
Basic Physiotherapy

  • code 07840
  • course 1
  • term Semester 1
  • type OB
  • credits 4

Module: Physiotherapy Fundaments

Matter: Physiotherapy Fundaments

Main language of instruction: Spanish

 Sem.1  TU 08:00 11:00 

Teaching staff

Head instructor

Dr. Martín Eusebio BARRA -

Office hours



Professor Martín Barra, PhD:


This course aims to situate and guide the student in relation to the conceptual bases of Physiotherapy with scientific and professional discipline within the health sciences. The development of content and learning activities undertaken through the course of the subject will contribute to the knowledge of the historical evolution of Physiotherapy in the academic and professional aspect of the student. Likewise, the course will provide knowledge with theoretical bases related to the Physiotherapy profession such as professional skills and fields of professional intervention, knowledge of the care process in Physiotherapy relating to diagnosis in Physiotherapy, and elaboration of the medical history in Physiotherapy.

The course represents the theoretical conceptual framework to guide students in the process of developing more specific skills that will be acquired throughout their studies on more specific subjects in Physiotherapy in the undergraduate degree.


Pre-course requirements

No prerequisites have been determined for this subject.


This course has the following objectives:

  •  Know the history of physiotherapy as an academic and professional discipline.
  •  Know the professional skills of the physiotherapist and the fields of professional performance.
  •  Know the process of care in Physiotherapy.
  •  Know the diagnostic process in Physiotherapy and the internationally validated elements of assessment.
  •  Know the structure of clinical history in Physiotherapy as well as the legal constraints when handling confidential patient/user data.
  • Know how to prepare a Physiotherapeutic clinical report.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 14 - Demonstrate initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • 15 - Demonstrate a concern for quality.
  • 37.1 - Use discretion, use available information appropriately and respect patient dignity and confidentiality
  • 37.2 - Commitment to ethical conduct
  • 37.4 - Adhere to professional competencies and standards in health care
  • 41 - Knowledge of the theoretical basis of physiotherapy as a science and profession, and of physiotherapy models of treatment..
  • 46 - Ability to systematically take a complete physiotherapy clinical history that appropriately and efficiently reports all steps taken from the patient's admission to his/her discharge.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Upon completion of the course students will achieve the following learning outcomes:

- Understand the theoretical basis of physiotherapy as a science and profession.

- Understanding the models of intervention in Physiotherapy.

- Understand the theoretical basis of the assessment techniques in Physical Therapy.

- Recognize the different internationally recognized methods and evaluation techniques in Physiotherapy.

- Show initiative and motivation in learning the usefulness and effectiveness in relation to scientific tests and functional assessments used in Physiotherapy.

- Develop medical records in Physiotherapy.

- Know the professional skills of the Physiotherapist.

- Understand the importance of confidentiality in handling medical records regarding ethical and deontological aspects.


Unit 1. Conceptual bases of Physiotherapy
      1.1 Concept Physiotherapy
      1.2 Professional skills and functions of the physiotherapist

Unit 2. Physiotherapy historical references
      2.1 Main Historical references
      2.2 Institutionalization process of Physiotherapy in Spain

Unit 3 Fields of action in Physiotherapy and specialties

Unit 4 Institutional organization of Physiotherapy
      4.1 University centers in Spain.
      4.2 Regional professional associations and their respective competences.
      4.3 The General Council of Professional Associations of Spain and its functions.
      4.4 National Associations and international representatives of Physiotherapy.

Unit 5 Professional and scientific dimension of Physiotherapy
      5.1 Scientific knowledge and its characteristics.
      5.2 Physiotherapy as a scientific discipline.
      5.3 Stages of the research process (the scientific method).
      5.4 Types of design in the research process.
      5.5 The scientific publication, scientific article.
      5.6 Evidence-based medicine and Physiotherapy.

Unit 6 Diagnosis in Physiotherapy
      6.1 Process of care in Physiotherapy (PAF)
      6.2 International Classifications (CIE / CIF)

Unit 7 Clinical documentation in Physiotherapy
      7.1 Clinical history of Physiotherapy
      7.2 Clinical reports in Physiotherapy

Chapter 1 Bases conceptuales de la Fisioterapia
      1.1 Concepto de Fisioterapia
      1.2 Competencias profesionales y funciones del fisioterapeuta

Chapter 2 Referencias históricas de la Fisioterapia
      2.1 Main historical references
      2.2 Process of physiotherapy institutionalization in Spain

Chapter 3 Campos de actuación en Fisioterapia y especialidades

Chapter 4 Organización institucional de la Fisioterapia
      4.1 Centros docentes universitarios en España.
      4.2 Los colegios profesionales autonómicos y sus competencias.
      4.3 El Consejo General de Colegios profesionales de España y sus funciones.
      4.4 Asociaciones nacionales e internacionales representantes de la Fisioterapia.

