
Media Companies

  • code 10075
  • course 3
  • term Semester 1
  • type OB
  • credits 6

Main language of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Head instructor

Alejandro SALMON -

Office hours

Via e-mail.




Media Companies is a compulsory subject for 6 ECTS, taught in semester 5 of the Journalism Degree. This course aims to provide a theoretical and practical view of the news organization at different levels and in their environment.

The aim is that the students know the structure and organization of the company, to empower future integration as a professional, either in self-employment or exercising leadership positions.

Pre-course requirements

No pre-course required.


  • Understanding the basics of the media company.
  • Meet with the external and internal factors that influence the creation and management of media companies.
  • Identify the types of media companies, acquiring the knowledge to interpret the differences in the organization of the three levels that are classified.
  • Understand the uniqueness of the management of human and technical resources to the release of information as to the object of economic value.
  • Identify innovative trends of informative business environment.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 09 CG - The ability to innovate
  • 13 CG - Positive and entrepreneurial spirit
  • 14 CE - The ability to plan technical and human resources
  • 19 CE - The ability to elaborate a budget for a journalistic project.
  • 20 CE - The ability to plan and carry out journalistic projects
  • 23 CE - The ability to contextualize and critically analyze mass media products
  • 33 CE - Knowledge and mastery of financing systems of different communication media

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • To have an overview of the business world and specifically the media company.
  • Understanding the factors involved in the development of information products.
  • Being able to plan the necessary resources to implement journalistic projects.
  • Know the strategies that guide the news industry, from large media corporations to entrepreneurs who launch their own project.
  • Follow the latest trends in the field of media company.


The course addresses the three levels at which the business of communication develops itself: field macro, meso and micro; first defining the characteristics of the sector as a whole and then systematizing the essential factors of enterprises framed in each one of these levels.


They will address the contextual information companies:

  • Outline of company. Typology. Accounting Concepts. Budgeting and control.
  • Origin of media companies, types and evolution.
  • The media company in the market environment. Regulation. Funding. The new multimedia environment. Technological and business convergence.
  • External Determinants of information organization: Politics, society, competition.
  • Internal Constraints. Ownership (public or private) .CULTURE business. Social objectives. Volume.
  • The organization of the information company property; address; production; marketing; sale; human resources. Leadership and innovation.

"Las macroempresas informativas" 

  • Definition and characterization.
  • Multinational corporations. State corporations. Catalan companies.
  • Business structure. Peculiarities in the organization and management. Funding (family groups, the bag); the market (adaptation to international, national or local level); Charts: managing complexity.

"Las mesoempreses informativas" 

  • Definition and specific characterization.
  • Business structure: Limited and cooperatives. Specific business model. Opportunities and challenges.
  • Organization and management, according to location in the value chain.
  • Professional profiles.

"Las microempresas informativas"

  • The new labor market
  • Self-employment of the journalist, typology of companies
  • New services, innovation, tools and resources


Case Study (Ismael Nafría)

Professor Ismael Nafría, journalist and consultant specialized in digital media, will expose the digital transformation of informative companies through specific cases, whose contextual study will enrich the different contents worked during the course

            AC Projecte final Grups Comunicació acfinalgrupscomunicacio.pptx 
            Corporate Strategies doyle_g_corporate_strategies_understanding_media_economics.pdf 
            Guió i bibliografia treball final avaluaciocontinua_final_guio_grupscomunicacio_bibliografia.docx 
            La era de los conglomerados multimedia laeradelosconglomeradosmultimedia.pdf 
            Mora Figueroa CTC morafigueroa_ctc_evolucion.pdf 
            Mora Figueroa Mercado Global morafigueroaelmercadoglobaldelacomunicacion.pdf 

