
Students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Law visit the European Parliament in Brussels

Students and teachers of the Faculty made the trip to the Belgian capital to visit the main institutions of the European Union

A group of 20 students and lecturers from the Faculty of Law of UIC Barcelona travelled to Brussels, Belgium, to visit the European Parliament on 8 and 9 April. The visit was made possible thanks to a grant from the Parliament processed by the MEP Jordi Cañas and consisted of a tour of the main parliamentary institutions of the Belgian city.

During the two-day trip, the group of university students was able to make three institutional visits. First, they were received at the headquarters of the European Parliament, where a Spanish official explained the most relevant aspects about the functioning of this institution and the work of the officials working there. Subsequently, Cañas explained his role as a MEP and the students were able to ask him about the current challenges of the European institutions.

On the second day the students visited the headquarters of the European Commission, where they were able to learn about the system of cross-relations between the three major institutions that lead the European Union: the Commission, the Council and Parliament. Subsequently, the group took a guided tour of the House of European History, a cultural institution and museum with a permanent exhibition, to learn more about European history and integration.

The group of students and teachers also had the opportunity to visit Bruges to learn about the city’s artistic and cultural heritage.
