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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Didactics of Literature

Didactics of Literature
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish

Teaching staff

Maria Pujol Valls, (Catalan/Spanish specialist area)

María de Gracia Rodríguez Fernández, (English specialist area)


This subject promotes the awareness of youth literature for teaching in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. It is intended that students analyze and evaluate models, educational programs, and methodologies for teaching literature, and that they program innovative classroom activities to stimulate the development of literary competence.

It is offered in the specialties of Catalan and Spanish language and literature and in English.

Pre-course requirements

There are no prerequisites.


Apply the knowledge acquired around the teaching of literature.
Specify the curriculum that is planned collectively in a school.
Plan and implement innovative teaching proposals, adapted to the diversity of students, critically analyzing the performance of teaching, good practices in the field of literature teaching.
Solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader or multidisciplinary contexts related to the teaching of literature.
Integrate and use information and communication technologies effectively and responsibly.
Express oneself in public and make presentations with digital support adapted to different contexts.
Critically analyze personal work and use appropriate resources and strategies for professional improvement.
Identify strategies to promote gender equality, equity and respect for human rights.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB07 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and the ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of ​​study
  • CE13 - Specify the curriculum to be implemented in a teaching center by participating in its collective planning; develop and apply both group and personalized didactic methodologies, adapted to the diversity of students
  • CE14 - Apply innovative teaching proposals, critically analyzing the performance of teaching, good practices and guidance using quality indicators in the field of specialization studied
  • CG05 - Organize and plan different types of activities, events and situations
  • CG06 - Integrate and use Information and Communication Technologies in various fields in an efficient and responsible way
  • CG07 - Express themselves in public and make presentations with digital support adapted to the different interest groups of the school context
  • CT01 - Critically analyze personal work and use the appropriate resources and strategies for professional improvement
  • CT04 - Develop the ability to assess inequalities based on sex and gender, to design mechanisms to achieve real equality, avoiding partial and discriminatory interpretations
  • CT05 - Identify strategies to promote gender equality, equity and respect for human rights

Learning outcomes of the subject

3. The learner attends to special educational needs by applying didactic proposals and methodologies adapted to the diversity of students.

4. The learner incorporates and integrates new strategies, teaching materials and technologies into classroom activities in the teaching-learning process.

5. The learner applies assessment strategies and techniques as tools for regulation and learning.

6. The learner analyses and evaluates models, educational programs and methodologies for teaching oral and written language and literature.

7. The learner schedules classroom activities to promote the development of specific competencies in the subject.

8. The learner designs innovative teaching proposals in the field of oral and written language and literature.

9. The learner uses non-sexist resources and alternatives to energize thinking, as well as to organize classrooms and other work and living spaces.

10. The learner promotes equal rights and opportunities for students.


7. Elaboration and development of didactic units in the Language and Literature classroom. Content selection and sequencing. Methodological guidelines.
8. The Centre's Language Project and the reading plan.
9. The Didactics of Literature. Importance of literature.
10. Literary competence: processes and components. Cognitive operations of literary competence.
11. Objectives and aims of literary education. Paradigm shift.
12. Strategies, skills, competences and evaluation of literary education.
13. The literary canon. Criteria for the selection of works and literary texts. The academic and training canon. The Canon of Children's and Youth Literature.
14. Introduction to the classics: tools and approaches.

Teaching and learning activities


  • Methodologies:

CT - Online theoretical/expository classes
CP - Online Practical Classes
REC - Resolution of exercises and questions
PBL - Project Based Learning 

  • Training activities:

Online Masterclass
Online Practical Class
Forums and virtual debates
Study and individual work
Group work
Online Tutoring

Evaluation systems and criteria


Evaluation in the Catalan and Spanish specialist areas:


Online Job Submission (PT) (35%)

Reading club: oral individual presentation (7 and 14 March, synchronous or asynchronous) and reading selection (21 March)


Test exam (ETE) (20%)

Resources contest: resource proposal (4 April) and test (25 April, in class) 


Proposal for educational intervention (IE) (35%)

Group project for designing a didactic unit (10 June)


Synchronous and/or asyncronous participation (10%)


Evaluation in the English specialist area: 


Forum (individual): 25%


You will be able to participate in the forum from 28th February to 10th June. I will explain the forum at the Monday 28th session.

