
Theory of Evidence

  • code 11931
  • course 4
  • term Semester 2
  • type op
  • credits 2

Module: Optatividad

Matter: Elective

Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan,

 Sem.2  WE 16:30 18:00 

Teaching staff

Head instructor

Dr. Juan Antonio ANDINO -

Office hours

The professor will attend the students, in the event that they need said assistance and it is feasible with the agenda of the professor, and it will be necessary to previously schedule a meeting via e-mail (


With this subject the student completes the basic formation in procedural issues and, more precisely, in the subject of judicial evidence. The test of the controversial facts is fundamental to obtain a favourable judgement and, therefore, the satisfaction of the petition of the client.

Pre-course requirements

No specific requests, however, it is advisable that the student have very present the contents of procedural law matters, both in civil and/or criminal proceedings. Any lacks in this sense could have negative consequences for the suitable knowledge of the subject.


It should be noted that the goals are ambitious. With the purpose to confer the student more than a solid civil procedural formation, propose as a goals of the subject the following:

1.- Command of the juridical argumentation.

2.- Command of the research of the facts in civil matter and/or penal.

3.- Command of the test since the point of view of the evidence.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 06 - To acquire the ability to make decisions
  • 23 - To identify the state, doctrinal and legal framework of a complex legal issue
  • 24 - To acquire the skills to resolve problems and make decisions using relevant information and by applying correct methods while placing the issue within a legal system context
  • 25 - To acquire the skills for legal paperwork processing: composing texts, clarifying a position on a matter, use of forms, etc.
  • 26 - To master the techniques and other evidence taking stategies

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. Dominate the techniques and forms of proof. 2. Know and understand the different media sources and testing techniques. 3. Know and distinguish the different means of pre-constitution of evidence. 4. There will be acquired skills to cope with the common elements of procedural actions concerning this matter. 5. Be able to find information, interpret and use it for solving practical cases or carrying out work on this matter. 6. Be able to accurately identify the regulatory, doctrinal and jurisprudential status of a legal problem concerning the scope of this matter. 7. There will be developed skills to detect the legal problems that underlie a particular case. 8. There will be developed skills in resolving legal disputes related to the contents of the module. 9. There will be acquired skills in the use of ICT in relation to obtaining legal information (databases of legislation, case law, etc.).


Unit 1. Theory test (which is a "fact" that means proving, how controversial claims made are tested, etc.).

Unit 2. Heuristic (technical investigation of the facts, both public and private).

Unit 3. Narrative (how to tell the facts).

Unit 4. Technical evidence (I): The personal test (psychology of testimony and interrogation techniques).

Unit 5. Technical evidence (II): Documents (document classes, challenge, fraud, etc.).

Unit 6. Signs and assumptions (study of indirect proof).

Unit 7. The expert evidence (how good opinions are made, how to defend and challenge with expert reports success).

Unit 8. Standards of evidence (how much testing is necessary in each case?).

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Classroom activities in order to follow up on students (both individual and in a group)
06 24
Presenting concepts and their practical application in the classroom
23 26
Individual projects

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Oral exam in front of a tribunal. It could be taken into consideration, under the sole criteria of the professor, the participation of the pupil during the lessons.

Habida cuenta las circunstancias excepcionales en las que nos encontramos, el examen de la presente materia se efectuará por vía telemática, teniendo en cuenta las siguientes instrucciones:

1.- Se mantiene la fecha y la hora del examen de probática, prevista para el 28 de mayo de 2020, a las 15,00 horas de la tarde.


2.- En lugar de llevar a cabo un examen oral, se enviará por correo electrónico a todos los alumnos el mismo 28 de mayo de 2020 a las 14,50 horas un caso práctico en Word y los alumnos tendrán hasta las 16,00 horas para resolver el mismo utilizando dicho documento de Word al efecto, y enviando directamente al profesor dicho documento de Word con las respuestas por correo electrónico, esto es, como muy tarde a las 16,00 horas. 


Bibliography and resources

  • ANDINO LÓPEZ, Juan Antonio, “Las falacias en la jurisprudencia”, en el diario La Ley, número 8332, del 13 de junio de 2014, Especial número 14 de Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio, páginas 13 a 16.

  • ANDINO LÓPEZ, Juan Antonio, “¿Mienten los testigos?”, en el diario La Ley, semana 114, del 29 de diciembre de 2014 al 4 de enero de 2015, Especial número 15 de Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio, páginas 8 a 10.

  • ANDINO LÓPEZ, Juan Antonio, “Sobre la percepción del testigo”, en el diario La Ley, número 8535, del 8 de mayo de 2015, Especial número 16 de Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio, páginas 8 a 10.

  • ANDINO LÓPEZ, Juan Antonio, “Neurociencia y prueba personal”, en el diario La Ley, número 8658, del 3 de diciembre de 2015, Especial número 17 de Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio, páginas 16 a 19.

  • ANDINO LÓPEZ, Juan Antonio, “Probática y convencimiento del juzgador”, en el diario La Ley, número 8788, del 22 de junio de 2016.

  • DE MIRANDA VÁZQUEZ, Carlos, “El juicio de hecho en la mente del Juzgador: ¿cómo razona?”, en la obra colectiva dirigida por Xavier Abel Lluch, Joan Picó i Junoy y Manuel Richard González La Prueba Judicial. Desafíos en las jurisdicciones civil, penal, laboral y contencioso-administrativa, Editorial La Ley, Madrid, 2011, páginas 225 a 246.

  • DE MIRANDA VÁZQUEZ, Carlos, “Probática Penal. 1. La prueba de los delitos contra la Administración de Justicia”, Editorial La Ley, Madrid, 2012.

  • DE MIRANDA VÁZQUEZ, Carlos, “Valoración de la prueba. Prueba indiciaria”, en la obra colectiva dirigida por Xavier Abel Lluch y Manuel Richard González, Estudios sobre prueba penal. Volumen III. Actos de investigación y medios de prueba en el proceso penal: diligencias de instrucción, entrada y registro, intervención de comunicaciones, valoración y revisión de la prueba en vía de recurso, Editorial La Ley, Madrid, 2013, páginas 333 a 417.

  • MUÑOZ SABATÉ, Lluís, “Introducción a la probática”, J.Mª Bosch, editor, Barcelona, 2007.

Teaching and learning material

            Circumstantial evidence pruebadepresunciones.pdf 
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