
Geografia Humana

  • codi 08853
  • curs 2
  • període Semestre 1
  • tipus FB
  • credits 6

Mòdul: Humanitats

Matèria: Coordenades de desenvolupament humà i cultural

Llengua d'impartició principal: català

Altres llengües d'impartició: castellà

grup A
 Sem.1  DT 10:00 11:30 a506
 Sem.1  DV 10:00 11:30 a506



Dr. Pau SERRA -

Horari d'atenció

After every lesson


Human Geography studies the localization or geographical distribution of multiple human phenomena such as economic globalization, the emergent economies in the developing world, urbanization, agriculture and hunger in the Third World, population growth and decline and immigration, and the human interactions with the environment, among other phenomena which are reshaping the world. One should not forget that all these trends are much related with the territory. The analysis at different territorial scales helps us to understand the complexity of a restless global Geography.

Requisits previs

There aren't any.


Get to know the local and global geographical processes of any kind, whether they be political, demographic, economic or environmental, at the different levels: global, state and sub-state.

Competències / Resultats d’aprenentatge de la titulació

The students will seize the complexities of some geographical problems, such as population and the development in the Third World and will tell that they are not as simple as sometimes mass media and public opinion portray them. The subject will encourage discussion in the class and the meaningful use of digital sources of information and its processing. The use of the English language constitutes an important incentive in this class, with lecturing, readings, discussion, documentaries, writings, computer software, etc. using this language. Fieldwork will also help students to get to know urban areas where there are a number of foreign immigrants and ethinic businesses. Getting to know immigration is like getting to know in a strighforward manner the people, cultures and interests of distant countries. 

  • E11 - Ser capaçt d'interpretar dades derivades de les observacions en relacionaó amb la seva significació i relacionar-les amb les teories apropiades
  • E18 - Percepció i coneixement de l'espai físic en què es desenvolupa l'activitat humana
  • E19 - Capacitat de localitzar, observar i interpretar espais, territoris i paisatges, reals o representats i orientar-s'hi
  • E20 - Reflexionar sobre la interacció home-medi i l'organització del territori resultant
  • E37 - Coneixement actualitzat de les àrees d'estudi relacionades amb els temes internacionals, tenint en compte les noves aportacions procedents de l'avantguarda, com la reflexió crítica sobre la incidència del turisme (també cultural) en el desenvolupament
  • G02 - Capacitat d'anàlisi i de síntesi.
  • G06 - Capacitat de treball en equip, habilitats interpersonals i lideratge
  • E01 - Coneixement i habilitat per donar una visió cultural/humanística a d'altres ciències o als seus mètodes
  • E31 - Transferència de coneixement i bones pràctiques en altres sectors.

Resultats d’aprenentatge de l’assignatura

Appreciation of the uniqueness of human geography as a scientific discipline

Awareness of the impacts of the globalization of economic activities in both Third World and rich countries

Understanding of the growth and location of human settlements and of the types of cities 

Discernment of the effects of the agricultural revolution in Third World countries

Assessment of the spatial distribution of population in the world, the basics of population dynamics and of population policies

Knowledge of the causes and patterns of the contemporary age famines in poor countries

Acquaintance of the relationship of human activities with the environment, notably with the so called "global warming"

Ability to identify and explain the spatial patterns of human population and settlement

Critical thinking in the theorization of human-environment relationships

Basic skills in the reading of maps, tables and charts



Lesson 1. What is Geography?
Lesson 2. The economic development and the globalization
Lesson 3. The cities cities and the urbanization in the world
Lesson 4. The modern agriculture
Lesson 5. The population in the world
Lesson 6. The famines in the poor countries
Lesson 7. The human interactions with the environment.

Metodologia i activitats formatives

Modalitat totalment presencial a l'aula


The methodology is manyfold. In the lectures the students are encouraged to participate with their comments. At the same time, the students should keep up with the readings related to every lesson. Short assignments, a walking tour to an immigrants' neighborhood, some video screening and debates will be tasks to be done.



Classe teoricoexpositiva
15E01 E18 E19 E20
Seminari o taller (anàlisi de textos, debat, sessió amb especialistes, presentació oral de treballs...)
45E26 G01 G02 G03
Tutoria (individual o en grup)

Sistemes i criteris d'avaluació

Modalitat totalment presencial a l'aula

10% Daily meaningful participation in the class

10% Individual written answers to “Readings’ questions” (one reading per lesson)

40% Mid-term exam. Individual tutoring after the mid-term exam

40% Final exam. 

Questions in both exams from the “Readings’ questions”.

English language use incentives:

- Exams written in English will be granted 1/10 bonus point.
- Each meaningful participation spoken in English in the classroom will be granted 1/10 bonus point.
- The presentation said in English will also be granted 1/10 bonus point.


Examen final
Prova parcial
Treballs, informes, memòries, exercicis, anàlisi de lectures, etc.

Bibliografia i recursos

Mandatory readings:

KNOX, Paul and MARSTON, Sallie (2004, revised edition). Places and Regions in Global Context. Human Geography. Prentice Hall, New Jersey (USA), chapters 1, 7 & 10.
MAZOYER, Marcel and ROUDART, Laurence (2006). A History of World Agriculture. From the Neolitic Age to the Current Crisis. Earthscan: London, Sterling (VA, USA), pp. 9-18.
ROSS, Eric (1998b). “The Malthus Factor: Poverty, Politics and Population in Capitalist Development”. The CornerHouse, Briefing 20. Available in
GRIMES, Seamus (1998). “From population control to ‘reproductive rights’: ideological influences in population policy”. Third World Quarterly, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 375-393.
DRÈZE, Jean and SEN, Amartya (1989). Hunger and Public Action. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
SERRA DEL POZO, Pau (2000). "Julian Simon, a population optimist?". Revista de Cooperación Internacional, 3, 5, Servicio de Publicaciones de Cooperación Internacional, Madrid, pp. 9-24.
FUREDI, Frank (1997). Population & Development. PolityPress, pp. 142-158.
RITTER, Stephen K. (2009). “Global Warming And Climate Change. Which Comes First, CO2 Or The Heat?”. Chemical & Engineering News. Volume 87, Number 51.

Other references:
ALBET, Abel and BENEJAM, Pilar (2000). Una geografía humana renovada: lugares y regiones en un mundo global. Institut de Ciències d’Educació, Vicens Vives, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Barcelona.
DERRAU, Max (1991, revised edition). Géographie humaine. Armand Colin, Paris.
HIGUERAS, Antonio (2003). Teoría y método de la geografía. Introducción al análisis Geográfico Regional. Colección Textos docentes, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.
KNOX, Paul and MARSTON, Sallie (2004, revised edition). Places and Regions in Global Context. Human Geography. Prentice Hall, New Jersey (USA).
ROMERO, Joan, coordinator (2004). Geografía Humana. Colección Ariel Geografía, Barcelona.

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