Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Professional English for Advertising II

Professional English for Advertising II
Second semester
Main language of instruction: English

Teaching staff


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

This subject is planned as a graphic support course and in parallel to the Final Project subject.

The basic ideas around graphic design will be worked on. Know the basic bases of communication from typography, shape, composition, color, brand architecture, etc ... But also, tools and tricks in order to be able to use Adobe software in a basic way to provide the the student with basic skills that allow him/her to develop safely and knowledgeable within a graphic design project.

Through individualized tutorials, advice will be provided for the graphic part of the final projects.

Pre-course requirements

B2 level in english.

Graphic communication notions.


The PEA(II) subject's main objective is to train students so you can develop your future professional work in a multinational company where the common language is English.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 03 - The ability to plan personal resources (personnel, materials, seasonal...)
  • 04 - The ability of self assessment and professional self management
  • 05 - The ability to learn autonomously
  • 06 - The ability to act autonomously and responsibly
  • 07 - The ability to work in a group
  • 08 - The ability to organise time and workspace
  • 09 - Lingustic ability in Catalan, Spanish and English
  • 12 - The ability to produce spoken and written texts
  • 13 - Reading skills
  • 14 - Ability to analyse
  • 15 - The ability to synthesise
  • 17 - The ability to confront difficulties and resolve problems
  • 18 - The ability to work under pressure
  • 20 - The ability of concretion
  • 21 - The ability of abstraction
  • 22 - The ability to generate debate and reflection
  • 26 - The ability to coordinate yourself and /or work together to / with a team
  • 76 - The ability and capacity to practice as professionals who are responsible for customer service
  • 79 - The ability and capacity for independent practice of the profession
  • 84 - The ability and capacity to create and carry out graphic elements
  • 89 - The ability to create synergy in a working team
  • 90 - The ability of insight, ingenuity and creativity
  • 92 - The ability for analysis, synthesis and critical judgment
  • 93 - To know how to manage time
  • 94 - The ability to act freely and responsibly
  • 97 - To be able to read and understand literature in the field of communication in the English language
  • 98 - To skillfully manage terminology in English related to Communication
  • 99 - To be able to understand the principal ideas in a conference in the English language

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course, students should be able to:
- Understand the basic processes of graphic communication.
- Elaborate analysis and diagnosis of brand identity
- Know and use the basic functions of Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign


Good and bad design.
Aesthetical taste.
Graphic Design. Profiles.

Vector vs. pixel.
Images and Resolution.
When to use Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign.

Color Physics.
Light / Pigment.
Additive and Subtractive Synthesis.
CMYK / RGB / HTML / Pantone / RAL
Color Parameters. Hue / Brightness / Saturation
Color Harmonies.
Semiotics of Color.

Semiotics of Typography.
Anatomy of the letter.
Type Classification.
Tips on typography use.
Tracking & Kerning.
Brands and Guidelines.

Form Theory.
Perception and Gestalt Laws.
Image syntax.

Teaching and learning activities

In blended

Eminently practical subject.

It will consist of theoretical-practical classes, followed by basic exercises.

Monitoring and tutoring of the graphic part of the Final Project subject.

English will be the vehicular language.

Lectures. In lectures, lecturers/professors not only transmit content or knowledge, but also, and above all else, attitudes, motivation, skills and values, etc. They also ensure that participants can express their opinions and arguments to the other students. Coaching. Monitoring how students learn the content of the subject, either individually or in groups. In the coaching sessions, mistakes will be corrected, queries answered, and exercises and activities to achieve the established objectives will be suggested. E-learning. Virtual learning based on ICT. Focused Praxis. Handing in occasional exercises to learn theory through practice. Practical workshop. A highly practical working activity, where students can acquire skills that are practical or also theoretical (intellectual skills, logical skills, critical skills, intellectual learning skills, study skills, quoting skills, etc).

Evaluation systems and criteria

In blended

Partial exercises: 30%

Final presentation: 50%

Attendance, involvement and participation: 20%

Bibliography and resources


Albers, J. (1999). La interacción del color. Madrid: Alianza.

