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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Epidemiology, Public Health and Qualitative Methodology

Epidemiology, Public Health and Qualitative Methodology
Main language of instruction: English

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, Spanish

Teaching staff

Head of subject: Adrián González Marrón (


The dental profession is not only significant in terms of the provision of services at the individual level, but also the work of the dentist at the population level can have a major relevance. Dentistry as a science plays an important role within the broad and complex universe of public health because of the influence of oral health on health as a whole. For this reason, public dental health is a specialty recognized by different associations, such as the American Dental Association. Moreover, dentists are explicitly recognized within the "One Health" initiative, a widespread and multidisciplinary movement that brings together professionals of diverse fields in public health.

In this context, the dentist must be familiar with the main concepts of public health as well as the transversal methodologies that govern this discipline, such as biostatistics and epidemiology. While the former will be seen as an independent subject in the Master’s, in this subject we will analyze the basic principles of epidemiology.

Finally, the course ends with an approach to qualitative methodology, which has become very popular in many disciplines of Health Sciences, including dentistry.

Pre-course requirements



  1. To understand the general aspects that govern public health and the specific ones of the dental profession within the framework of public health.
  2. To understand the basic principles of epidemiology, including the most important epidemiological designs, as well as measures of frequency, association and impact.
  3. To approach qualitative research and its applications in dentistry.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CP01 - Apply the scientific method, experimental design and advanced biostatistics to answer a question or test a hypothesis in a dental research project.

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. Define the fundamental concepts related to epidemiology and the scientific process. 


1. Introduction to public health

            Concept of health. Illness-wellness continuum. Natural history of disease.

            Concept of public health. Strategies for action in public health: protection and promotion of health and prevention of disease.

            Levels of prevention: primordial, primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary prevention. The prevention paradox. The "dark side" of prevention.

            Determinants of health. Multi-level model of the determinants of health. 

            Main health problems in the world.

            Public health in the context of dentistry. Dental public health.

2. Introduction to epidemiology

            Concept of epidemiology. The history of modern epidemiology: from John Snow to Doll & Hill.

            Measures of frequency, association and impact: calculation and interpretation.

            Types of epidemiological studies. Strengths and weaknesses.

3. Introduction to qualitative research

            Concept of qualitative research. Qualitative research vs. quantitative research.

            Data collection in qualitative methodology: conversation, observation and documentary methods.

            Qualitative methodology in the context of dentistry.

Teaching and learning activities


Tutored work and autonomous work.

Being an online Master, materials will be available on the Moodle platform. Mainly, they will be presentations in PDF format that will include the evaluable contents of the program.

In addition, other interesting resources (articles from scientific journals, mainly) will be posted which can be useful to understand more easily certain concepts or ideas.

Evaluation systems and criteria


Continuous assessment and case resolution.

Each of the three topics in which the subject is divided will be assessed by means of:

  1. An assignment related to the content of the topic. It can be fulfilled in Spanish, Catalan or English. 75% of the final mark of the topic.
  2. A test. 25% of the final mark of the topic.

The total score of each subject (task + test) will represent one third of the final mark of the course. That is, all three topics count the same.

It is mandatory to carry out the six activities of the course (the three tasks and the three questionnaires).

You will be informed on the Moodle platform on the deadlines for submitting the tasks and the specific dates on which the questionnaires will remain open. No assignments will be accepted beyond the deadline.

Bibliography and resources

  •  Books:
    • Public Health

Daly, Blánaid; Batchelor, Paul; Treasure, Elizabeth; Watt, Richard. (2013). Essential dental public health. Oxford University Press.

    • Epidemiología

Bonita, Ruth; Beaglehole, Robert; KjellstroĢˆm, Tord & World Health Organization. (‎2006)‎. Basic epidemiology, 2nd ed. World Health Organization. 

Lash, Timothy L; VanderWeele, Tyler J; Haneuse, S; Rothman KJ. (2020). Modern Epidemiology, 4th ed. Wolter Kluwer.

  • Journals
    • Public Health

Journal of Public Health Dentistry.