Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Final Master's Degree Project

Final Master's Degree Project
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English,

Teaching staff


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

The Final Master's Project (TFM) is a module of the Master in Psychopedagogy with a credit value of 8 ECTS. It is considered a training activity and an integrating exercise that aims to develop the capacity for analysis, synthesis and critical judgment in the professional and research context of the psychopedagogical intervention.

In the case of vocational guidance, it is about making decisions in the most common environments of professional, school and social-work practices, based on the scientific foundations of the discipline, based on the detection of educational needs, their evaluation and the design of psychopedagogical intervention programs.

In the case of research orientation, the student will select a problem that arises from the field of psychopedagogy and develop the corresponding research project.

The Final Master's Project represents for the student a final effort to integrate all the acquired learning throughout the curricular development. In this work, you must show your ability to analyze, synthesize and critically evaluate the subject you have dealt with, as well as to answer, in the chosen topic and the structure of the method, the chosen orientation (professional or researcher) taking into account the specialty studied. (school or socio-labor).

Pre-course requirements

The completion of the TFM is considered an integrative exercise of the training contents received and the competences acquired in the title. The TFM will preferably be linked to the practices carried out, whether they are professional or researcher.

The student must have passed 80% of the Master's subjects in order to prepare the TFM.


The Master's Thesis (TFM) is a module of the Master in Psychopedagogy with a credit value of 8 ECTS. It is considered a training activity and an integrative exercise that aims to develop the capacity for analysis, synthesis and critical judgment in the professional and investigative context of psycho-pedagogical intervention.

In the case of professional orientation, it is about making decisions in the most common professional, school and socio-labor practices, argued in the scientific foundations of the discipline, based on the detection of educational needs, their evaluation and the Design of psychopedagogical intervention programs.

            In the case of the research orientation, the student will have to select a problem that arises from the field of psychopedagogy and develop the corresponding research project.

⦁ The subject must be prepared by the student and presented to the Coordination Commission (in the case of professional guidance preferably linked to their practices). 

⦁ The assigned tutor will follow the TFM through the Virtual Campus.

⦁ The TFM module will end with the preparation of a report of the work carried out, which will be publicly defended before an Evaluation Court appointed by the Coordination of the Master.

⦁ The TFM is a mandatory module and both the performance of the work and the presentation and defense are individual.

⦁ The defense of the TFM will be done in person or by secure video-conference through the Adobbe Connect system in the event that the student can not travel. In the latter case, it will be essential that personnel authorized by the UIC to personally verify the identity of the student, as well as verify the suitability of the physical location from where the student performs the videoconference before the Court.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Basic and general

CB6 Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and / or application of ideas, often in a research context. CB7. Know how to apply the knowledge acquired and know how to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study. CB8 Be able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments. CB9. Know how to communicate conclusions, knowledge and reasons to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way. CB10. Possess the learning skills that allow to continue studying in a way, to a great extent, self-directed or autonomous. CG1. Be able to formulate reflective and critical judgments in educational contexts, considering the social and ethical responsibility of the educational psychologist. CG2. Acquire skills of analysis and synthesis of information obtained in formal and non-formal educational environments in order to pose new questions to psychopedagogical practice. CG3. Acquire knowledge that allows innovation in the educational field from a psychopedagogical perspective. CG4 Know how to apply the knowledge acquired and be able to solve problems in complex environments in which the educational psychologist acts. CG5 To be able to communicate in a reasoned way the decision making in the psychopedagogical field.


CT1. Generate innovative and competitive proposals in the professional or research activity.

CT2. Make effective and integrated use of communication technologies in the professional or research field.

CT3. Critically analyze personal work and use the appropriate resources and strategies for professional improvement.

CT4. Be able to present the ideas elaborated orally and in writing, adapting to the style and models of the professional or research activity. 

CT5. Work in teams and with teams (of the same scope or interdisciplinary) and develop attitudes of participation and collaboration as an active member of the community.

CT6. Behave with ethics and social responsibility as a citizen and as a professional.


CE1. Identify the anthropological, social and community conditions that characterize the psychopedagogical intervention in the different formal and non-formal areas or in the research contexts.

CE2. Define and recognize the ethical and deontological principles of psychopedagogical practice or psychopedagogical research.