Hüppers, H. (2002). Atlas de los colores. Barcelona: Blume.


Capriotti, P. (2009) Branding corporativo. Fundamentos para la gestión estratégica dela Identidad corporativa. Santiago de Chile: Colección de Libros de la Empresa.

Available at: http://www.analisisdemedios.com/branding/BrandingCorporativo.pdf

Capriotti, P. (2013) Planificación estratégica de la imagen corporativa.  Málaga: Instituto de Investigación en Relaciones Públicas.

Available at: http://www.bidireccional.net/Blog/PEIC_4ed.pdf

Maidens, Frank & Hui, Vivian (2016) Logo Design Guide. StudioFunction, Toronto.

Available at: https://studiofunction.com/logo-design-guide/LogoDesignGuide-StudioFunction.pdf

Mollerup (2013) Marks of Excellence: The History and Taxonomy of Trademarks. London: Phaidon Press.

Olins, W. (1999) Corporate identity: making business strategy visible through design. Harvard: Harvard Business School Press.

Roberts, K. (2004) Lovemarks: The Future Beyond Brands. New York: Power HouseBooks.

Roellig, L. (2001) “Designing Global Brands: Critical Lessons”. Design Management Journal.  12 (4) 40–45.

Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1948-7169.2001.tb00563.x

Siegel+Gale (2015) Logos Now. A study on logo treatments and brand perceptions.  Siegel+Gale, New York.
Available at: http://simple.siegelgale.com/acton/fs/blocks/showLandingPage/a/9371/p/p-0013/t/page/fm/0

Way, C. J. & Koller, V. (2013) “Deliberate Conventional Metaphor in Images: The Case of Corporate Branding Discourse”. Metaphor and Symbol, 28 (3).

Available at: http://eprints.lancs.ac.uk/65762/

Wheeler, Alina (2013/2018) Designing Brand Identity. Hoboken: John Willey & Sons.

Available at: https://books.google.es/books/about/Designing_Brand_Identity.html?id=VLg6DwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&hl=en&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false


Dondis, D.A. (1990). La sintaxis de la imagen, Introducción al alfabeto visual. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.   Maeda, J. (2008). Las leyes de la simplicidad. Barcelona: Gedisa.

McCandless, D. (2009). Information is beautiful. London: Collins.

Müller‐Brockmann, J. (1982). Sistemas de retículas. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Munari, B. (1990). Diseño y comunicación visual. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Rom, J. (2002). Els fonaments del disseny gràfic. Barcelona: Trípodos.


Blackwell, L. (2004).Tipografía del siglo XX. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Coles, S. (2012). The Anatomy of Type. New York: Harper Collins.

Highsmith, C. (2012). Inside Paragraphs: typographic fundamentals. Boston: The Font Bureau, Inc. 

Jardí, E. (2007). Veintidós consejos sobre tipografía y veintidós cosas que nunca debes hacer con las letras. Barcelona: Actar.

Kane, J. (2005). Manual de tipografía. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili,.

Kunz, W. (2002). Tipografía: macro y microestética. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.


Adobe (s/d) [on-line] Photoshop User Guide.

Disponible en: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/user-guide.html

Adobe (s/d) [on-line] InDesign User Guide.

Disponible en: https://helpx.adobe.com/indesign/user-guide.html

Adobe (s/d) [on-line] Illustrator User Guide.

Disponible en: https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/user-guide.html

Adobe (s/d) [PDF] Adobe® Photoshop® CC Help.

Disponible en: https://helpx.adobe.com/content/dam/help/en/pdf/photoshop_reference.pdf

Adobe (s/d) [PDF] Adobe® InDesign® CC Help.

Disponible en: https://helpx.adobe.com/content/dam/help/en/pdf/indesign_reference.pdf

Adobe (s/d) [PDF] Adobe® Illustrator® CC Help.

Disponible en: https://helpx.adobe.com/content/dam/help/en/pdf/illustrator_reference.pdf





http://www.identityworks.com/forum/   http://www.underconsideration.com/

