
Fundamentos Psicopatológicos, Psicométricos y Jurídicos

  • code 11667
  • course 1
  • term Semester 1
  • type OB
  • credits 6

Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Head instructor

Lc. Jordi LÓPEZ -

Office hours

Prof. Jordi López: 



In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

Within the framework of the Official University Master in Legal, Forensic and Criminological Psychopathology, of the International University of Catalonia (UIC), this compulsory subject is placed at the beginning of the first semester.

In this way, it is considered a fundamental introductory course to equip students with general and specific knowledge of an advanced nature that allows learning and the adequate assimilation of the competences of the other subjects. Specifically, it is intended:

• Provide advanced knowledge about the forensic field and the expertise that students should acquire as a basis for the rest of the subjects.

• Complement and relate the advanced knowledge of the different areas of knowledge according to the origin formation of the students.

• Deepen the specific knowledge required to develop their professional work in the forensic field, according to their background.

Pre-course requirements



The student must (1) acquire the fundamental concepts applied in Forensic Medicine, Legal and Penitentiary Psychiatry; (2) enter into the methodological bases of forensic examination; (3) assimilate the foundations in the forensic psychological evaluation of the different expert areas; (4) know how to apply, from the forensic point of view, which psychological and psychopathological assessment instruments are pertinent and specific according to the existing casuistry and/or the jurisprudential appreciation of the same.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB1 - Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en el desarrollo y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación.
  • CE2 - Identificar e integrar los conocimientos especializados de los ámbitos forense, psicopatológico y jurídico, constituyendo un corpus de conocimiento multidisciplinar aplicado a la valoración psicopatológica pericial.
  • CG1 - Describir, identificar, reconocer y clasificar los conceptos de la psicopatología aplicada al ámbito forense y responder sobre qué, quién, cómo, cuándo, dónde y porqué del caso objeto de estudio en el ámbito forense.
  • CT1 - Adecuar el lenguaje y la forma de comunicar, en forma oral o por escrito, a los conocimientos científico-técnicos psicopatológico-forenses y/o jurídicos en relación con aspectos psicopatológicos en el ámbito jurídico.
  • CT2 - Evaluar e interpretar documentos con relevancia jurídico-penal relativos a aspectos psicopatológicos (sentencias, autos, informes médico-forenses y periciales).
  • CT3 - Aplicar las categorías jurídicas abstractas a casos concretos, de forma que se relacionen adecuadamente los conocimientos científico-técnicos y jurídicos en la materia.


Chapter 1 Fundamentos en metodología y ética pericial
      1.0 Docente: Esperanza Gómez Durán, José R. Agustina

Chapter 2 Fundamentos en Medicina y Psiquiatría Legal y Forense
      2.0 Docentes: Carles Martín Fumadó, Esperanza Gómez Durán

Chapter 3 Fundamentos en Psicología Forense
      3.0 Docente: Jordi López Miquel

Chapter 4 Medidas penales alternativas
      4.0 Docente: Susana Mohino

Chapter 5 Fundamentos en Psiquiatría Penitenciaria
      5.0 Docente: Vicenç Tort

Chapter 6 Trastornos de la personalidad, patología dual y criminalidad
      6.0 Docente: Álvaro Muro

Chapter 7 Prueba pericial psicopatológica y su valoración judicial
      7.0 Docente: José R. Agustina
      7.1 Lectura reflexiva de documentación jurídica real de un proceso penal (caso del brote psicótico en el balcón)
      7.2 Orientaciones para el trabajo en equipo para la defensa oral de un informe pericial. Práctica en la Sala de Vistas: interrogatorio a los peritos.
      7.3 Visionado comentado de la grabación del juicio y comentario reflexivo de la sentencia. Discusión del caso.
      7.4 Sobre la valoración judicial y el tratamiento jurisprudencial de las pruebas periciales psicopatológicas

Chapter 8 Evaluación psicométrica
      8.0 Docentes: Jordi López Miquel, Susana Mohino, Josep M. Roig
      8.1 Evaluación de la inteligencia
      8.2 Evaluación de personalidad y psicopatología
      8.3 Evaluación cognitiva y neuropsicológica
      8.4 Evaluación de la simulación
      8.6 Taller sobre instrumentos psicométricos en el ámbito forense: casos prácticos (MCMI)
      8.7 Taller sobre instrumentos psicométricos en el ámbito forense: casos prácticos (MMPI)

Chapter 9 Técnicas cualitativas en evaluación de menores: tests gráficos y proyectivos
      9.0 Docente: Teresa Pont

Chapter 10 Evaluación de la psicopatía y el riesgo de violencia
      10.0 Docente: Àngel Cuquerella

Chapter 11 Técnicas cualitativas en evaluación de menores: la entrevista
      11.0 Docente: Àngel Mesegué

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The methodology that will be used allows and facilitates the student's active participation:

• Theoretical classes in which the content exhibition will be developed, clarifying any doubts that may arise during the course. It is considered convenient for the student, to attend the sessions having previously read the topics that will be present next in the classroom, the ones available on the web page of the master's degree and the ones that the teacher will indicate.

