
Religions and Culture

  • code 08856
  • course 2
  • term Semester 1
  • type OB
  • credits 6

Module: The keys to culture

Matter: Culture: concepts and basic experience

Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Head instructor

Dr. Albert MOYA -

Office hours

Hours agreed with the teachers.


The subject of religions and culture is based on the study of the religious fact from the perspective of the three great religions of the Book (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), in order to focus later on the constitutive features of the religious experience and its relations with the symbolism, art and the scientific culture.

Pre-course requirements

No pre-course requirements are needed to enrol in this subject


  • Know the religious fact in its different manifestations and identify the basic features of the great religions as a way to help identify and understand the religious plurality existing in today's society.
  • Value religious traditions as part of the cultural heritage of the people, assuming the responsibility that supposes their preservation and appreciating as a resource for personal enrichment.
  • Know the interrelations between religions and scientific, philosophical and artistic thought. Assess the contributions of religions and sciences in understanding the structure and evolution of the universe and the meaning of human life.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • E03 - Ability to appropriately use key concepts in the area of culture.
  • E04 - Ability to recognise and interpret cultural manifestations.
  • E06 - Awareness of and respect for different points of view resulting from cultural and social diversity.
  • E07 - To acquire knowledge on the different issues and problems of current cultural debate and be aware of their constant change.
  • E08 - To distinguish and understand the structures of different cultural systems.
  • E09 - To understand the limits and forms of intercultural communication.
  • E11 - Ability to interpret data and relate it to appropriate theories.
  • E12 - To acquire knowledge and understanding of imaginary, iconic and symbolic languages and their representation.
  • E15 - Ability to identify and value the different elements which make up cultural heritage.
  • E27 - Ability to work in multicultural contexts.
  • G07 - To know how to apply and adapt to new technologies in processes of cultural management, production and dissemination.
  • G08 - Ability to carry out research.

Learning outcomes of the subject

Acquire key concepts about religions and religious fact.
Apply theoretical knowledge in analysis and discussion of face-to-face and self-employment activities
Know and select specific documentation on religions
Practice Teamwork Strategies
Learn to contextualize religious phenomenon and relate them to their social and political dimension
Relates concepts of the different materials worked transversally
Applies theoretical and abstract concepts of each of the subjects to real situations
Read and analyze essays on current topics
Write narrative and descriptive texts
Analyzes and diagnoses cases of cultural complexity



Prof. Dr. Albert Moya

1. Towards an understanding of the essence of religion

a) The religious fact

b) The Sacred as an area of religious experience

c) ineffability and mystery in the religious experience

d) Rationality of religious convictions (dialogue faith-reason)

e) Religious practice: Worship, ritual and liturgy


 2. Religious symbolism

a) The symbolism as a structural dimension of the person

b) The symbolic universe

c) Transcendence and meaning of the symbol

d) The symbolism of religious language: the importance of the word and the image

e) The grammatical crisis of language and the hiding of the symbol in modernity

f) Towards a return of the symbol


3. Religion as a social-historical phenomenon and ethical-pedagogical action

a) Religion and the meaning of historical fact. Historicism, essentialism and religious views of history.

b) The formative and humanizing value of religion

c) The religious attitude and the question of evil


4. Art and religion. Art, pedagogy of faith.

a) Some considerations of a fruitful relationship

b) Iconoclasm and veneration of the images

c) Religious experience and aesthetic experience

d) Beauty as via pulchritudinis and its relationship with truth and kindness

e) Sacred art and art of devotion.



Prof. Joan Hernández

Judaism. Be a Jew and religious books. The Jewish culture (Sephardic / Ashkenazi). The synagogue. The Halakha in everyday life (Xàbat, birth, death, marriage, Bar and Bat Mitzvá, Brit Milan, kosher-caxer food and the laws of Kashrut). The different movements in Judaism. The rabbinic and Torah festivities.

The Islam. Be Muslim. Muhammad, the prophets, the Koran and the Sunna. Sunnis and Shiites. The sentence. The Imam and the mosque. Parties and Halal food. The veil. Islamic traditions and practices from birth to death. Current Islamic currents. Operation of Islamic centers, and federations.

Prof. Dr. Vianney Domingo


1. Christianity, Revelation, faith and rationality.

a) Access to God of the person. The natural knowledge of God. Religion and faith Nature of faith Rationality of faith. The act of faith The assent of faith. Faith as man's response to God.

b) Christianity and religions. Singularity of Christianity. Revelation of God and religions. Jesus Christ and Revelation: God enters history.

