
Corporate Marketing

  • code 10768
  • course 3
  • term
  • type op
  • credits 3

Main language of instruction: Catalan

Teaching staff

Head instructor


Internal marketing for engaging employees on the corporate responsibility journey Corporate responsibility (CR) is gaining currency around the globe. The concept involves creating innovative and proactive solutions to societal and environmental challenges, as well as collaborating with both internal and external stakeholders. While we could say that CR is definitely on the agenda of most competitive organizations, there remain significant challenges concerning how to embed CR into everyday processes and cultures (Bartlett, 2009). One of these challenges is engaging employees on the CR journey.
The purpose of this subject is to teach the role of internal marketing in influencing corporate culture. The need for organisations to focus on human resources towards developing a marketing orientation is well recognised. The tactics for achieving this objective, however, have yet to be proven. This paper reports on the use of the Investors In People (IIP) initiative as a framework for internal marketing in changing the prevailing culture of an organisation. Within this initiative enlightened employers must communicate the business aims, values and performance of their organisations, in order to encourage employees to participate actively in the success of the business. Using the example of a medium sized, family owned company operating in a declining market sector, this research reports the results of a longitudinal study designed to elicit employee attitudes towards, and understanding of, change in the organisation. The results suggest that although there is a broad understanding amongst employees of the corporate objectives of the organisation, there is resistance to the credibility of cultural change.

Marketing is a relatively new discipline in management. Over the last 100 years it has travelled through several stages (Wilkie & Moore, 2003): its “beginnings” in the 1920; formalization in the 1950s when marketing emerged as a discipline; deviation from the paradigm in the 1980s; and now intensification and fragmentation of deviation. The discipline of Marketing does now relate to areas that originally had only been marginally touched by Marketing: moving from interest in the product to concern for services, from transactions to relations, from the manufacturing process to value creation, from focusing on human and material resources to concern for knowledge-based resources (Webster, 2005; Bouzas-Lorenzo, 2010).

It is recognized in today’s turbulent business environment that marketing has become increasingly important as a business function in spite of some remaining negative images represented by the “4Ms” approach described by Chapman and Cowdell (1998): misinterpreted, misused, misunderstood, and miscast.

Pre-course requirements

No previous knowledge of marketing is required.


-Understand the concept of Internal Marketing and Corporate Marketing within the Organization.

-Learn how to manage company's reputation

-To be able to understand the Marketing concept as a human resources tool.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 24 - To be able to carry out a financial, social and historical analysis of the environment in which a company operates.
  • 38 - To be able to connect the main variables (both formal and informal) which influence human behaviour in an organisation.
  • 39 - To acquire the ability to solve problems and make decisions based on relevant information, applying the appropriate methods and situating the problem within the organisation as a whole.
  • 51 - To develop decision making skills.
  • 56 - To be able to create arguments which are conducive to critical and self-critical thinking.
  • 68 - To develop mechanisms that encourage sensitivity towards social welfare issues.

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. Marketing Vision of the inside of the company.

2. To be able to apply strategies in the company to the employee based on marketing techniques.

3. Understand how new technologies can help internal marketing.

4. How to measure internally the internal marketing.


Topics and Chapters:

1-Organizational Culture.Values and Brands

2-Stakeholders and agents.

3-The Social Corporate Relationship

4-People Management, Internal Communication and Brand

5-The Company's reputation

6-Crisis Management and Protocols

7-Motivación y Cultura empresarial.

8-Los "Empleados Embajadores" de la marca y de la empresa.

9-La Comunicación Interna

10-Sistemas de medición del Marketing Corporativo: On-Line - Off-Line

Teaching and learning activities

In person

-Theoretical classes

-Business Cases



Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

-Minimum class attendance 80%

-40% Midterm

-60% Final Exam

Bibliography and resources


Marisol Alonso Vázquez, MARKETING SOCIAL CORPORATIVO, Edición  2003.

Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, MARKETING, 8va. Edición, 2001 

Kotler y Gerald Zaltman, JOURNAL OF MARKETING, (Julio 1971)  “Social Marketing: An Approach to Planned Social Change”, 35, págs 3-12.

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