            Direcció de Recursos humans empresadireccioiorganitzaciorrhhgrafics.pptx 
            Dossier futur empreses TV dossierfuturtv.pdf 
            Esquema bàsic de producció i com rendibilitzar els continguts esquemabasicdeproduccioicomrendibilitzarelscontinguts.ppt 
            Excel exemple compte explotació Business Plan exemplecompteexplotacioprojecteempresa.xls 
            Exercici Taller Comptabilitat Produccions Audiovisuals SL empresatallerexercicicomptabilitat2produccionsaudiovisuals.pptx 
            Fonts decisions marketing empresa TV empresatallerfontsdecisionsmarketingtv.pptx 
            Gràfics empreses ràdio tv i premsa classe empresesradioitelevisiografics.pptx 
            KPI i presa de decisions kpiipresadedecisions.pptx 
            Organigrama organització empreses informatives empresaorganigrama.pptx 
            Osterwalder empresasetmana11tallerdetecciodafoosterwealder.pptx 
            Taller Estratègies Integració Ràdio Espanya taller_estrategies_integracio_radio.docx 

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Coaching. Monitoring how students learn the content of the subject, either individually or in groups. In the coaching sessions, mistakes will be corrected, queries answered, and exercises and activities to achieve the established objectives will be suggested.
Seminar. This activity will consist of taking an in-depth look at specific up-to-date topics in a monographic manner-in some cases these topics will have been debated socially-, via active work in small groups.
Meeting Point. Meetings will be organised with notable people from the professional and scientific fields or the international field, and students. These sessions will take the form of conferences, work sessions, discussions, or interviews, etc.
Practical workshop. A highly practical working activity, where students can acquire skills that are practical or also theoretical (intellectual skills, logical skills, critical skills, intellectual learning skills, study skills, quoting skills, etc).
Lectures. In lectures, lecturers/professors not only transmit content or knowledge, but also, and above all else, attitudes, motivation, skills and values, etc. They also ensure that participants can express their opinions and arguments to the other students.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The different learning activities are raised in order to achieve the objectives and competencies outlined above. In order to assess that achievement, the following criteria have been established:

  • Examination of the theoretical contents and bibliography (50% of the final grade)
  • Practical activities (50% of the final grade)

Students must pass both parts.

Regarding the second call, attendance is not mandatory. The student will be able to choose:
- 100% exam mark
- 50% exam 50% continuous assessment of this course

Depending on the rules of the faculty, the assessment will always include a part of spell check. We will have to pass this level in order to pass each exam or practice.

Final Exam
Individual Work
Groupal Work

Bibliography and resources


GALAN, J. (COORD.); AGUADO, G.; CARO, F.J.; MANFREDI, J.L. (2017), Empresa informativa XXI. Planificación estratégica. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis.

MORA-FIGUEROA, BORJA. (2009), El mercado global de la comunicación. Pamplona: EUNSA. 

DE MATEO PEREZ, ROSARIO; BERGES SAURA, LAURA; SABATER CASALS, MARTA. (2009), Gestión de empresas de comunicación . Sevilla: Editorial Comunicación Social.

GARCÍA SANTAMARÍA, J.V. (2016), Los grupos multimedia españoles. Análisis y estrategias. Barcelona. UOC 

LEGORBURU HORTELANO, J.M. (Coord.) 2013. Modelos de convergencia de medios en España I. Madrid: CEU Ediciones

MEDINA LAVERÓN, MERCEDES. (2011), Estructura y gestión de empresas audiovisuales . Pamplona: EUNSA 

NAFRÍA, ISMAEL (2017), La reinvención del The New York Times. Austin. Centro Knight para el periodismo en las Américas de la Universidad de Texas

PARDO, ALEJANDRO. (2014), Fundamentos de producción y gestión de proyectos audiovisuales. Pamplona: EUNSA.

YUSTE, B.; CABRERA, M. (2014), Emprender en periodismo. Barcelona. Editorial UOC


ARNAL LOSILLA, JOSÉ CARLOS (Ed.) 2003. Creación de empresa: los mejores textos. Barcelona: Ariel. 

ARNANZ, CARLOS M. 2002. Negocios de televisión. Barcelona: GEDISA. 

ARRESE, ANGEL (Coord.) 2003. Empresa informativa y mercados de la comunicación. Pamplona, EUNSA.

