos, sociales e ideológicos.
  • 55 - Conocimiento adecuado de la relación entre los patrones culturales y las responsabilidades sociales del arquitecto.
  • 57 - Conocimiento adecuado de la sociología, teoría, economía e historia urbanas.
  • 58 - Conocimiento adecuado de los fundamentos metodológicos del planeamiento urbano y la ordenación territorial y metropolitana.
  • 59 - Conocimiento adecuado de los mecanismos de redacción y gestión de los planes urbanísticos a cualquier escala.
  • 60 - Conocimiento de la reglamentación civil, administrativa, urbanística, de la edificación y de la industria relativa al desempeño profesional.
  • 61 - Conocimiento del análisis de viabilidad y la supervisión y coordinación de proyectos integrados.

Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignatura


At the end of this course, students should be capable of:

_Be familiar with and apply the scaled method of urban planning to a residential project.

_Conducted a propositional analysis of integrated urban strategies on a scale of 1:5000.

_Analyze the structural elements of residential development from a critical and propositional viewpoint of in situ models and case studies: buildings, road networks, open spaces, and facilities.

_Plan a residential development by putting into practice the urban analysis and urban design tools to design a masterplan at a scale of 1:2,000, including its systems (road network, public spaces, and urban fabric) within the hierarchy and continuity of the existing environment.

_Design the minimum unit of repetition of the residential development at a scale of 1:1,000, and work on urban relationships at the ground floor level and urban sections at a scale of 1:500.

_Design and define the residential complex's public spaces and unique features at a scale of 1:500 and establish the basic criteria for the urban development of streets and pedestrian pathways at a scale of 1:200.


1. Urban methodology at a neighborhood scale. Theoretical basis. Urbanism as a discipline organizes all the functions of collective life in the city and country. The inter-scaler approach in the residential project. Thematic urban analysis. Structural proposal: Establish a strategy for intervention that integrates urban layers and distinguishing parts. Master plan proposal. Residential group.

2. Social and ecological urbanism: Understand and integrate the natural and urban systems.  Sustainable concepts and tools: walkability, compactness, diversity, connectedness. Qualitative research methods: surveys, interviews, and social maps. Methods and good examples of sustainable neighborhoods. Climate design principles and parameters. Orientation, solar benefits, vegetation, local materials and maintenance, and water management cycle.

3. Roadway design principles. A hierarchical system is an element that structures the urban form. The distinction between a vehicle road and an urban itinerary. The design of a road in relationship to the landscape, circulations, connectivity, the importance of the topography, and accessibility. Models of basic roadway structures. Types of roads and their transversal and cross sections. Regulations and dimensions for mobility: private transport, public transport, bicycles. Criteria for urbanization integrated with the roadway project: lights, pavement, Sustainable urban drainage, sidewalks, trees, and urban furniture.

4. Open space systems and facilities. Civic grids. The public space and the construction of the city. _Design strategies for neighborhood public spaces: a network of open spaces coherent and functional to the context. _The public spaces and the architectural space: the relationship between open spaces and ground floor uses. The gradient of open spaces: private, semi-private, public spaces, diversity of scale, and their position. Dimensions and cross sections. _The open spaces and public facilities. The diverse civic and commercial uses. Architecture is defined as a public space. 


5. The residential project and housing. The diverse forms of housing in the modern city. From the linear block to the single-family house. The open bloc as an urban unit of repetition: the open spaces and the civic use. The basic unit of repetition in a neighborhood, complex morphologies, and transition spaces. Formal and functional guidelines for a neighborhood design that is contextual and inclusive, diverse, sustainable, and with its own identity. The block as the basic composition of a neighborhood: types of blocks, distribution of the built and open spaces, dimensions and cross-sections, limits, and accesses. The spaces of connectivity, the complementary uses, and their location. The urban form and the construction of an image for the neighborhood. The residential type: design criteria, accesses, ventilation, and orientation.


