
Psicopatología del Agresor

  • code 11672
  • course 1
  • term Semester 2
  • type op
  • credits 4

Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Head instructor


Office hours

Prof. Àngel Cuquerella:



In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

The present optional subject responds to an evident need to deepen in the interdisciplinary and practical training of those professionals who must interact with violent delinquents, either within the framework of the criminal process, in compliance with the sentence and even beyond the extinction of the same.

It requires a greater expertise, professionalization and, ultimately, integration of applied knowledge and related to Legal Psychology in this area. Both the professionals in charge of preparing the corresponding forensic reports and the legal, institutional and assistance operators need -each at their level- the knowledge and updating of aspects related to forensic psychopathology, the knowledge and psychological profiling of the aggressor, as well as the analysis of the relationship between mental illness and/or personality disorders, on the one hand, and its genesis, persistence or recidivism in serious and/or serial crimes, on the other. Along with this, the greater complexity in criminal and penitentiary cases implies the necessary acquisition of even more specialized knowledge, particularly in the area of serious serial crimes.

Pre-course requirements



  • Promote expert knowledge of psychopathology (mental illness, personality disorders, paraphilia) according to the current classification of DSM V.
  • Know and apply the forensic instruments related to the risk, its evaluation, and prediction
  • Relate to psychopathology and serial crimes, especially in relation to their application in the expert field (imputability, capacity).
  • Acquire skills in the preparation of expert reports, as well as communication and presentation of practical cases.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB1 - Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en el desarrollo y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación.
  • CB2 - Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y su capacidad de resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su área de estudio.
  • CB3 - Que los estudiantes sean capaces de integrar conocimientos y enfrentarse a la complejidad de formular juicios a partir de una información que, siendo incompleta o limitada, incluya reflexiones sobre las responsabilidades sociales y éticas vinculadas a la aplicación de sus conocimientos y juicios.
  • CB4 - Que los estudiantes sepan comunicar sus conclusiones -y los conocimientos y razones últimas que las sustentan- a públicos especializados y no especializados de un modo claro y sin ambigüedades.
  • CB5 - Que los estudiantes posean las habilidades de aprendizaje que les permitan continuar estudiando de un modo que habrá de ser en gran medida autodirigido o autónomo.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The priority objectives of this specialization course consist in acquiring and perfecting the basic and specialized knowledge in:

1. Concept and main criminal profiles in serious crimes (homicide, murder, robbery with violence, sexual assault, fraud, trafficking, etc.).

2. Main syndromes and personality disorders related to serial crime.

3. The concept, evaluation, and prediction of aggression and violence. Differential diagnosis

4. The relationship between psychopathology and serious serial delictology.


Topic 1 Introduction. Basic concepts. Specific Interview

Topic 2 Aggression and serious mental illness

Topic 3 Personality disorder and deltogenesis

Topic 4 Predicting the risk of violence. HCR-20 

Topic 5 Predicting the risk of violence in young people. SAVRY

Topic 6 Violence of couple, filio-parental and the elderly

Topic 7 Addictions: diagnosis, comorbidity, delictology

Topic 8 Paraphilia and delictology. Sexual homicide Sadism

Topic 9 Paedophilia. Clinical and psychometric diagnosis

Topic 10 Stalking. Profile and clinical diagnosis

Topic 11 Cyberdelinquence: cyberacoso, grooming, and sexting

Topic 12 Prediction of the risk of sexual assault: SVR-20

Item 13 Serious criminal recidivism (homicide, sexual assault)

Topic 14 Serial killer

Topic 15 Mass murder, spree killer

Topic 16 Intervention - Specific prison programs

Chapter 1 Introducción. Conceptos básicos. Entrevista Específica

Chapter 2 Agresión y enfermedad mental grave

Chapter 3 Trastorno de personalidad y delictogénesis

Chapter 4 Predicción del riesgo de violencia. HCR-20

Chapter 5 Predicción del riesgo de violencia en jóvenes. SAVRY

Chapter 6 Violencia de pareja, filio-parental y del anciano/a

Chapter 7 Adicciones: diagnóstico, comorbidad, delictología

Chapter 8 Parafilia y delictología. Homicidio sexual. Sadismo

Chapter 9 Paidofilia. Diagnóstico clínico y psicométrico

Chapter 10 Stalking. Perfil y diagnóstico clínico

Chapter 11 Cyberdelincuencia: cyberacoso, grooming y sexting

Chapter 12 Predicción del riesgo de agresión sexual: SVR-20

Chapter 13 Reincidencia delictiva grave (homicidio, agresión sexual)

Chapter 14 Serial killer

Chapter 15 Mass murder, spree killer

Chapter 16 Intervención - Programas penitenciarios específicos

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The classes will have a predominantly practical content. The professor will expose by the master class in the first part of the class (1.5 hours) those theoretical aspects related to the cases that will be treated in the second part of the class.

Afterwards, in the following 1.5 hours, the interviewer will present the necessary collateral data and interviews to analyze the two practical cases (already anticipated to the students for their reading and study, previous to each session) elaborating from the interview / s worked and the accessory data an expert report, whose conclusions will be subsequently debated and agreed upon after a debate.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation of this subject will be done according to the attendance, which will be accredited at the beginning and end of the classes, and through a final practical exam.

Students who demonstrate a minimum of 60% attendance to class can be evaluated for the subject. In case of not reaching this percentage, they can not be validated for work at the end of the subject. Attendance will be checked with the signature first, at the beginning of the class, and again, at the end of it, so it will be valid as attendance to each class with the two signatures present. In those cases, which must be punctual, delayed in class attendance or absence before their release, should be warned and justified by mail, before the start of the class, the teacher or the academic coordinator of the Master.

Regarding the subject score, 20% of the grade will be based on (accredited) attendance to class, 20% on practical work also done during the classes, and 60% of the final grade will correspond to the final exam.

The practical work will be specific questions on practical cases, which will be answered in writing in the same class, and which will be averaged to obtain a final grade. They cannot be validated for other work between classes or for any other recovery. There will be between 3-6 small practical cases, penalizing in case of not doing all those that are raised in class (3-6).

In the final exam a series of 5 brief questions will be presented, which will be answered in writing, some in relation to a practical case that will be explained before, and some of the theory is given in class. The final exam must be approved with a minimum 5/10 to add the percentage of attendance (20%) and practical work (20%).

Bibliography and resources

The professors of the subject will prepare their specific material that will be provided to the students.

Teaching and learning material

            Cronograma de la asignatura  cronogramapsicopatologiadelagresor.pdf 
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