Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Orthodontics 2

Orthodontics 2
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff


Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics is the area of dentistry involving the supervision, guiding and correction of the growth and maturity of dentofacial structures. This includes scenarios requiring the movement of teeth or the correction of altered or abnormal skeletal relations through the application of force and/or the stimuli and direction of the functional forces of the craniofacial complex.
The main responsibilities of orthodontic practice are the diagnosis, prevention, interception and treatment of all forms of malocclusion of the teeth and the associated abnormalities of the bones and soft tissues; the design, application and control of functional and corrective appliances; and the guiding of dentition and its support structures to achieve and maintain optimum relations between the face and cranial structures in physiological and cosmetic harmony.
Due to its basic and essential nature as part of dental training, Orthodontics is justifiably incorporated as a core subject taught over three clinical courses in the Dentistry degree programme

Pre-course requirements

Students must have adquiered in Orthodontics 1 the knowledge necessary in oclusion analysis, facial analysis, panoramic radiograph analysis and the growth of the craneofacial complex. This knowledge will allow a better comprehension of the lectures given in Orthodontics 2.


The educational objectives for the subject of Orthodontics comprise a set of teaching activities that must be progressively introduced to students in the theoretical and practical knowledge that a general dentist must have. The theoretical syllabus during the first year of the subject (Orthodontics 1 and 2) has a general objective and four main sections: The general objective is to know how to diagnose from the point of view of the orthodontist but with an interdisciplinary overview of all specialties of Dentistry. The four sections are: 1) Introduction to Orthodontics and review of the structures and functions of the stomatognathic system; 2) Study of dentofacial growth and development; 3) Study of the etiology and classification of malocclusions; and 4) Study of the different diagnostic methods of orthodontic problems in order to know how to make a list of problems, some treatment objectives and begin to get involved in the elaboration of the treatment plan. The objectives of the laboratory practices are the practical application of theoretical knowledge and the acquisition of the attitude and reasoning skills and manual necessary for the diagnosis of malocclusion and the preparation of the appliances.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - Being aware of the essential elements of the dental profession, including the ethical principles and legal responsibilities it involves.
  • 03 - Knowing how to identify the concerns and expectations of patients, as well as how to communicate effectively and clearly, both orally and in writing, with patients, family members, the media and other professionals.
  • 04 - Understanding and recognising the social and psychological aspects that are relevant in terms of treating patients.
  • 05 - Knowing how to apply the correct principles to control anxiety and stress in oneself, in patients and in other memebers of the dentistry team.
  • 07 - Promoting new knowledge and techniques being acquired through autonomous learning, as well as the motivation to achieve quality.
  • 08 - Knowing how to share information with other healthcare professionals and how to work as part of a team.
  • 09 - Understanding the importance of keeping and using patient files in order to subsequently analyse them, while ensuring patient confidentiality is maintained.
  • 10 - Knowing and being able to identify the psychological and physical problems derived from gender violence in order to train students in the prevention, early detection of, care for and rehabilitation of the victims of this type of violence.
  • 11 - Understanding the basic biomedical science Dentistry is based on in order to ensure that adequate dental healthcare is provided.
  • 12 - Understanding and recognising the structure and normal function of the stomatognathic apparatus, at a molecular, cellular, tissue and organic level, during the various stages of life.
  • 13 - Understanding and recognising the science behind the essential bio-materials involved in dental practice as well as immediately managing potential allergies to these.
  • 14 - Being aware of the general processes of the illness, including infection, inflammation, alterations in the immune system, degeneration, neoplasm, metabolic alterations and genetic disorders.
  • 15 - Being familiar with the general pathological characteristics of the illnesses and disorders that affect organic systems, specifically those which have dental repercussions.
  • 17 - Understanding and recognising the principles of ergonomics and safety at work (including the control of cross infection, radiation protection and occupational and biological diseases).
  • 18 - Being aware of, critically evaluating and knowing how to use sources of clinical and biomedical infomation in order to obtain, organise, interpret and communicate scientific and healthcare-related information.
  • 19 - Being aware of scientific methods and having the critical ability to evaluate established knowledge and innovative information. Being able to formulate hypotheses, collect and critically evaluate information in order to resolve problems, in accordance with scientific methods.
  • 20 - Obtaining and creating a medical record containing all the relevant information.
  • 21 - Knowing how to undertake a full dental exam, including the necessary X-ray and complementary exploratory tests, as well as obtaining suitable clinical references.
  • 22 - Having the ability to make an initial diagnostic judgement and establish a reasonable diagnostic strategy, as well as being competent in recognising situations that require urgent dental treatment.
  • 26 - Knowing how to plan and undertake multidisciplinary, sequential and comprehensive dental treatment of limited complexity for patients of all ages and conditions and for patients who require special care.
  • 27 - Outlining and proposing suitable preventative measures for each clinical situation.
  • 32 - Knowing the biomedical science on which Dentistry is based in order to ensure adequate oral and dental care. This science must include material on: (a). Embryology, anatomy, histology and the physiology of the human body (b). Genetics, Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology and (c). Microbiology and immunology.
  • 33 - Knowing the morphology and function of the stomatognathic apparatus, including material on embriology, anatomy, histology and specific physiology
  • 36 - Knowing the danger of ionising radiation and its impact on biological tissue, as well as the legislation that regulates its use. Knowing how to manage dental radiodiagnostic facilities
  • 37 - Undertaking the x-rays that are necessary in dental practice, interpreting the images obtained and learning about other important image-based diagnosis techniques
  • 40 - Identifying the main reason for the consultation and the history of the current disease. Creating a general medical record and a clinical record which accurately reflect the patient's notes
  • 59 - Knowing the oral manifestations of systemic diseases
  • 62 - Conocer y manejar las emergencias y urgencias médicas más frecuentes en la práctica odontológica y en las técnicas de reanimación cardiorrespiratoria básica
  • 64 - Undertaking basic oral and dental pathology treatments for patients of all ages. The treatment procedures should be minimally invasive and based on a comprehensive and integrated approach to oral and dental treatment
  • 69 - Identifying patients who require special care, recognising the characteristics and peculiarities of such cases
  • 72 - Appropriate medical prescriptions, while being aware of their guidelines and warnings, systemic effects and repercussions on other organs
  • 75 - Identifying, evaluating and attending to medical emergencies which may arise during clinical practice and apply cardiopulmonary recuscitation techniques; manage severe infections, including pharmaceutical prescriptions and simple surgical aspects
  • 76 - Identifying and dealing with any dental emergencies
  • 79 - Treating dento-alveolar trauma in temporary and permanent dentitions
  • 88 - To undertake non-surgical treatment for temporo-mandibular disorders and oro-facial pain
  • 89 - To undertake bucco-dental treatment on young patients and recognise its characteristics and peculiarities
  • 91 - To plan and determine the specific characteristics of the design, records, prescription, clinical trails, placement and clinical adjustment for fitting removable and fixed space-maintainers and interceptive orthodontic techniques as well as extractable active elements destined to reposition teeth or correct an overbite