Metodología y actividades formativas

Modalidad totalmente presencial en el aula

Urbanism 2 teaching is developed in a continuous workshop format where theoretical and practical learning is integrated through two interrelated parts:

Theory Workshop. Its objective is to provide theoretical content, concepts, models, and urban design tools to develop the residential project of the Design Workshop. Theoretical sessions are supplemented with specific practical exercises by analyzing real examples in which they learn from the thematic layers (roadway system, open spaces, urban fabric) following the contents taught in the theory sessions.  The exercises are developed in class.

The theory sessions include the following lectures:


Class 1. The urban housing projects. Introduction and methodology

Class 2. Urban design, participation, and identity

Class 3.  The Road Network Project

Class 4. The system of public and community spaces. 

Class 5. The residential building project.

Class 6. Urban Design in Practice


The urban design workshop puts the knowledge acquired in the theory workshop into practice in a specific case. The site to develop the new residential development is in an existing urban void which brings to the classroom the

Urban Design Workshop. Its objective is for the students to design a neighborhood through the following phases:

●      Study and analysis of the area at 1/5000 and 1/2000 scale.

●      Urban structure proposal of the new neighborhood connected to city systems at 1/5000 scale.

●      Masterplan at 1/2000 scale and sections at 1/1000 scale.

●      Design of the ground floor and public spaces at 1/1000 scale and sections at 1/500 scale.

●      Design of the residential unit at 1/500 scale and sections at 1/200 scale.

●      Design of the most relevant streets at 1/200 scale.





Class exhibition

35-T 37 42 45-T 46 47-T 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61


Class participation

35-T 37 42 45-T 46 47-T 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61


Clase practice

35-T 37 42 45-T 46 47-T 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61



35-T 37 42 45-T 46 47-T 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61


Individual or group study

35-T 37 42 45-T 46 47-T 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61






The theory workshop takes place during the first six weeks of the course, and the design workshop is developed throughout the course.



Clase expositiva
35-T 37 42 45-T 46 47-T 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61 0,67
Clase participativa
35-T 37 42 45-T 46 47-T 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61 0,67
Clase práctica
35-T 37 42 45-T 46 47-T 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61 0,67
35-T 37 42 45-T 46 47-T 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61 0,75
Estudio individual o en grupo
35-T 37 42 45-T 46 47-T 51 52 53 54 57 58 59 60 61 2,75

Sistemas y criterios de evaluación

Modalidad totalmente presencial en el aula

The evaluation will be continuous, and the ability to express the contents corresponding to each of the phases of the Design Workshop in a synthetic and ordered way will be assessed. The assimilation of the theoretical contents, the reference models, and the instrumental bases provided by the Theory Workshop and its application to the residential project of the Design Workshop will be especially considered.

The evaluation will be continuous based on the student’s capacity to express the contents of each work phase, both the theoretical workshop and the urban design workshop in a synthetic and organized way.

The Design Workshop evaluation represents 80% of the final grade. This deliverable takes into consideration the design process, and the two intermediate pin-ups are evaluated to give the students an assessment of how they are evolving in the course. 

The evaluation of the Theory Workshop represents 20% of the final grade. This grade is made up by the assignments of the theory workshop and the final theoretical exam.

The final grade of the course will be made up by the average of these two deliverables, you must have a passing grade in both in order to average.

Deliverables with Grade



Theory workshop assignments

10 %


Theory exam

10 %


Average of the Theory workshop and Theory exam



Final submission Design workshop





100 %


It is considered essential for passing the subject:

  • Attendance at workshops. Absences will always have to be justified and can never exceed 15% of the course attendance. If this condition is not met, the student will not be able to continue the course.
  • Deliver all the exercises of the Theory Workshop and have a passing grade of the theoretical exam.

Deliver and approve all the exercises of the Design Workshop.

Bibliografía y recursos


CARRACEDO, O.; MENDOZA, C.: VALL, P. LAU I. Del buit a la diversitat. Barcelona: Edicions UIC, 2009. BENÉVOLO, L.; et alt. La proyectación de la ciudad moderna. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, 2000.