CE3. Identify the different theoretical paradigms that support psychopedagogical practice or psychopedagogical research.

CE4.Determine the psychopedagogical needs of students, groups and organizations based on the application of different evaluation systems.

CE5 Observe systematically people and contexts and formulate objectives, hypothesis and / or pertinent questions adjusted to specific psychopedagogical problems.

CE9. Design and apply appropriate methodologies to achieve the research objectives raised in the psychopedagogical field.

CE13. Evaluate processes, programs, services and methodologies designed and / or developed by educational psychologists.

Learning outcomes of the subject

⦁ Identify a type of educational needs and a specific demand addressed to the educational psychologist taking into account the institutional characteristics of the environment.

⦁ Define a topic of psychopedagogical intervention that must be analyzed, designed and implemented in a specific educational institutional context.

⦁ Know and evaluate the techniques of evaluation and psychopedagogical diagnosis designing the process of collection, analysis and return of information with precision and efficiency.

⦁ Apply the appropriate instruments and resources for psychopedagogical assessment according to the nature of the educational needs evaluated.

⦁ Prepare diagnostic reports and school attendance reports for all students with specific educational support needs.

⦁ Elaborate and plan counseling / counseling programs and psycho-pedagogical counseling that allow an optimization of teaching-learning processes.

⦁ Implement and evaluate diagnostic, assessment, guidance and advisory programs in formal or non-formal environments that allow an optimization of teaching-learning processes.

⦁ Analyze the organizational development of educational centers assessing their functionality

⦁ Prepare coordination plans between educational centers or organizations, staff, teachers, families and other services, educational entities in the environment, to offer comprehensive educational guidance in line with the psycho-pedagogical evaluations carried out.

⦁ Identify a research problem in the psychopedagogical field, formulate a working hypothesis and design a methodological model to study it.


Preparation of a TFM for content integration through:

a) Professional orientation: the planning, development and evaluation of an intervention plan that identifies possible areas of improvement in the field of educational guidance and psychopedagogical counseling.

b) Research orientation: the identification of a problem, the specification in a research hypothesis and the application of data collection strategies (fieldwork) and their interpretation, following the principles of the research methodology in Psychopedagogy.

Teaching and learning activities



  • Teaching methodology online 
  • Study of theoretical modules 
  • Case method 
  • Solving exercises and problems 
  • Project-oriented learning


- The student must have passed all the subjects of the Master in order to present the TFM.

- The subject must be prepared by the student and presented to the Academic Committee (CA), preferably linked to their practices).

- The assigned tutor will monitor the TFM through the Virtual Campus.

- The TFM module will end with the preparation of a report on the work done, which will be publicly defended in front of an Evaluation Court appointed by the Board of Directors (JD).

- Written work should be 50 pages long, including bibliographic references, Arial 11 font format, 1.5 spaced. Attachments aside.

- The TFM is a mandatory module and both the execution of the work and the presentation and defense are individual.

- The defense of the TFM will be made in person or by video conference * secure through the system Adobbe Connector Collaborate  in case the student can not move. In the latter case, it will be essential for UIC authorized personnel to carry out in person the verification of the student's identity, as well as to verify the suitability of the physical space from which the student holds the video-conference before the Court. .

- In the defense of the TFM the Court is formed by 2/3 people: Coordinators of the TFM, tutor and/or other professors of the UIC.

- Duration of the oral presentation: 20 minutes and 10 minutes of questions. Language: Spanish, Catalan or English.

- The student can provide any support or support ICT that he wants to use. Students who defend their TFM by video conference will need to submit the support material to the TFM Coordination beforehand.

* IMPORTANT: in these cases, it will be necessary for the student to contact the Master Coordinator well in advance in order to be able to specify a seat near his place of residence.

 Assignment of tutor and theme

The Master's CA will evaluate the theme proposals made by the students and, if approved, the coordination of the Master will award a tutor for each student and propose them to the JD. Its function will be to guide the student in the process of preparation of the work, to supervise it and to ensure that the objectives set are met.

