
Psychology I: Bases of Psychological Development (6-12 Years)

  • code 07849
  • course 1
  • term Semester 1
  • type FB
  • credits 6

Module: Basic training

Matter: Learning and personality development

Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English

Teaching staff

Head instructor

Dra. Maria CERRATO -

Office hours

The tutoring schedule will be agreed according to the student's needs and by appointment through email (

It is highly recommended to attend the tutorial for the preparation of your presentation. By that time, you should be able to have done 80%-90% of your work. Tutorials will take place from 11.30 to 12 in our class (D202) and each team has to go the previous class of their presentation (i.e. if you have your presentation on Dec 18, the tutorial will be Dec. 13).

Attention indidualitzada Tuesday and Thursday 11:30 to 12:00 by appointment via email


The sense of this subject lies in the need for future educational professional, knows the one hand, the basics of developmental psychology and, secondly, the educational psychology (how we learn and is taught).

What is unique to the development of children aged 6 to 12 years? What is responsible for changes that occur in this age period? As issues related to child development and pre-teens influence what happens in the classroom? This course provides a tour of the cognitive and social development between 6 and 12 years of age. Explored the cognitive, social and emotional as well as other factors affecting the development of girls and boys in primary, always based on the results of international scientific research relevant to the field of evolutionary psychology and education.

Thus, knowing the basic elements that influence the development and characteristics of the student that appears throughout the various stages of development, it becomes vital knowledge for better educational response in horizon of maximum customization of processes teaching and learning. 


Pre-course requirements

No prerequisites.



  • Get  psychological characteristics,developmentalandpersonalityof children6-12years. 
  • Characterizethe various stages ofdevelopmentfrom apsycho-evolutionarypoint of viewand analyzetheeducational implications. 
  • Reflect onthe relationship betweenpsychological developmentand education.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

EMF-14 Understand learning processes relating to the period from 6 to 12 years in the family, social and school.

EMF-15 Understanding the characteristics of these students, as well as the characteristics of their motivational and social contexts.

EMF-16 Master the skills necessary to understand the development of these students peersonalitat and identify malfunctions.

CET-3 possess sufficient knowledge and skills in relation to the subject being taught and know what teaching methods are applied to create a great learning environment where students can learn the cultural background they need to live society. And get it in a contemporary, professional and systematic.

CET-4 Possess knowledge and organizational skills sufficient to create a pleasant working environment in their classes and class: organized, orderly and focused on all aspects, with himself and with others, and above all course with their students. And get all in a professional and systematic.

CG-2 Communicate clearly and correctly in the language of instruction: Catalan and Castilian orally and in writing, depending on the level C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

CEM-01 To analyze and understand the educational processes inside and outside the classroom regarding the 6-12 age period.
CEM-02 To be familiar with the basics of primary education.
CEM-14 To understand the learning processes relative to the 6-12 age period in the family, social and school contexts.
CEM-15 To be familiar with the characteristics of these students, as well as of their motivational and social contexts.
CEM-16 To master the knowledge required to understand the development of the personality of these students and identify dysfunctions.
CEM-21 To be familiar with, and know how to perform, the functions of tutor and counsellor in relation to family education in the 6-12 age period.
CET-3 Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
CET-4 Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
CG-02 To communicate clearly and correctly in the language of instruction (Catalan and Spanish), orally and in writing, in accordance with level C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).

Learning outcomes of the subject

1- Meet and classifies psychological characteristics and personality in the period from 6 to 12 years.

2- Knows figure contextual circumstances of  students in order to explain the development of personality and the different types of  learning.

3- It is able to use psychological knowledge and personality of children / 6 to 12 years and relate them to the different learning processes.

4- Knows identify personality disorders.