MARTINEZ, D. “Fichas descriptivas de elementos urbanísticos (tipologías residenciales, equipamientos, edificios terciarios y comerciales)”.


BUSQUETS, J. Barcelona: evolución urbanística de una capital compacta. Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal, 2004.

BUSQUETS, J. Ciudades X formas: una nueva mirada hacia el proyecto urbanístico. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard University Graduate School of Design, 2006.

JACOBS, J. The death and life of great American cities. New York: Random House, 1961.

JORNET, Sebastià; LLOP, Carles. Reciclatge urbà, desigualtats socials i problemàtiques urbanes. Inclòs a Quaderns PDU metropolità núm.4. Edita Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB). ISSN 2339-8914 (paper). ISSN 2339-8922 (digital). Barcelona, 2014.

KOMOSSA,S; MEYER,H. RISSELDA, M (Eds.). Atlas of the Dutch Urban Block. Bussum : THOTH Publishers,  2005.

MARTÍ ARÍS, C. (Ed.). Las formas de la residencia en la ciudad moderna. Barcelona: Ediciones UPC, 2000.

PIÑON,H. Teoría del proyecto. Barcelona: Edicions UPC, 2006.

SABATÉ, Joaquim, COROMINAS, Miquel y SOTOCA, Adolf. Plans molt especials. Barcelona. Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya, Demarcació de Barcelona, DL 2005.

SOLÀ-MORALES, M.  De coses urbanes. Barcelona: Gustavo Gilli, 2008.

TALEN, E. Design for Diversity. Exploring socially mixed neighborhoods. Oxford: Architectural Press, 2008.

SOLÀ-MORALES, M. et alt. El projecte Urbà. Una experiencia docent. Barcelona:  Edicions UPC, 1999.

SOLÀ-MORALES, M. et alt. El projecte Urbà. Una experiencia docent. Barcelona:  Edicions UPC, 1999.

SOLÀ-MORALES, M.. Eix Macià. Una experiència de centre metropolità. Sabadell: CODEM, 1995 Geometria (1992), núm. 14.

UNWIN, R. La práctica del urbanismo. Una introducción al arte de proyectar ciudades y Barrios. Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, 1984.




BUCHANAN, Colin D. El tráfico en las ciudades. Madrid : Tecnos, 1973. Traffic in towns. Londres: H.M.S.O., 1963.

BOAGA, Giorgio. Diseño de tráfico y forma urbana. Barcelona: G.Gili, 1977.

LYNCH, K. The view from the road. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1966.

McCLUSKEY, J.  El diseño de vías urbanas. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1985.

ROCA,E;, MÒDOL, D.; FRANCO,M. El projecte de l'espai viari. Barcelona : Edicions UPC, 2004.


AD. Europe City. Lessons from the European Prize for Urban Public Space. Edita CCCB - Lars Müller Publishers. Barcelona, 2015. ISBN: 978-3-03778-474-7.

Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona Espai Public. Barcelona:  Ajuntament de Barcelona, 1993.

ASHIHARA, Y. El diseño de espacios exteriores. Barcelona: G. Gili, 1982.

BORJA, J.; MUXI, Z. El espacio público: ciudad y ciudadanía. Barcelona: Diputació de Barcelona, 2003.

HAYDEN, D. The Power of Place. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1997.

MASSEY, D. Space, Place and Gender. NED-New edition, University of Minnesota Press, 1994.

WHYTE, W. The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. Conservation Foundation, 1980.


FARR, Douglas. Sustainable urbanism. Urban design with nature. Hoboken (NJ): Willey & Sons, 2008.

JORNET-LLOP-PASTOR arquitectes. "Capítol 04. Directrius i mesures per a la sostenibilitat ambiental" de l’Annex instrumental per a la redacció dels Plans Directors i les Àrees Residencials Estratègiques. 2008. Pàgines 35-62.


SOLANAS, Toni; CALATAYUD, Dani; CLARET, Coque. 34 Kg de CO2. Edita Departament de Medi ambient i habitatge de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona, abril de 2009. Capítol 8D.