
Language for Teaching: Written Expression

  • code 10596
  • course 1
  • term Anual
  • type OB
  • credits 6

Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff


Written wording has been - and would have to remain - one of the basic activities of university work; both those who begin their studies in academic life and those who have already completed them should spend time writing (and reading). Information technologies have multiplied the opportunities of reading and the uses of writing.


This subject aims, in the first place, that the student of education assumes a high domain of written expression and of reading comprehension, and to become an expert in these two skills of communicative competence, both in Catalan and Spanish. Secondly, it wants to offer a variety of strategies and resources to foster taste and habit by reading texts that relate to the contents of the career and also to encourage them to develop the necessary skills to develop through simple research writing about educational issues. Third, they will strive to improve their writing skills, especially those associated with basic forms: explain, narrate, describe, argue...


Dra. Asunción Verdera Albiñana (, office G203


Pre-course requirements

It is presupposed the knowledge of Catalan and Spanish at a level equivalent to C1 level (sufficiency). This is a requirement to pass the course.

You can find more information about C1 here:

Common European Framework for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (chapter 3)

Curs de llengua catalana. Nivell C, Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Justícia, 2008

Nivel C1, Diplomas de Español como Lengua Estranjera



1) Increasing the communicative competence in the area of written language, specifically in writing different types of texts (expository, argumentative, descriptive school genres...) and reading.

2) Understanding the basic theory of writing on learning so that students are able to analyse their own attitudes towards composing a text.

3) Strengthening the knowledge and use of normative Catalan and Spanish.

4) Integrating information technology in the teaching-learning, in the development of education and their own personal maturity.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CEM-44 - To understand the basic principles of the sciences of language and communication.
  • CEM-47 - To speak, read and write correctly and appropriately in the official languages of the corresponding Autonomous Region (in our case, Catalan and Spanish).
  • CEM-49 - To foment reading and the critical commentary of texts and to encourage writing.
  • CG-01 - To integrate information and communication technologies in teaching and learning activities, teaching management and professional development.
  • CG-02 - To communicate clearly and correctly in the language of instruction (Catalan and Spanish), orally and in writing, in accordance with level C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
  • CG-09 - To be familiar with the elements that make up creativity, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-10 - To be familiar with the elements that make up entrepreneurial spirit, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-11 - To be familiar with the elements that make up the quality-based approach, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CET-1 - Interpersonal responsibility: to be aware of professional performance and influence on students. To have the skills and knowledge to manage group processes and communication for good collaboration with and between students.
  • CET-2 - Pedagogical responsibility: to have the knowledge and teaching skills required to create a safe learning environment for both classes and groups, but also for individual students, in order that children can become responsible, independent adults.
  • CET-3 - Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • CET-4 - Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • CET-5 - Collaboration with colleagues in the profession: to have the knowledge and skills required to make a professional contribution to the teaching environment in the school, in professional relationships, and to achieve a good school organization.
  • CET-6 - Collaboration with the professional environment at the school: to have the knowledge and skills required to establish good relations with the people and institutions dedicated to child welfare or belonging to the school's professional environment.
  • CET-7 - To promote responsibility in terms of professional development: to analyse, reflect on and develop points of view about the profession and teaching skills, to know how to make these clear and how to bring them up to date.

Learning outcomes of the subject

8. To use methodological strategies to promote writing and reading.

22. To plan and produce texts, and to use basic research, selection and information-organization techniques, in the official languages of Catalonia.

23. To adapt the information to the type of text and the communication situation.

24. To progressively decipher the overall meaning of the text.

25. To produce effective communicative phrases clearly, comprehensibly and creatively.

26. To use punctuation marks, connectors, pronouns, etc. correctly, in order to link sentences semantically.

27. To distinguish key information from secondary information.

28. To be able to detect the unnecessary repetition of ideas, information gaps and contradictory or non-relevant information.