• Practical classes (workshops), in which clinical sessions of a comment of cases and practical exercises will be developed.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

1. Attendance to class. A minimum of 80% of attendance to face-to-face sessions will be required in order to be evaluated and satisfactorily pass the subject. With a global attendance average of less than 80% but more than 60%, the coordinating teacher of the subject may require the student, as a requisite to be able to access to be evaluated, the performance of some work or additional proficiency practice. In no case, with an average class attendance of less than 60%, no student can be evaluated and the subject is considered not passed and must attend the second call.

2. Continuous evaluation. 15% of the final grade will come from the evaluation of works or practices related to the contents of the subject that will be indicated. Such work or practices must be presented in advance of the exam on the date indicated by the respective professors, and the contents taught by such professors will not be evaluated in the final exam.

3. Work or final exam of the subject. The remaining 85% of the final grade will be obtained from an objective test type test. This test will consist of 30 questions about theoretical contents taught in the subject (except for the contents that have been the object of practice or work). Each question will include a statement and four response options (a, b, c, d), of which only one will be correct. The errors will not compute negatively. To pass the test, it will be required to answer correctly at least 60% of the questions asked (18 out of 30).

The final test type test may refer to any aspect of the BASIC contents of the subject, regardless of whether it has been explicitly explained or explained by the teachers during the classes, as long as it forms part of the materials used during the classes (PowerPoint) or for the materials made available to the students in the time interval between the teaching session and the evaluation session. The COMPLEMENTARY contents will not be subject of examination.

Bibliography and resources

The teachers will make available to the students in the corresponding sections the necessary study and consultation materials. 

As a general bibliography of the subject, the following is suggested:

  • Clemente, M. (coord.): Fundamentos de la psicología jurídica. Pirámide, 1994.
  • Clemente, M.: Psicología jurídica. Una ciencia emergente explicativa del derecho. Pirámide, 2010.
  • Clemente, M.: Fundamentos y principios de psicología jurídica. Pirámide, 2011.
  • Garrido, E.; Masip, J.; Herrero, Mª. C. (coords): Psicología jurídica. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006.
  • Jarne, A.; Aliaga, Á. (comps.): Manual de neuropsicología forense. Herder, 2010.
  • Jiménez Gómez, F. (coord.): Evaluación psicológica forense, vols. 1-4. Amarú, 2001-2009.
  • Ovejero, A.: Fundamentos de psicología jurídica e investigación criminal. Universidad de Salamanca, 2012.
  • Peña-Casanova, J.; Gramunt, N.; Gich, J.: Tests neuropsicológicos. Masson, 2004.
  • Pont, T.: Psicodiagnóstico diferencial con test gráficos. Síntesis, 2012.
  • Pont, T.: Los test gráficos en el psicodiagnóstico. Síntesis, 2014.
  • Pozueco, J. M. (coord.): Tratado de Psicopatología Criminal: Psicología Jurídica y Psiquiatría Forense, vols. 1-2. EOS, 2013.
  • Sierra, J. C.; Jiménez, E. Mª.; Buela-Casal, G. (coords.): Psicología forense: manual de técnicas y aplicaciones. Biblioteca Nueva, 2006.
  • Soria, M. A.; Sáiz, D. (coords.): Psicología criminal. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006.
  • Soria, M. A. (coord.): Manual de psicología jurídica e investigación criminal. Pirámide, 2005.
  • Soria, M. A. (coord.): Manual de psicología penal forense. Atelier, 2002.
  • Tiffon, B.-N. y cols.: Manual de actuación profesional en Psicopatología Clínica, Criminal y Forense: una dimensión jurídico-legal. J. M. Bosch Editor, 2009.
  • Urra, J. (comp.): Tratado de psicología forense. Siglo XXI, 2002.
  • Vázquez Mezquita, B.: Manual de psicología forense. Síntesis, 2005.
  • Vázquez Mezquita, B.; Catalán, Mª. J.: Casos prácticos en psicología forense. EOS, 2008.

Teaching and learning material

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