
Historical Methodology for Clinical Research

  • code 12193
  • course 1
  • term
  • type op
  • credits 3

Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish

Teaching staff

Head instructor

Office hours

  • By Mail


The subject of Applied Historiographic Methodology in Clinical Research, provides innovative content in the investigation of nursing problems. Methodological approach involves a different approach to investigate issues in the field of health, aimed at understanding and interpretation of socio-historical and cultural elements related to the experience of health and illness. Offers students the opportunity to achieve specific training in the methods and techniques of research in the fields of historical knowledge related to the area of Health.

Pre-course requirements

Not required


The overall objective of the course focuses on providing students knowledge on methods, techniques and resources of historiographical research on Health. It also aims to develop in the student the basic skills to develop research projects historiographical.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CB10 - To have the learning competences that allow them to continue to study in a way that will have to be mainly independent.
  • CE1 - To know how to apply scientific methods, experimental design and biostatistics to answer a question or corroborate a hypothesis in a clinical setting.
  • CE10 - The ability to critically analyse and discuss research results and transmit the relevant outcomes
  • CE2 - To know how to design a research project within a specific context in a clinical setting
  • CE3 - To know how to describe both the quantitative and qualitative methodological designs used in health research in the healthcare environment.
  • CE4 - To know how to use critical assessment tools for qualitative and quantitative research articles
  • CE5 - To know how to apply the language of scientific writing when communicating health outcomes
  • CE6 - To know how to describe and apply the most common techniques for exploring and analysing data, the relationship between variables or categories and/or corroborating hypotheses in both quantitative and qualitative research.
  • CE7 - To know how to identify health problems on which research may be undertaken and to apply specific techniques to analyse and assess such problems,
  • CE8 - To know how to assess research projects and protocols
  • CE9 - To know how to apply specific theoretical and practical knowledge to health science research.
  • CG1 - The ability to incorporate new knowledge acquired through research and study and cope with complexity.
  • CG2 - The ability to critically analyse and discuss research results and transmit the relevant outcomes.
  • CG3 - The ability to draw up research questions and put them into operation as research projects and formulate evidence-based research hypotheses.
  • CG4 - The ability to articulate and defend one's own scientific ideas in an ethical way with regard to the research process
  • CT1 - The ability to integrate within an established, multidisciplinary and multicultural work team.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • Recognize the ethical and social implications of the judgments on historical processes in the field of health.
  • Recognizes different types of fonts available for the conduct of the investigation following the historiographical model in health sciences.
  • Design a protocol of historical research in the health sciences.
  • He argues the methodological aspects of historiographical research work.


  1. Why the story? The mentalities and attitudes towards life.
  2. Stages in the history of healthcare: 
    • From the origins to the eleventh century
    • Pre-professional stage: the particular Spanish case (XVI-XVII centuries)
    • Professional stage
  3. The cure and attitudes to hygienic conditions.
  4. The cure and attitudes to epidemics: the cases of smallpox and plague.
  5. The cure and attitudes to the ailment, agony and death.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

  • Participatory Classes. 
  • Self study. 
  • Case Method. 
  • Group mentoring.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

  • Work and exhibition of the work (80%). 
  • Active participation and assistance (20%).

Bibliography and resources

General view. History of nursing and care

Bardallo Porras, M. Dolores. “Historia del cuidado”. Cuidar: arte y ciencia. Reflexiones sobre la enfermería del siglo XXI. Barcelona: UIC Publicacions, 2012, p. 11-23.

Hayward, J.A. Historia de la medicina. México: FCE, 1993 (esp. p. 262-279).

Hernández Conesa, Juana. Historia de la enfermería: un análisis de los cuidados de enfermería. Madrid: Mc Graw Hill, 2001 (3ª reimpressió). 

“La enfermería en la Historia. Un análisis desde la perspectiva profesional”. Cultura de los Cuidados 2 (1997), p. 21-35.

Sàpiens. El llarg camí dels homínids cap a la intel·ligència. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 2000 (esp. p. 98-100; 140-143).