29. To use grammar-correction tools as a method for improving quality.

30. To integrate information and communication technologies into all areas of language.


1. The process of composing a text. Planning.
2. Searching, selecting and organizing information. Grouping ideas into paragraphs.
3. Typology and textual genres and text sequences.
4. The consistency of information and thematic progression.
5. The construction of the sentence.
6. Punctuation.
7. Connection.
8. Referencing. Grammatical mechanisms. Lexical cohesion and the value of the lexical repertoire.
9. Reading strategies.
10. Strategies for conceptual proofreading.
11. Tools for the grammatical revision of texts.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

The main methodologies and educational activities of the course consists of the expository method, cooperative learning, and problem solving exercises, text commentary, study and group work, lectures and seminars, individual and independent work, and personal attention to students.

CEM-44 CEM-47 CEM-49 CG-10 Problem-based learning
Cooperative learning
Project-based learning
Case studies
Presentation methods / lecture
Problem-solving exercises
Practical classes
Theory classes
Group study and work
CG-01 CG-02 CG-09 CG-10 CG-11 Problem-based learning
Cooperative learning
Project-based learning
Case studies
Presentation methods / lecture
Problem-solving exercises
Practical classes
Theory classes
Group study and work
CET-1 CET-2 CET-3 CET-4 CET-5 CET-6 CET-7 Problem-based learning
Cooperative learning
Project-based learning
Case studies
Presentation methods / lecture
Problem-solving exercises
Practical classes
Theory classes
Group study and work

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation of this subject is continuous and in person. It will be necessary to show that they have acquired learning outcomes, through the delivery and execution of the activities integrated in the following results:

1. Group and individual academic writing guide (25%).

2. Magazine of education or communication (25%)

3. Written proof (40%)

 Attitude will be taken into account - knowing how to be and knowing how to be - of the student: autonomy, responsibility, capacity of group and individual work (10%)


Table of competence and standards.


CEM-44: To understand the main principles of language and communication theories.


Indicator 1: The subject of the text or oral presentation is clear and concrete

A: The student treats the subject thoroughly and deepening in it.


B: The student treats all aspects of the subject following the instructions given.


C: The student extends the issue with unnecessary repetitions and digressing.


D: The student mixes different topics without letting clear which is the main one.

Indicator 2: The student uses the appropriate type of text.

A: The student uses the right type of text and the text follows the structure appropriately.


B: The student follows the typology but commits some impropriety.


C: The student follows the typology superficially.


D: The type or text does not fit with the topic.

Indicator 3: The student uses adequate language and discursive resources, and register.

A: The student shows a high control of all resources.


B: The student shows sufficient and appropriate use.


C: The students shows a poor use of resources


D: The student does not use either the resources or the proper registration.


CEM-47 To talk, read and write properly in the official languages of the Autonomous Community.


Indicator 1: The student exposes ideas in order orally and in writing.

A: Exposure is clear, in order, coherent.


B: It is neat, but too synthetic or analytic at some point.


C: It is neat but there are some errors when linking ideas.


D: Text is chaotic.

Indicator 2: The student has grammatical competence in Catalan and Spanish.

A: The student does not make any mistakes.


B: The student writes with occasional errors.


C: The student needs to improve a particular aspect.


D: The student has not achieved the competence, committing serious errors.

Indicator 3: The student understands and is able to summarise texts of medium-high formality.

A: The students understans texts without difficulty.


B: The student understands texts, having difficulty in reformulating them.


C: The student has difficulty in understanding texts in high formality.


D: The student does not understand what he or she reads.


CEM-49 To promote reading and critical analysis of texts and to encourage producing their own texts.


Indicator 1: The student knows and uses written material for the assistance in their academic development.

A: The student knows how to choose the right materials and uses them properly.


B: The student looks for materials but sometimes uses them with difficulty.


C: The student looks for them but does not use them properly.


D: The student does not use these resources.