2. The person of Jesus Christ

a) The Incarnation of God. What is the Incarnation? Implications of the Incarnation. The Incarnation and man.

b) The figure of Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus Christ? The figure of Jesus, God and Man. The Humanity of Christ. The personality of Jesus. The capacity to love of Jesus Christ. The feelings of Christ. The actions of Jesus. The life of Christ, some episodes and their meaning: the Cross, death and the Resurrection. What relationship does Jesus have with each person's life? The Gospels: what they are and how to read them. Gospels and personal life

3. Sense of Christian existence.

a) Relationship between God and man. Divine filiation. The grace of God and the action of God in man. Sense of sin. What are the sacraments? The Mass Confession and forgiveness. Marriage and family.

b) Questions of Christian life. God who loves man and man's love for God. Friendship with God Prayer and dealing with Jesus Christ Christian life and virtues: what is it to identify with Jesus Christ? Sense of the Christian struggle. Theological virtues and moral virtues. What are the Commandments ?. Sense of everyday life Pain, happiness, work and party. Transformation of the world. What is being holy?

 4. The Church and its history. Some notes

a) Organization of the Church. Mission. Primacy of Pedro.

b) A brief tour of the history of the Church Basic scheme.



Prof. Dr. Josep Corcó

The relationship between scientific culture and religion

a) The cultural matrix of modern science

b) Modern cosmologies and God

c) Evolutionism and Christianity

d) Scientific determinism and human freedom

e) Science and religion: a positive collaboration

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The teaching-learning methodology combines lectures, colloquiums, oral expositions of the students, search of information and elaboration of individual written works.


Prof. Albert Moya: 13 / 09-11 / 10.

Prof. Joan Hernández: 18,25 / 10, 08,15,22 / 11.

Prof. Vianney Sunday: 16,23,30 / 10, 06,13,20 / 11.

Prof. Josep Corcó: 27 / 11-20 / 12


Methodology 1st and 3rd part:

70% Teacher's lectures

30% Practical classes in which the reading and commentary of texts related to theoretical concepts will be promoted and questions of debate will be raised.

Methodology 2nd part:

85% expository class by the teacher

15% debate and participation class.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The final grade will be the result of:

1. Note of the first part: 33.4%

2. Note of the second part: 16.6%

3. Note of the third part: 16.6%

4. Note of the fourth part: 33.4%

To be evaluated for each of the parts of the subject is necessary to have attended a minimum of 80% of the classes of each part.

The minimum grade required to pass the course is 5 and it is necessary to have approved all the parts to be able to pass the subject.

Each teacher will indicate the type of evaluation that will be necessary for the student to pass his part.

In second call only those parts that have been suspended must be recovered and in case of not exceeding them in second call, no qualification will be maintained.

In the final exam and in the individual works the orthographic regulation of the faculty will be applied, by which each orthographic error implies the loss of 0.2 points.

Final Exam
Student's active participation in class
Projects, reports, exercises, reading analysis, etc.

Bibliography and resources

Bibliography Prof. Joan Hernandez:

BAROUKH, Elie y LEMBERG, David. Enciclopedia práctica del judaísmo. Teià: Robinbook 1995. 

FUENTES ESTANYOL, María José, Judaisme a Catalunya, avui, Barcelona: Pòrtic 2001. 

DÍAZ, Carlos, El judaísmo, Madrid: Fundación Emmanuel Mounier 2002.  

YAMIN Levy. La tradicion funeraria en el judaisme LLEONARD MUNTANER EDITOR 2010.

ABUMALHAM MAS, M., Comunidades Islámicas en Europa, Madrid: Universidad Computense, Departamento de Estudios Árabes e slámicos – Trotta 1995.  

VERNET, Juan. El Corán. Barcelona: Planeta 1995.

BRAMON, D., Una introducciòn al Islam. Religión, historia y cultura. Barcelona: Crítica 2003.

AAVV. L’Islam a Catalunya, Fitxes de treball, Barcelona: Fundació Joan Maragall, Càritas i Apostolat Seglar 2004.


Bibliography Prof. Vianney Domingo:

A.A. V.V. Dios y el hombre. VI Simposio Internacional de Teología, EUNSA, 1985

Aguiló, A., ¿Es razonable ser creyente?, Palabra, 2013          UIC 27.1. AGU

Blanco, A. y Ocáriz, F., Revelación, Fe y credibilidad, Palabra, 1998

Blanco, P., Gracia y Gloria. Breve introducción al Cristianismo, Palabra, 2015

Cantalamessa, R., La vida en Cristo, Lumen, 1995

Conesa, F., “La relación entre la revelación cristiana y las religiones”, en Izquierdo, C. (ed.) Teología Fundamental. Temas y propuestas para el nuevo milenio, Desclée de Brouwer, 1999, pp. 181-246