Functions of the tutor

  • Provide the student with the support they need to properly formulate and delineate the subject of the work. 
  • To orient in the bibliographic research for the initial review of the literature. 
  • Support the student in the development of the different sections of the work. 
  • Structure of the final master's work

RESEARCH ORIENTATION (the structure will be the same as the research report but with all the sections completed)

Option 1: Fieldwork

  • • Introduction: Abstract (relevance of the topic) and keywords.
    • Theoretical framework and review of the literature.
    • Hypothesis and / or objectives
    • Methodological design (context, participants, instruments, procedures)
    • Results and discussion based on the objectives set.
    • Conclusion responding to the initial hypothesis. Prospective
    • References

 Option 2: bibliographic review


    • Introduction: Abstract (relevance of the topic to be addressed according to the authors).
    • Theoretical framework and review of the literature.
    • Hypothesis and objectives
    • Methodological design. This section specifies that it is a review work, it explains what and how many documentary sources have been used and why, how they have been selected, databases used, what is the relevance of the authors, etc.
    • Discussion. In this section, the different epigraphs on the subject are developed coherently and with an appropriate common thread.
    • Conclusions and reflection. in this section it is related, compared, ordered, etc. the ideas contributed by the authors (and explained previously), in order to conclude by answering the question or hypothesis initially posed.
    • References


  • • Introduction: Abstract (relevance of the topic and reason). Keywords.
    • Theoretical framework and literature review
    • Hypothesis and objectives based on demand
    • Methodological design (educational context, participants, detection instruments, intervention, evaluation and timing)
    • Results and discussion based on the objectives set.
    • Conclusion responding to the initial hypothesis. Prospective
    • References

 All citations included in the TFM (in the theoretical framework or introduction, as well as in the discussion -if any-) must be made in accordance with APA 7ª edition (in the same way as in any academic work of this title).

Evaluation systems and criteria


⦁ Presentation of a written work: 50% of the final grade 

⦁ Oral and face-to-face defense of the TFM, before an academic tribunal: 50% of the final grade.

The evaluation criteria for the TFM are the following,

Writen document:

- Be able to select, analyze and distinguish pertinent information for the topic and the theoretical-practical approach of the TFM, as well as incorporate updated references related to the latest research and publications.

-Integrate knowledge and formulate critical judgments properly argued, based on the available information and taking into account the characteristics of the context on which you work.

-Identify and evaluate the different possibilities of intervention, justifying the decision making according to the conditions of the educational practice that require it. 

Oral Defense TFM:

-To demonstrate an adequate oral expression based on professional and scientific criteria on the practice of Psychopedagogy. 

-To know how to use the support of Information and Communication Technologies in the exhibition of the Final Master's Project. 

-To respond appropriately to the observations and theoretical-practical approaches made by the tutor during the process of preparing the work and, at the time of its presentation, the members of the Evaluating Tribunal.

IMPORTANT NOTE: During the period of work at the TFM Board in the Virtual Campus, students must have at least two tutorials with their principal; They may consist of consultations, sending of schemes, of collected material and / or drafts of your projects, etc. in order to track the quality of your progress.

Without these two minimum tutorials with the tutor, and without the signed report of the same tutor, the student will not be able to present the work to be supervised by the Coordination.

The TFM Coordination will review the report, and the work if deemed necessary, before giving its final approval to its presentation to the evaluation panel. Depending on the development of the respective revisions, the student will have an extra tutorial with his / her tutor before the final delivery.

Bibliography and resources

CEA D’ANCONA, A. (1997).  Métodos y Técnicas de Investigación cuantitativa, Madrid: Editorial Síntesis
FESTINGER Y KATZ. (1992) Los Métodos de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales. Barcelona: Paidós.
FLOREZ OCHOA, R y TOBÓN RESTREPO, A. (2001) Investigación Educativa y Pedagógica. Bogotá: McGraw Hill.
SABINO, C.A. (1996) El Proceso de Investigación. Buenos Aires: Edit. Lumen.
SALKIND, N.J. (1999) Métodos de Investigación. México: Prentice Hall.
SIERRA BRAVO, R. (1995) Tecnicas de investigación Social Teoría y ejercicios, Décima edición, Editorial Paraninfo: Madrid.
TAYLOR, S.J. y BOGDAN, R. (1987) Introducción a los métodos cualitativos de investigación. Barcelona: Paidós.
VELASCO MAILLO, H. DIAZ DE RADA, A. (2006) La lógica de la investigación etnográfica. Un modelo de trabajo para etnógrafos de la escuela. Madrid: Trotta.