Indicator 2: The student adopts a critical approach when reading.

A: The student knows how to relate and give their own opinions about the readings.


B: The student thinks about what he or she is reading, without deepening in it.


C: The student thinks about what he or she is reading following the given guidelines.


D: The student is not critical.

Indicator 3: The student wishes to enhance its expression (lexic, style) .

A: The student has the habit of reading and trying to enhance their expression.


B: The student reads but does not always makes the most of all the readings.


C: The student reads superficially and only what is indicated academically.


D: The student does not have the habit of reading neither appreciates its importance.

8. To use methodological strategies to promote writing and reading.Activity design
22. To plan and produce texts, and to use basic research, selection and information-organization techniques, in the official languages of Catalonia.Projects
Project presentation
Activity design
23. To adapt the information to the type of text and the communication situation.Oral questions
Oral presentations
Project presentation
24. To progressively decipher the overall meaning of the text.Oral questions
Oral presentations
25. To produce effective communicative phrases clearly, comprehensibly and creatively.Oral questions
Oral presentations
26. To use punctuation marks, connectors, pronouns, etc. correctly, in order to link sentences semantically.Projects
27. To distinguish key information from secondary information.Oral questions
Objective tests
Performance test
Project presentation
28. To be able to detect the unnecessary repetition of ideas, information gaps and contradictory or non-relevant information.Project presentation
29. To use grammar-correction tools as a method for improving quality.Projects
Performance test
30. To integrate information and communication technologies into all areas of language.Projects
Performance test
Project presentation
Activity design

Bibliography and resources


Curs de llengua catalana, Nivell C, Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Justícia, 2008

Gramàtica de la llengua catalana de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans

Diccionari de la llengua catalana de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans

Publicacions d’assessorament lingüístic del Consorci per a la Normalització Lingüística de Sabadell

Servei Lingüístic de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Recursos per aprendre català, en paper  i en línia!A/__pm0x3llc0x3AppJava0x2Autoservei!A_view?parameterFilter=005+Sufici%E8ncia&tipusFont=Bibliografia&idFont=1872&tipusCerca=cerca.bibliografies&parameterFieldLlista=DOCUMENT%2FNIVELL_APRENENTATGE&input_cercar=*&suport=&method=cerca_generica&database=P_BIBLIOGRAFIA&numeroResultat=1&parameterField=DOCUMENT%2FNIVELL_APRENENTATGE&numPagina=1&idHit=426621&parameterFilterLlista=005+Sufici%E8ncia&action=CercaPortals

Santiago Pey, Diccionari de sinònims i antònims, Barcelona: Teide, 2002.








Ed. Espasa Calpe; Madrid 2005   


Ed. Espasa Calpe; Madrid 2010


Ed Espasa Calpe (20 Edición)


Ed Gredos, 3ª Edición, Madrid, 2007

ANÁLISIS MORFOLÓGICO, ”TEORÍA Y PRÁCTICA”; Leonardo Gómez Torrego. Ed. SM, Madrid,  2007

Contiene un repaso completo de la morfología de la lengua castellana y puede servir para cotejar el correcto uso de cada palabra.



Ed. Anagrama, Colección Argumentos. Barcelona 1995

Es un manual básico sobre la teoría y la práctica de la correcta escritura.

EL TALLER DE LA NOVELA; Francisco Rincón y Juan Sánchez Enciso

Ed. Teide, Barcelona, 1986


Ed Graó. Barcelona, 1993

Buenas normas didácticas para aprender a corregir lo escrito.


Ed Teide, Barcelona, 1989

Buen manual para consolidar y repasar el correcto dominio de las frases, la puntuación, la construcción de un texto con coherencia y cohesión.


Resulta particularmente interesante para la materia leer el capítulo II


Ed Rialp, Madrid, 2009

Se recomienda la lectura del capítulo V (“El amor a la palabra”)


Ed. castellnou


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