How to articulate and transmit your message: verbal and non-verbal communication

Session 2 - 20 October 2022

Session 2: How to articulate and transmit your message: verbal and non-verbal communication

  • Date: 20 October
  • Time: 3 to 4:00 p.m.
  • Language: Spanish
  • Format: online

Do you want to improve and learn new skills that will help you achieve that desired opportunity?

We often think that the word is the most valuable element and forget the importance of other factors such as our attitude, the image we project or other fundamental elements.

Verbal communication is everything we express through words, while non-verbal communication is the information we transmit through gestures and body language.

Social and communication skills are essential to success in the selection process. Therefore, the key is to identify and use all communicative elements in a correct and effective way within the different scenarios we may find ourselves in: interviews, application submissions, group dynamics, etc.

In this workshop, we will learn new tools about what verbal and non-verbal communication is, their influence in the message, and how we can improve our verbal and non-verbal expression.

The session will be led by ​Alberto Chinchilla, graduated in Journalism '07 and Humanities' 08 from the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. He is co-founder and director of the “be shared” consulting firm, and a personal brand projection and strategic development consultant, brand strategist, and inspirational speaker. He collaborates with national and international brands in the management of their digital communication and online reputation. He is also a coach in communication and digital skills for steering committee teams, and is a lecturer and collaborator at several prestigious national and international universities. He is a member of Dircom and a member of the UIC Barcelona Alumni General Meeting.

Would you like to perfect your positioning skills and better convey your profile? Sign up and learn how to boost your communication skills and clearly explain what you can contribute to a project or a company!