
Prácticas Externas

  • code 11663
  • course 1
  • term Anual
  • type PR
  • credits 14

Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff


The Official University Master in Legal, Forensic and Criminological Psychopathology of the International University of Catalonia (UIC) tests through its academic program and through the deepening in the specialty of the discipline of psychopathology applied to the forensic and judicial scope, that the student reaches the skills, abilities and professional skills in clinical, forensic, legal and criminological matters that demand the current and future demand of professionals related to the field of mental health and legal, forensic and criminological sciences.

Pre-course requirements

The prerequisites are the general requirements of the Official Master's Degree in Legal, Forensic and Criminological Psychopathology of the International University of Catalonia (UIC).


The aim of the external internships is to develop the practice of the discipline and provide the students with the necessary experience in direct contact with the field of intervention, in order to effectively, and efficiently develop the functions and professional competencies.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CT1 - Adecuar el lenguaje y la forma de comunicar, en forma oral o por escrito, a los conocimientos científico-técnicos psicopatológico-forenses y/o jurídicos en relación con aspectos psicopatológicos en el ámbito jurídico.
  • CT2 - Evaluar e interpretar documentos con relevancia jurídico-penal relativos a aspectos psicopatológicos (sentencias, autos, informes médico-forenses y periciales).
  • CT3 - Aplicar las categorías jurídicas abstractas a casos concretos, de forma que se relacionen adecuadamente los conocimientos científico-técnicos y jurídicos en la materia.
  • CB4 - Que los estudiantes sepan comunicar sus conclusiones -y los conocimientos y razones últimas que las sustentan- a públicos especializados y no especializados de un modo claro y sin ambigüedades.
  • CB5 - Que los estudiantes posean las habilidades de aprendizaje que les permitan continuar estudiando de un modo que habrá de ser en gran medida autodirigido o autónomo.
  • CE7 - Aplicar los conocimientos avanzados de psicopatología forense a la evaluación psicopatológica en el ámbito penitenciario y a la intervención en el servicio de asesoramiento técnico de familia.
  • CG1 - Describir, identificar, reconocer y clasificar los conceptos de la psicopatología aplicada al ámbito forense y responder sobre qué, quién, cómo, cuándo, dónde y porqué del caso objeto de estudio en el ámbito forense.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The subject directly relates to the practice of the profession and, therefore, the completion of the subject must ensure that the student has the necessary knowledge in their future work because of the learning received during the Practicum.


The subject comprises two blocks of practice centers (A and B). Each student must do internships in a center of each block (7 credits in each center), or what is the same, each student will do internships in two different centers. In Block A the practices are carried out in the Institute of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Catalonia (IMLCFC), in the Service of Technical Advice in the Family Field (EATAF), in the Quatre Camins Prison, Brians 1 ( UHPP) and Brians 2 and in the Els Til·lers Educational Center. In block B the practices are carried out in the acute unit of the Duran i Reynals Hospital (Hèstia), and in different private cabinets (Dr. Ortega-Monasterio, Dr. Romacho and Dr. Borràs).

Chapter  informe (a rellenar por el tutor/a)

Chapter  Memoria (a rellenar por el alumno/a)

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The compulsory subject of 14 credits (about 250-300 hours) that corresponds to the Practicum is developed directly in centers with which the International University of Catalonia (UIC) signs teaching collaboration agreements. The main objective of the Practicum is that the student has direct contact and experience with the application of clinical psychopathology in the field of forensic, criminological, legal and legal sciences.

Bibliography and resources

To consult according to the case, depending on each one of the tutors of the different practices.

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