Daniélou, J., Dios y nosotros, Cristiandad, 2003

González Montes, A., “Teología de la revelación”, en Izquierdo, C. (.ed.) Teología Fundamental. Temas y propuestas para el nuevo milenio, Desclée de Brouwer, 1999, pp. 249-294

Guardini, R., La esencia del cristianismo, Cristiandad, 2006

Guardini, R., El Señor. Meditaciones sobre la persona y la vida de Jesucristo, Cristiandad, 2006

Guardini, R., La experiencia cristiana de la fe, Belacqua, 2005

Hughes, P., Síntesis de historia de la Iglesia, Herder, 1967

Izquierdo, C., Creo, creemos: ¿Qué es la fe?, Rialp, 2008

---- (ed.) Teología Fundamental. Temas y propuestas para el nuevo milenio, Desclée de Brouwer, 1999

Kasper, W., El Dios de Jesucristo, Sígueme, 2001

Lewis, C. S., Mero cristianismo, Rialp, 1995          UIC St. Cugat 2 LEW

Lorda, J. L., Para una idea cristiana del hombre, 1999          UIC St. Cugat 233 LOR

Lorda, J. L., Para ser cristiano, Rialp, 1991

Marías, J., La perspectiva cristiana, Alianza, 2000            UIC 27.1 MAR

Morales, J., Teología de las religiones, Rialp, 2000

Ocáriz, F. y Blanco, A., Revelación, Fe y credibilidad, Palabra, 1998

Ratzinger, J., Introducción al cristianismo, Sígueme, 2009     UIC 27.3 BEN

Romera, L., Religión y existencia humana, U. de Piura, 2011            UIC 21 ROM

Rossano, P., “A imagen y semejanza de Dios, en A.A. V.V. Dios y el hombre. VI Simposio Internacional de Teología, EUNSA, 1985, pp. 463-476

Sayés, J. A., Razones para creer, San Pablo, 1992

Sancho, J., “Imagen de Dios y dignidad humana”, en A.A. V.V. Dios y el hombre. VI Simposio Internacional de Teología, EUNSA, 1985, pp. 495-504

Spada, D., “El Cristo de Dios, respuesta a los interrogantes sobre el hombre”, en A.A. V.V. Dios y el hombre. VI Simposio Internacional de Teología, EUNSA, 1985, 605-624  

Trese, Leo J., La fe explicada, Rialp, 1985            UIC St. Cugat 2 TRE


Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, Asociación de editores del catecismo, 1997.

Nuevo Testamento, Madrid: Rialp, 1986.



Bibliography Prof. A. Moya:

AYMAR, J (Ed.) Simbologia religiosa en l'art occidental. Barcelona: Edimurtra, 2006.

EVDOKIMOV, P. El arte del icono. Teología de la belleza. Madrid: Publicaciones claretianes, 1991

GUARDINI, R. Sobre la esencia de la obra de Arte. Madrid: Guadarrama, 1960

GUARDINI, R. Religión y revelación. Madrid: Cristiandad, 1964.

GUITTON, J. Lo absurdo y el misterio. Valencia: Edicep, 1991.

OTTO, Rudolf, Lo santo. Madrid: Alianza, 2005.

OVIEDO TORRÓ,J. La fe cristiana ante los nuevos desafíos sociales. Madrid: Cristiandad, 2002.

PLAZAOLA, J. Arte sacro actual. Madrid: BAC, 2006.

PLAZAOLA, J. Historia y sentido del arte cristiano. Madrid: BAC, 1996.

RATZINGER, J. El espíritu de la litúrgia. Madrid: Cristiandad, 2001.

RATZINGER, J. Introducción al cristianismo, Madrid: Sígueme, 1996. 

SAHAGÚN, J. Fenomenología y filosofía de la religión. Madrid: BAC, 1999.

VON BALTHASAR, H.U. Gloria: una estética teológica. Vol.1. Madrid: Encuentro,1985

ZUBIRI, Xavier, El hombre y Dios. Madrid: Alianza, 1984. 


Bibliography  Prof. J. Corcó:

ARTIGAS, Mariano, Ciencia y religión. Conceptos fundamentales, Pamplona: Eunsa, 2007.

ARTIGAS, Mariano, Ciencia, razón y fe (2a edición), Pamplona: Eunsa, 2011.

COLLINS, Francis S., ¿Cómo habla Dios?, Temas de Hoy, Madrid 2007.

GIBERSON, Karl, ARTIGAS, M., Oráculos de la ciencia, Encuentro, Madrid 2012.

FLEW, A., Dios existe, Trotta, Madrid 2013.

JOU, David, Reescribiendo el Génesis, Barcelona: Destino, 2008

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