Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

A Focus On Literature When Teaching English As a Foreign Language

A Focus On Literature When Teaching English As a Foreign Language
First semester
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish,

Teaching staff


In the event that the health authorities announce a new period of confinement due to the evolution of the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the teaching staff will promptly communicate how this may effect the teaching methodologies and activities as well as the assessment.

This course focuses on skills and strategies for teaching English as a foreign language through literature in pre-primary, primary and secondary school settings. The aim is to provide new approaches, functions, methodologies, resources and practices to use literature as a strategy in the foreign language classroom.

Pre-course requirements

Students are recommended to have a B2 level of English under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) before the start of the course.


The subject A Focus on Literature when Teaching English as a Foreign Language is a module of the Master’s Degree in Language Acquisition and Teaching English as a Foreign Language and is worth 4 ECTS. Its objectives are (1) to acquire the fundamental theoretical basis and teaching techniques needed to effectively teach English as a foreign language through literature; (2) to explore the potential that literature and analysing research and theoretical papers have for enriching teaching practices; and (3) to acquire the criteria and resources necessary to use literary materials suited to different levels in a formal and bilingual/multilingual context.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Basic and general  

CB7 - To know how to apply the acquired knowledge and problem-solving abilities in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to one’s area of study.

CB8 - To be able to acquire knowledge and deal with the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, although incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of one’s knowledge and judgments.

CB9 - To know how to communicate one’s conclusions and the latest knowledge and the supporting arguments to specialist and non-specialist audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.

CB10 - To possess the learning skills that allow one to continue studying in a way that will be largely individual or autonomous.

CG1 - To search for, obtain, process, summarise and communicate information (oral, printed, audiovisual, digital or multimedia-based), transform it into knowledge and apply it to teaching English as a foreign language.

CG2 - To develop critical thinking, problem solving, decision-making or inquiry skills, and apply these to educational reality with the aim of promoting students’ autonomy, creativity, confidence and personal initiative.

CG3 - To manage work time based on learning priorities and objectives, promoting self-learning.

CG4 - To communicate decision-making in the field of teaching English as a foreign language based on solid arguments.

CG6 - To be able to effectively work as a part of a team in multilingual, multicultural and interdisciplinary professional and/or academic environments.




CT1 - To apply pedagogically innovative models and educational research on the acquisition, teaching and use of English as a foreign language to specific cases, to a specific school context and/or contexts related to education, so that the theoretical knowledge acquired is suitably connected to the educational practice.

CT2 - To critically analyse one’s own work and use appropriate resources and strategies to achieve professional improvement.

CT3 - To incorporate information and communication technology (ICTs) into teaching and learning activities, teaching management and professional development.

CT4 - To generate innovative and competitive proposals in professional or research activity.

CT5 - To express oneself in public and give presentations with digital support adapted to the different interest groups in the school environment (teachers, families, students, etc.)




CE1- To know and reflect on processes of the acquisition and learning of English as a foreign language and its literature and culture.

CE3 - To analyse the diversity of current and innovative methodological approaches and pedagogical practices applied to different educational stages in bilingual and multilingual contexts.

CE4 - To effectively apply digital resources for the teaching and learning of English and manage and promote computer-assisted language teaching programmes.

CE5 - To plan the process of teaching and learning English as a foreign language and its literature and culture at different educational stages, taking the students’ level and previous knowledge into account.

CE6 - To design innovative teaching proposals that promote the development of students’ linguistic, multilingual and intercultural competences, based on the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; while also promoting reflection, openness and respect towards other languages and cultures.

CE9 - To apply the fundamental aspects of current educational research methodologies to improve processes of teaching and learning English as a foreign language.

CE11 - To use academic skills in English, both orally and in writing inside and outside the classroom as well as all the communication techniques typical of teachers of this language.

Learning outcomes of the subject

The learning outcomes that will be required of the students will be linked to the selected competences in each case. Among others, the following stand out:


▪          Reflect on the literature and culture of English as a foreign language.

▪          Analyse the diversity of current and innovative methodological approaches and pedagogical practices applied to the different educational stages in bilingual and multilingual contexts.