Walker, Kenneth. Historia de la medicina. Barcelona: Credsa, 1966 (esp. p. 202-204).

Pre-professional stage

Arribas Marín, Juan Manuel. “Breve compendio de cirugía de Matías de Quintanilla, O.H.”. Archivo Hospitalario 3 (2005), p. 571-575.

Batllori, Miquel. Arnau de Vilanova i l’arnaldisme. València: Tres i Quatre, 1994, esp.p. 233-257.

Consultar el número 10 de Híades. Revista de Historia de la Enfermería (2008), que inclou diversos articles.

García Martínez, Antonio Claret. García Martínez, Manuel Jesús. “Andrés Fernández, un enfermero onubense. Su papel en la reforma de la enfermería hospitalaria española del siglo XVII”. Huelva en su historia 6 (1997), p. 87-104.

García Martínez, Manuel Jesús. García Martínez, Antonio Claret. “Manual para el servicio de los enfermos, o resumen de los conocimientos necesarios a las personas encargadas de ellos, y las paridas, recién nacidos &c: estudios y edición”. Híades 7 (2000), p. 373-493.

García Martínez, Manuel Jesús. García Martínez, Antonio Claret. “El manual Instrucción de enfermeros (1625), compuesto por los enfermeros obregones, y los cuidados urológicos en los hospitales del siglo XVII”. Enfuro 122 (2012), p. 4-10.

Pere Virgili (1699-1776) i la cirurgia española del segle XVIII. Contribucions tècniques. Tarragona: Gràfiques Gabriel Gibert, 1999.

Professional stage

Alonso, Abraham. “Medicina en blanco y negro. Documentos del archivo clínico más importante del mundo”. Muy interesante 239 (2001), p. 52-60 (divulgació).

Corbella, Jacint. Calbet, Josep M. “La funció de l’Acadèmia de Medicina en la Renaixença científica de Catalunya”. Primer Congrés d’Història Moderna de Catalunya, vol. II. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, p. 597-602.

Nightingale, Florence. Notas sobre enfermería. Qué es y qué no es. Barcelona: Masson, 1999.

Thorwald, Jürgen. El siglo de los cirujanos. Según las notas de mi abuelo, el cirujano H. St. Hartmann. Barcelona: Destino, 2005.

Care and attitudes to hygienic conditions

Campos Zabala, Mª Victoria. “El aseo personal: una historia insólita”. Historia y vida 395 (2001).  (divulgació)

García Fuentes, Gemma. “El panorama sanitario de Barcelona a finales del siglo XVIII”. Primer Congrés d’Història Moderna de Catalunya, vol. II. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, p. 657-665.

Care and attitudes to epidemics: cases of smallpox and plague

Dossier “Los vivos y los muertos”. Revista de Historia Moderna 17 (1998-1999).

Ramírez Martínez, Susana María. “Dos textos destinados al adoctrinamiento de la población poblana en favor de la vacuna de la viruela”. Híades 10 (2008), p. 289-299.

Care and attitudes towards illness, agony and death

Dossier “Los vivos y los muertos”. Revista de Historia Moderna 17 (1998-1999).

Alós, José Luis. “La muerte en el Barroco”. Historia y Vida 332 (1995), p. 6-15 (divulgació).

Anónimo. Arte de bien morir y breve confesionario. Palma de Mallorca: Universitat de les Illes Balears, 1999.

Ariès, Philippe. La muerte en Occidente. Barcelona: Argos Vergara, 1982.

Artes de bien morir. Ars moriendi de la Edad Media y del Siglo de Oro. Madrid: Ediciones Lengua de Trapo, 2003.

Riu, Manuel. “Alguns costums funeraris de l’Edat Mitjana a Catalunya”. Acta Mediaevalia 1 (1982), p. 29-57.

Sabaté, Flocel. Lo senyor rei és mort!  Actitud i cerimònies dels municipis catalans baix-medievals davant la mort del monarca. Lleida: Universitat de Lleida, 1994.

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