Extraordinary Doctorate Prize

During the academic year, each doctoral programme can award extraordinary doctorate prizes depending on the scientific quality of the theses defended.

One extraordinary prize can be awarded each academic year, provided that during that period and programme four or more theses have been given the distinction of cum laude. The board will need to assess the theses in the academic year following the reading of the theses. If there are fewer than four theses with this distinction, they will be added to those of the following year or years up to a maximum period of three years, at the end of which the prize may be awarded.

All theses that have been given the distinction of cum laude may be entered for the prize without the author needing to make a special request. It is also possible for no prizes to be awarded. The same thesis cannot be entered for more than one extraordinary prize.

The board tasked with deciding on the award of this prize is appointed by the School’s Steering Committee and consists of five members: a president, a secretary and three other members, chosen from doctoral professors. The board may request the collaboration of specialised teaching staff to assist with assessing the different theses.

The board should make a meticulous comparative examination of the different theses presented, without conducting any special exercises or tests. This examination should take into account the assessment that was made on the day the thesis was defended before the thesis board.

The School’s Director will report on the proposals and decisions of the board for the approval of the Executive Committee of the University’s Governing Board. Once the Executive Committee of the University’s Governing Board has examined the proposals, it will approve the concession of the extraordinary doctorate prize before the end of the academic year.