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • 4.116 - Know and recognize the etiology of malocclusions
  • 4.122 - Know how to make a correct analysis of the plaster models
  • 4.124 - Recognize anatomical structures in the lateral skull radiography
  • 4.125 - Know how to make a cephalometric analysis of a lateral tele radiography of the skull
  • 4.126 - Know how to make a list of diagnostic problems and structure it properly
  • 4.127 - Know the biological basis of dental treatment, its mechanical and biomechanical principles
  • 4.129 - Acquire skills in bending wire
  • 4.130 - Know how to make a removable orthodontic appliance


Anatomy of the teleradiography of the crani.   Introduction to cephalometry, history, points and plans. Steiner cephalometry. Interpretation of Steiner's cephalometry.   Ideal occlusion: Lleis d'Andrews.   Etiology of the malocclusions   Diagnosis of oral pathology to orthopantomography. DAPs.   Posturology   Diagnostic integrat: List of problems, Objectius de Tractament, i (introduction to ...) Pla de Tractament.


Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 25/05/2023 A16 10:00h
  • E1 25/05/2023 A22 10:00h
  • E1 25/05/2023 A15 10:00h
  • E1 25/05/2023 A21 10:00h
  • E1 25/05/2023 A10 10:00h
  • R1 01/06/2023 A03 10:00h
  • E2 29/06/2023 A01 08:00h
  • R2 04/07/2023 A10 11:00h