Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Manual Therapy 2
Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish
Teaching staff
For any questions, students can arrange a visit sending an email to:
Silvia Pérez (PhD) sperezgu@uic.es
Carlos Zárate (PhD) czarate@uic.es
his subject is part of the subject of Specific Methods of Intervention in Cardio-respiratory Physiotherapy I is a follow-up of the subject of Manual Therapy I studied in the second year of the degree. This course aims to provide the students with theoretical and practical knowledge of the different manual therapy maneuvers applied to the musculoskeletal system, mainly pelvis and vertebral column.
Pre-course requirements
Not specified
- To develop clinical reasoning processes in Manual Therapy for the establishment of goals and treatment plans.
- To increase manual skills and dexterity for the development of Manual Therapy.
- Improve the execution and efficacy of the different trunk and pelvis manoeuvres.
- Apply specific Manual Therapy techniques at the trunk and pelvis level.
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- 01 - The ability to analysis and synthesis.
- 02 - The ability to organise and synthesize
- 09 - Demonstrate critical thinking skills.
- 10 - Develop autonomous learning skills.
- 15 - Demonstrate a concern for quality.
- 29.1 - Demonstrate a committment to ongoing learning and self-improvement.
- 43 - Knowledge of physiotherapeutic procedures based on techniques and methods specific to physiotherapy interventions applied to the various disorders of all systems and medical and surgical specialisations, as well as health promotion and disease prevention.
- 48 - Ability to establish a physiotherapeutic diagnosis according to international norms and using internationally validated assessment tools.
- 48.2 - Ability to assess the patient's/client's needs in order to give priority to the ones that could compromise the rehabilitation process.
- 49 - Ability to design a physiotherapy treatment plan.
- 50 - Ability to execute, direct and coordinate a physiotherapy treatment plan while attending to the client's individual needs and using therapeutic tools specific to the physiotherapy profession.
- 50.1 - Ability to establish and implement physical therapy in treatments provided by all other medical and surgical specialties whenever it is deemed necessary.
- 50.6 - Ability to design and apply the various modalities of therapeutic techniques and reflex methods as well as other specific, alternative or complementary manual therapies that are used within the physiotherapy field.
Learning outcomes of the subject
The student correctly applies specific manual therapy techniques at the level of the pelvis and trunk based on clinical reasoning in Manual Therapy.
Unit 1 Palpatory anatomy and observation
Unit 2 Pelvis
2.1 Anatomical memory
2.2 Ilium, sacrum and pubis injuries
2.3 Application of techniques of examination and treatment
Unit 3 Lumbar vertebral column
3.1 Anatomical memory
3.2 Examination
3.3 Application of techniques of treatment
Unit 4 Craniovertebral Region and cervical vertebral column
4.1 Anatomical memory
4.2 Examination
4.3 Application of techniques of treatment
Unit 5 Thoracic vertebral column
5.1 Anatomical memory
5.2 Examination
5.3 Application of techniques of treatment
Teaching and learning activities
In person
This subject is mainly face-to-face, and classes will be held in the University's classrooms, with theoretical and practical seminars. The methodology used will be the lecture, cooperative learning and the resolution of exercises and problems proposed in class.
Students will be required to carry out self-learning activities. The methodology used will be the learning contract in order to develop the student's autonomous learning.
Independent study by the student will be developed in a non-classroom mode.
Evaluation systems and criteria
In person
1st call
A minimum attendance of 80% will be required
- Continuous assessment 20%.
- Theoretical evaluation 20%.
- Practical assessment 60%.
It is necessary to have a mark of 5 or more in the theoretical, practical and continuous assessment in order to obtain the weighted average.
2nd call
Failure to pass any of the different parts in the 1st call implies the recovery of that part in the 2nd call.
- Continuous assessment 20%.
Students who have not passed 80% attendance in the 1st call will have to take an exam where the competences in each of the regions will be assessed.
- Theoretical assessment 20%.
- Practical assessment 60%.
It is necessary to have a mark of 5 or more in the theoretical, practical and continuous assessment in order to be able to carry out the weighted average.
The practical training activities will be assessed by means of tests involving the execution of real tasks. These tests are included in the assessment system carried out in the theoretical-practical seminars.
Bibliography and resources
DVORAK, J.; DVORAK, V. Medicina manual: Diagnóstico (vol.1) Tratamiento (vol.2). eD. sCRIBA, 2ºeDICIÓN. 1993
F.M.KALTENBORN. Fisioterapia manual columna. Madrid: Mc Graw-Hill Inteamericana, 2000
F.M.KALTENBORN. Fisioterapia manual extremidades. Madrid: Mc Graw-Hill Inteamericana, 1999
GENOT, NEIGER, PIERRON, PÉNINOU,...(1988): Kinesioterapia. Volumes I, II, III, IV. Buenos Aires: Ed.Panamericana
K.HAINAUT. Introducción a la biomecánica. Editorial Jims, Barcelona 1976
KAPANDJI, I. A. Cuadernos de fisiología articular I, II y III. Barcelona: Ed.Masson, 1973
RODRIGO, C. MIRALLES, M. Biomecánica clínica del aparato locomotor. Barcelona: Ed.Masson, 1998
TIXA, S. Atlas de anatomía palpatoria de cuello, tronco y extremidad superior. Investigación manual de superficie. Barcelona: Ed.Masson, 2000
TIXA, S. Atlas de anatomía palpatoria de la extremidad inferior. Investigación manual de superficie. Barcelona: Ed.Masson, 1999
VILAR E, SUREDA, S. Fisioterapia del aparato locomotor. MacGraw-Hill Interamericana, Madrid, 2005
XHARDEZ, Y. Vademecum de Kinesiología y Reeducación Funcional. Ateneo 1992. Buenos Aires