BUSTAMANTE, ENRIQUE. (2004). La televisión económica. Barcelona: GEDISA. 

CAC (2009). Quaderns del CAC. 31.32. Convergència tecnològica i audiovisual. Barcelona.

CAMPA PLANAS, F. (2009), Guía práctica para la creación de empresas. Tarragona: Publicacions Universitat Rovira i Virgili.

COLOM, RAMON. 2006. La indústria de la televisió. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

CUBELLS, MARIOLA. 2006. ¿Quién cocina la televisión que vemos? Barcelona: Carroggio. 

DIVERSOS AUTORES. “Tiempos de incertidumbre para los medios de comunicación. Debates del curso 2008/2009.” 2009. Madrid: Nueva Economía Fórum. Foro de la Nueva Comunicación.

HENDRICKS, JOHN ALLEN. 2011. The twenty-first-century media industry. Lanham: Lexington Books.

NIETO, A.; IGLESIAS, F. 1993. Empresa informativa. Barcelona: Ariel. Ariel Comunicación

OSTERWALDER, A. (2011), Generación de modelos de negocio. Barcelona: Deusto.

POBLACIÓN J.I. ; GARCÍA-ALONSO, P. (1997) “Organización y gestión de las empresas informativas” MADRID: CIE. 

RUIZ GONZÁLEZ,M. (2001), Dirección de la empresa informativa. Madrid: Paraninfo. 

SALAVERRIA, RAMON; NEGREDO, SAMUEL. 2008 Periodismo integrado. Convergencia de medios y reorganización de redacciones. Barcelona: Editorial Sol 90.

SANCHEZ-TABERNERO, ALFONSO. (2000), Dirección estratégica de empresas de comunicación. Madrid: Cátedra.

Teaching and learning material

            A AC GALÁN,J. Nueva configuración industria informativa empresainformativaxxi.nuevaconfiguraciondelaindustriainformativa..pdf 
            A Avaluació Contínua Empresa reptes entorn digital aavaluaciocontinuaempresa.reptesdigitalempresesinformatives.docx 
            B Avaluació contínua. Estats financers avaluaciocontinuabempresa.estatsfinancers.docx 
            B Avaluació contínua Medina Laverón estados financieros medina_laveron_estados_financieros.pdf 
            C Anàlisi comptes Atresmedia Mediaset avaluaciocontinuac.analisiestatsfinancersmediasetatresmedia.docx 
            Cuentas anuales SER COPE ONDA CERO cuentasanualessercopeondacero2015.pdf 
            D Avaluació contínua empresa màrqueting tv davaluaciocontinua.departamentmarquetingempresatv.docx 
            D Avaluació contínua empresa màrqueting tv De Mateo Gestión empresa TV demateomktgempresatv.pdf 
            D Kantar Media audiencias TV septiembre 17 tvinformeaudienciaskantar-170930.pdf 
            E Avaluació contínua organització empreses i presa de decisions avaluaciocontinuae.organitzacioidireccioempresaaudiovisual.docx 
            E Dirección y toma decisiones Media Laverón direccionytomadecisionesempresaaudiovisualmedianlaveron.pdf 
            E Esquema del conflicte empresa editora sindicats empresarrhhtallernegociacio.pptx 
            H Bibliografia i fonts grups avaluaciocontinuah.grupscomunicaciobibliografiaespecificaifonts.docx 
            Modelos de negocio dosier-evoca-06-modelos-de-negocio.pdf 
            PWC Media Outlook 2017 2021 Spain pwcentertainmentandmediaoutlookespana-2017-20211.pdf 
            Strategic management. Convergence strategic_management_in_the_media_convergence_and_its.pdf 
            Strategic management Media Convergence mediaconvergence.pdf 
            Emprender en periodismo 
            Emprender en periodismo 
            Emprendre BCN Activa 
            Formes jurídiques d'empresa 
            Informe anual profesión periodística APM 2016 
            Informe semestral Atresmedia 
            Informe semestral Mediaset 
            Informe sobre noves oportunitats d'ocupació 
            La radio en España 2016. Anuario SGAE 
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