
General Objectives

  1. To contribute to social progress and development through family-oriented academic work.
  2. To spread knowledge and awareness about family-related issues.
  3. To provide rigorous and scientific knowledge on the modern state of the family and, in light of this knowledge, to propose possible actions to social agents.
  4. To create and develop an international network of family-oriented entities and experts from different fields and countries for the free exchange of knowledge and experience.

Specific Objectives

  1. To become a documental, statistical and bibliographic entity of reference in family policy throughout the Spanish-speaking and European world, using new technologies.
  2. To develop specific online training courses.
  3. To spread knowledge and publicise research findings through seminars and symposiums.
  4. To train experts in family policy.
  5. To provide university-level “vocational training” for parents.
  6. To achieve a dynamic presence among national and foreign family-oriented entities, and to actively participate in public debate.