Multiple choice test25%


It will be a multiple-choice test with the content (theory) worked on during all the sessions of this subject. I will explain it in detail in the session of 20th May.

Activity 1: Reading club (individual): 15%


This activity will be explained in the session on Monday 28th February and the deadline for submission will be 28th March.

Activity 2: Resources proposal, «Feeling literature with ICT» (individual or in pairs): 10%


This activity will be explained in the session on Monday 4th April and the deadline for submission will be 16th May.

Activity 3: Programming of a teaching unit (individual or in groups): 25%


This activity will be explained in the session on Monday 9th May and the deadline for submission will be 3rd June.

Bibliography and resources

Bibliography in the Catalan and Spanish specialist areas:

Camps, A. (coord.); Adell, P.; Bernárdez, E.; Brucart, J. M.; Camps, A.; Cassany, D.; Cuenca, M. J.; Guasch, O.; Salvador, V.; Sánchez-Enciso, J.. i Sanz, G. (2011) Llengua i literatura catalana. Complements de formació disciplinària. Formació del Professorat de Secundària. Graó. 

Cava, M. (2021). Les biblioteques escolars. Perspectiva, 416,

Colomer, T. (coord.) (2009). Lecturas adolescentes. Graó.

Colomer, T. (coord.) (2008). Lectures adolescents. Graó.

(2008) Currículum batxillerat. Decret 142/2008 - DOGC núm. 5183

Direcció General de Currículum i Personalització (2019) Currículum Educació Secundària Obligatòria. Generalitat de Catalunya.

Direcció General d’Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat. (2014). La literatura a l'aula. Competències bàsiques Àmbit lingüístic Dimensió literària i comunicativa. Generalitat de Catalunya.

(2018) El currículum competencial a l’aula. Una eina per a la reflexió pedagògica i la programació a l’ESO. Generalitat de Catalunya.

Manresa, M. (2013). L'Univers lector adolescent: dels hàbits de lectura a la intervenció educativa. Rosa Sensat. 

Pagès, V. (2006). De Robinson Crusoe a Peter Pan: un cànon de literatura juvenil. Proa.

Ruiz Bikandi, U. (coord.) Ambròs, M. A.; Bernárdez, E.; Breu, R.; Escandell, M. V.; Guasch, O.; Jover, G.; Leonetti, M.; Olaziregi, M. J.; Oteagi, M. L.; Romera, M.; Ruiz Bikandi, U.; Tolchinsky, L. (2011) Lengua castellana y literatura. Complementos de formación disciplinar. Graó. 

Sanahuja, D. (2021). El que vaig aprendre a secundària. Eumo.


Bibliography in the English specialist area:

ALVERMANN, D.E. et al. (1990): Discutir para comprender. Madrid: Visor.

CAIRNEY, T.H. (1990): Enseñanza de la comprensión lectora. Madrid: Morata.

CALLEJA, S. (1992): Todo está en los cuentos. Propuestas de lectura y escritura. Mensajero-ICE Universidad de Deusto.

COLECTIVO GRAFEIN (1981): Teoría y práctica de un taller de escritura. Madrid: Altalena.

COLOMER, T. (1991): «De la enseñanza de la literatura a la educación literaria» Comunicación, Lenguaje y Educación 9, 21-31.

COLOMER, T. (1996): «La evolución de la enseñanza literaria». Aspectos Didácticos de Lengua y Literatura, 8, 127-171. Zaragoza: ICE de la Universidad de Zaragoza.

COLOMER, T.; A.CAMPS (1995): Enseñar a leer, enseñar a comprender. Madrid: Celeste.

COOPER, C. (1986): Cómo mejorar la comprensión lectora. Madrid: Visor-MEC.

CORREA, E.; F.LAZARO (1957): Cómo se comenta un texto literario. Salamanca: Anaya, 11.º ed. Madrid: Cátedra.

FRANCO, A. (1988): Escribir, un juego literario. Madrid: Alhambra.

GONZALEZ NIETO, L. (1993): «La literatura en la enseñanza obligatoria». Aula de innovación educativa 14, 15-21.

MEIX, F. (1994): «Teorías literarias y enseñanza de la lengua». Textos de didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura 1, 53-64.