▪          Plan the process of teaching and learning English as a foreign language and its literature and culture, while taking the level and previous knowledge of the students into account.

▪          Effectively apply digital resources for English language teaching and learning and manage and promote computer-assisted English language teaching programmes.

▪          Develop innovative projects aimed at the analysis and improvement of teaching practices using information and communication technology (ICTs).

▪          Implement the different aspects of communicative competences as well as academic skills in English, both orally and in writing inside and outside the classroom, and use all the communication techniques typical of teachers of this language.

▪          Design innovative didactic proposals that promote the development of the linguistic, multilingual and intercultural competences of the students, based on the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; while also promoting reflection, openness and respect towards other languages and cultures.


This course will address aspects of literature that are relevant to the learning and teaching of English as a foreign language. Students will explore various methodologies for using literature in the English language classroom and create teaching activities and classroom materials, as well as a set of tools for applying theory in the classroom.

Teaching and learning activities


Online teaching methodology

CPL- Online practical classes

Learning activities

OPC - Online Practical Classes

VFD - Forums and Online Debates

IW - Individual Autonomous Work

GW - Group Autonomous Work

Evaluation systems and criteria


▪          Online resources: 20% of the final mark.

▪          Oral presentation and publication of a message: 30% of the final mark.

▪          Ecocritical video analysis of a children’s book: 40% of the final mark.

▪          Participation in virtual forums and discussions: 10% of the final mark.

Anti-plagiarism software will be used on all evaluated assignments.


The evaluation criteria for the subject are as follows:

▪          To reflect on the use of literature in the English as a foreign language classroom.

▪          To analyse the various methodological approaches and current teaching practices related to the use of literature in the different stages of education and in bilingual and multilingual contexts.

▪          To plan the process of teaching and learning English as a foreign language and English literature in accordance with the students’ language levels and prior knowledge.

▪          To effectively apply digital resources for teaching and learning English through literature.

▪          To use communicative competence and its different aspects, as well as academic skills in English, both orally and in writing, inside and outside the classroom, and undertake all communicative functions that are expected of teachers of this language.

Bibliography and resources

Brunsmeier, S. and Kolb, A. (2017). Picturebooks Go Digital – The Potential of Story Apps for the Primary EFL Classroom. Children’s Literature in English Language Education, 5(1), 1-20. 

Cheetham, D. (2015). Extensive Reading of Children’s Literature in First, Second, and Foreign Language Vocabulary Acquisition. Children’s Literature in English Language Education, 3(2), 1-23. 

Ellis, G., & Brewster, J. (2014). Tell it Again! The Storytelling Handbook for Primary English Language Teachers. Manchester: British Council.

Fleta, T. (2017). The Sounds of Picturebooks for English Language Learning. Children’s Literature in English Language Education, 5(1), 21-43. 

Kaminski, A. (2013). From Reading Pictures to Understanding a Story in the Foreign Language. Children’s Literature in English Language Education, 1(1), 19-38.

Kreft, A. & Viebrock, B. (2014). To Read or not to Read: Does a Suitcase Full of Books do the Trick in the English Language Classroom? Children’s Literature in English Language Education, 2(1), 72-91.

Moses, L. (2014). What Do You Do With Hands Like These? Close Reading Facilitates Exploration and Text Creation. CLELEjournal, 2(1), 44-56.

Mourão, S. (2013). Response to the The Lost Thing: Notes from a Secondary Classroom. Children’s Literature in English Language Education, 1(1), 81-105.

Mourão, S. (2016). Picturebooks in the Primary EFL Classroom: Authentic Literature for an Authentic Response. Children’s Literature in English Language Education, 4(1), 25-43.

Ortells Montón, E. (2017) Using American Coming-of-Age Stories in the ELT Classroom. Children’s Literature in English Language Education, 5(1), 44-63.

Prowse, P. (1999). The secret reading. English Teaching Professional, 13, 120-124.

Rees, D. K, Pereira, D. N. and Silva Mello, L. G. A. (2018). The Use of Children’s Literature in ELT in Brazil. Children’s Literature in English Language Education, 6(1), 45-62.