Chapter 5 Dimensión profesional y científica de la Fisioterapia
      5.1 El conocimiento científico y sus características.
      5.2 La Fisioterapia como disciplina científica.
      5.3 Etapas del proceso de investigación ( el método científico).
      5.4 Tipos de diseño en el proceso de investigación.
      5.5 La publicación científica, el artículo científico.
      5.6 Medicina basada en la evidencia y Fisioterapia.

Chapter 6 El diagnóstico en Fisioterapia
      6.1 Proceso de atención en Fisioterapia (PAF)
      6.2 Clasificaciones internacionales (CIE/CIF)

Chapter 7 Documentación clínica en Fisioterapia
      7.1 Historia clínica en Fisioterapia
      7.2 Informes clínicos en Fisioterapia

Teaching and learning activities

In person

This subject will be developed considering the training activities and teaching and learning methodologies that are detailed below.

Theoretical classes will be implemented with teaching and learning methodologies such as lectures and problem-solving activities for various exercises. In addition, students will also be expected to complete training and independent study activities inside and outside the classroom ( a presentation of a poster on the diagnostic process in Physiotherapy). Finally, an independent study of the student's learning process will be considered so that students acquire the skills developed in the subject.


self-learning activities
student's independant work-study
apprenticeship contract
oral presentation / master class
problem-solving exercises
14 15 37.1 37.2 37.4 41 46 4 ECTS

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

For the evaluation of the course the following will be considered:

- Final written test (with an equivalent of 60% of the final grade obtained).

- Conducting independent study activities in the classroom (10% of the final grade obtained).

- Elaborate on and present in groups a subject related to Diagnostics in Physiotherapy(corresponds to 30% of the final grade obtained).

It is essential to pass the final written test in order to pass the course so that all marks are averaged to make a passing final grade with the marks obtained in the other proposed evaluation activities.

Students who have to return to attend the subject and overlap for days, hours, etc. between the first and second degree classes, 10% of the second section corresponding for self-learning activities will be added to the group work section of 30% with this section being scored by 40%.

For the students who have to submit to the 2nd convocation of the subject, the evaluation of the subject will consist of a final written exam or test.

Bibliography and resources

Basic Bibliography (may be consulted in the Library of the Faculty)

  • Gallego T.Bases Teóricas y Fundamentos de Fisioterapia.Ed Panamericana.Madrid .2007
  • Enciclopedia Médico-Quirúrgica.Kinesiterapia y Medicina Física ( Tomo 1 ):

-Clasificación Internacional de las  deficiencias,discapacidades y minusvalías :E-26-006-B-10

-Gestión de la  Calidad y Evaluación en Kinesiterapia: E-26-006-C-10

-Clasificación de  Minusvalias:26-006-A-10

-Hª de la  Rehabilitación: E-26-005-A-10

Additional Resources

See the attached pdf document for the various references in the training materials section.


Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:

  • E1 15/01/2019 08:00h
  • E2 25/06/2019 09:00h A11

Teaching and learning material

            Bibliografia Tema: " Competències Professionals en Fisioteràpia " bibliografiacompetenciasprofesionalesenfisioterapia.pdf 
            Bibliografia Tema : " Diagnòstic de Fisioteràpia (DF) " bibliografiadiagnosticoenfisioterapia.pdf 
            biblio bibliografiafonamentsdefisioterapia.pdf 
            Centre Naric-Espanya http:// 
            Centro de Evidencia en fisioterapia 
            Cochrane Library 
            Confederación Latinoamericana de Fisioterapia y Kinesiologia 
            Enciclopedia Interrnacional de Rehabilitación 
            Hª de la medicina 
            Institutos Nacionales de Salud 
            National Guideline Clearinghouse 
            Physical Therapy -APTA 
            University of Buffalo‎ 
            WEB sobre MBE ( medicina basada en la evidencia ) 
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