Topic: Caring for society in the age of artificial intelligence

Caring for Society in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has an increasing impact on all areas of our life. On the one hand, artificial intelligence can provide more advanced medical diagnoses, improve data management, and facilitate decision making. On the other hand, it may also improve certain styles of learning, and predict future natural disasters and climatic emergencies with greater precision. However, we must recognise the challenges that this technology poses, such as the possibility of mass labour displacements, more inequality for those with less access to technology and a growing dependence on technology that can affect human bonds.  Moreover, we cannot overlook the environmental impact due to the consumption of energy it requires and the electronic waste it generates. Therefore, we must collectively reflect on the integration of this technology in our day-to-day life with responsibility, and with the goal of taking better care of our society.

For this reason, the theme of this edition of the Student Academic Conference is Caring for Society in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.

We firmly believe that valuable contributions can be made from all disciplines of knowledge that contribute to the reflection on caring for society in the age of artificial intelligence. The word cure comes from the Latin word cura, curae, which means ‘to cure, to care, to be concerned.’ From the same root, we have words such as care, procure, curious. Caring surpasses all disciplines.

To honestly care for society, we must rethink care in every possible area: from home, science, politics, law, health, urbanism, arts, technology, and each of us individually.

The goal in this edition is to examine through study and scientific rigor the role of caring for society in the AI age, through cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary dialogue that can be highly stimulating and transforming.

  • 1.    Health and Well-being
    • Well-being in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
    • Public Health Practices in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
    • Promotion of Health and Artificial Intelligence 
    • Telemedicine: New Paths of Health Care
  • 2.    Technology
    • AI as an Imminent Future in Caring for People
    • Sports in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
    • Big Data and the Future of Caring
    • Data Analysis Applied to Caring for People
    • Technology and New Knowledge 
  • 3.    Art and Design
    • Keys to Design for Society in the Age of Artificial Intelligence 
    • Sustainable Design and Energy Crisis
    • Art and Artificial Intelligence 
    • The Future of Constant Innovation
    • The Future of Museums
  • 4.    Humanities and Communication
    • Media in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
    • The Arts and Caring in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
    • New Techniques: Music as an Essential Element in Care
    • Literature and Caring for the Soul: Hope of the Future
    • The Future of False News
  • 5.    Social, Legal and Political Sciences
    • Social Relationships, Family and Care in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
    • Should artificial intelligence be legislated?
    • How can artificial intelligence improve the social policy designs?
    • The Future of the Community in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
    • Does AI threaten or improve democracy and social cohesion?

Papers may be submitted by current students from all degree programmes; all participants do not have to be in the same degree programme. Participants must only share an interest in the proposed topic and want to work on a project in one of the areas proposed.