20- It has sufficient knowledge of behavioral psychology to analyze and understand their own behavior and that of others.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Lesson 1: Introduction (1 session + Activity 1)

Lesson  2: Historical approach  (3 sessions + Activity 2)

Lesson  3: First two years (4 sessions + Activity 3+ Test 1)                                                      

Lesson 4: Early childhood (4 sessions + Activity 4)         

Lesson 5: Middle childhood (4 sessions + Activity 5 + Test 2)

CEM-02 CEM-14 CEM-15 CEM-16 CET-3 CET-4 CG-02 Presentation methods / lecture
Problem-solving exercises
CEM-01 CEM-14 CEM-15 CEM-16 CEM-21 CET-3 CET-4 CG-02 Case studies
Presentation methods / lecture
Practical classes
Theory classes
Group study and work
CG-02 Case studies
Problem-solving exercises
External practicums
CEM-15 Case studies
CEM-16 Project-based learning
Case studies
Presentation methods / lecture
Theory classes
Individual / independent study and work

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The student will be assessed in group (point 1 and 2) and individually (point 3 and 4)

1)      Class exhibition1                                                   30%*

2)      Elaboration of one activity + feedback2               20%*

3)      Final test3                                                              40%

4)      Involvement4                                                         10%


1,2 Compulsory task in order to pass the subject.  


1 It should last about 1h 15min: you don’t need to explain all the content, but all the main ideas that you can communicate within the time given (this implies some rehearsal in advanced). It is very important to bear in mind that you don’t have to present, but instead explain (as if you were the teacher). At the end of the presentation a Kahoot activity with 20 questions will be offered to the audience. These four aspects will be assessed: a) selection of the contents, b) structure of the contents, c) teaching strategies (can your audience follow the lesson?), and d) Time management and fluency (is your discourse well-prepared or instead improvisation takes place affecting your time management?).


2 Each activity includes the content done in four sessions. This means that the final product is elaborated by four groups together.  


3 It will be a multiple-choice test with a correct answer (like a driving license).


4 It will be assessed with your performance in the activities (5%) and with an 80% of attendance (5%). Note. Attendance helps to improve your mark, but it is not compulsory nor penalizes your mark.   


*English skills are considered as well: 50% for the activity + feedback (the writing) and 25% for the class exhibition (the fluency component). This means a 17.5 % of the subject.   

Bibliography and resources

  • AMAR-TUILLIER, A. (2007). Trastornos psicológicos infantiles. Ed. Octaedro
  • Balaguer, M.C. Lectura estartègica dels problemes matemàticsa l'Educació Primària.TDX
  • COLL, C. y otros (1993). Desarrollo psicológico y educación (3 vols.) Madrid: Alianza
  • CÓRDOBA, A.I (2006). Psicologia del desarrollo en edad escolar. Ed. Pirámide
  • DEBESSE, M. (1989). Psicologia del niño. Ed. Buenos Aires: Nova.
  • ESCAMILLA, A. (2009). Las competencias en la programación de aula. Infantil y Primaria (3-12 años). Ed. Graó

GONZÁLEZ-PÉREZ, J. y CRIADO, M.J. (2004). Psicologia de la educación para una enseñanza práctica. Madrid: Editorial CCS
HOFFMAN, L. y otros (1996). Psicologia del Desarrollo Hoy (2 vols.)McGraw Hill.
MARCHESI, A. y otros (1983). Psicologia Evolutiva (3 vols.) Madrid: Alianza.
PAPALIA, D.E. y otros (1998). Psicologia del Desarrollo. Bogotá: McGraw Hill.

Bibliografia complementària

S'indicarà a classe, segons els casos treballats

Bibliografia de referència

Mayes, L.C., & Cohen, D.J. (2002). The Yale Child Study Center Guide to  Understanding Your Child Healthy Development from Birth to Adolescence. M.D.:Books.

Rogoff, Barbara (2003). The cultural nature of human development. New York: Oxford University Press

Vigotsky, L. S. (1979). El desarrollo de los procesos psicológicos superiores. Barcelona: Crítica


Recursos electrònics

Revistes Científiques

Human Development

 Child Development

British Journal of Psychology

International Journal of Educational Psychology


Pàgines webs d’associacions professionals internacionals

American Psychological Association

Divisió 7: Developmental Psychology

 Society for Research in Child Development

American Educational Research Association (AERA)

European Educational Research Association (EERA)


European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)


Bases de dades 

PsycINFO, Web of Knowledge, ERIC


Teaching and learning material

            PresentaciĆ³ PSI-I  presentaciopsi-i2016-17.pptx 
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