Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Theory and Practice in Physical Education

Theory and Practice in Physical Education
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: Spanish,

Teaching staff


Theory and practice of Physical Conditioning is one of the subjects that are part of the Mention in Physical Education of the Degree in Infant and Primary Education of the International University of Catalonia. Conditional capabilities and physical conditioning make up one of the content blocks of the Official Curriculum proposed by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya. For this reason the subject is one of the essential foundations of the Mention in Physical Education.

Pre-course requirements

The subject Theory and Practice of Physical Conditioning is composed of a practical part, in which active participation in class will be necessary, and a theoretical part, in which contents of the subject will be combined with those of the law in force in the actuality, which involves a certain domain of the law. In order to be evaluated successfully, an active participation will be necessary as well as the fact of getting involved inside and outside the classroom during the school period.


1. Publicize the role and location of basic physical qualities in human motor skills 

2. Know the characteristics, evolution and development of the basic physical qualities and the possible applications to the classroom in school.   

3. Conèixer els principals sistemes d’entrenament applicable to l’escola, of each of the qualifications of physical qualifications. 

4. Prevent pathologies and injuries in physical activity and acquire healthy habits related to physical exercise.

5. Apply les normes adequades per a promotion of hygiene and health to the school.  

6. Conovrt forms various forms of physical fitness improvement.  

7. Research in the field of education, pedagogy and physical education.  

8. Know the minimum actions necessary in first aid to the school.  

9. Learn to create educational resources oriented to your application at school.  

10. Know some emerging methodologies applied to school.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CEM-15 - To master the techniques of observation and recording.
  • CEM-20 - To value the importance of teamwork.
  • CEM-24 - To be aware of the basic principles of healthy development and behaviour.
  • CEM-39 - To draw up teaching proposals related to the interaction of science, technology, society and sustainable development.
  • CEM-49 - To recognize and value the appropriate use of verbal and non-verbal language.
  • CEM-59 - To acquire a practical knowledge of the classroom and its management.
  • CEM-62 - To relate theory and practice to the classroom and school context.
  • CEM-66 - To be familiar with how to collaborate with the different sectors in the educational community and the social setting.
  • CET-3 - Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • CET-4 - Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • CET-7 - To promote responsibility in terms of professional development: to analyse, reflect on and develop points of view about the profession and teaching skills, to know how to make these clear and how to bring them up to date.

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. Promote and facilitate contexts for physical conditioning work: strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and coordination.

2. Knows how to plan content in an interdisciplinary way.

3. Know aspects of classroom management that are related to your educational activities.

4. Acts ethically and responsibly in the exercise of its functions.

5. Is up to date on the latest discoveries in the field of pedagogy and teaching methodology that affects their own teaching activity.

6. Integrates information and communication technologies in teaching-learning activities in teaching management and professional development.

7. Know the elements that make up the competition of creativity, the different levels of mastery and develop it to the fullest.

26. Know the elements that make up the competence of the entrepreneurial spirit, the different levels of dominance and develop it to the fullest.

27. Know the elements that make up the quality orientation competence, the different levels of mastery and develop it to the fullest.


1. The physical quantities

2. Strength: definition, types, and examples of activities that can work in the classroom.

3. The resistance, types and ways of working them to class in Physical Education class.

4. The ability to move, ways of working in physical education class

5. The cooperative work in physical education class

6. The current curriculum and status of the subject within it.

7. Gamification within the physical education classroom.

8. Some interesting methodologies: visual thinking, flipped classroom…

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The evaluation will be carried out continuously, on a formative basis, based on obtaining records of the learning and teaching processes.  The criteria are: - To know the theoretical and practical contents that make up the subject, through the realization of theoretical tests. That is why a written test will be conducted on an objective basis. - Apply the conceptual and procedural contents of the subject reflected in the works as well as their critical assessments. - Prove teaching skills through case studies and resolution of practical assumptions. 

The evaluation is organized as follows:  

1-. Preparation of an application work: 30% (annual programming) and defense before a specialty court; 10%

2-. Preparation and resolution of different tasks performed during the course, deliveries within the established deadline and quality. 

3-. Objective test: 15%

4- Creation and active participation in social networks; 5% (Creation of twitter profile and weekly participation)

5- Realization of a teaching resource based on a board game; 25%

6-Making a presentation video; 10%  

Because the weighting of all student grades should be assessed, the objective exam must be passed with a minimum of 4-.

Attendance to the material is mandatory and the compulsory presence of the classes is established at 80%), in order to be evaluated, otherwise it will be considered as a subject, not exceeded. A Classe will explain the operation.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation will be carried out continuously, on a formative basis, based on obtaining records of the learning and teaching processes.  The criteria are: - To know the theoretical and practical contents that make up the subject, through the realization of theoretical tests. That is why a written test will be conducted on an objective basis. - Apply the conceptual and procedural contents of the subject reflected in the works as well as their critical assessments. - Prove teaching skills through case studies and resolution of practical assumptions. 

The evaluation is organized as follows:  

1-. Preparation of an application work: 30% (annual programming) and defense before a specialty court; 10%

2-. Preparation and resolution of different tasks performed during the course, deliveries within the established deadline and quality. 

3-. Objective test: 15%

4- Creation and active participation in social networks; 5% (Creation of twitter profile and weekly participation)

5- Realization of a teaching resource based on a board game; 25%

6-Making a presentation video; 10%  

Because the weighting of all student grades should be assessed, the objective exam must be passed with a minimum of 4-.

Attendance to the material is mandatory and the compulsory presence of the classes is established at 80%), in order to be evaluated, otherwise it will be considered as a subject, not exceeded. A Classe will explain the operation.

Bibliography and resources

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DECRET 185/2015 del 25 d’agost. Generalitat de Catalunya. Departamentd’Educació. Currículum EducacióSecundàriaObligatòria

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