

  • code 13477
  • course 2
  • term Semester 2
  • type FB
  • credits 3


Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

Head instructor

Lda. Silvia BALLESTA -

Office hours

The doubts will be resolved before or after class.


The subject of Nutrition aims to provide students with the scientific foundations of human nutrition and, in particular, to raise awareness of the impact of nutritional alterations on body composition and physiology, both at the cellular and organic levels.

Basic concepts of human nutrition, nutrient availability and functions in the body, the food pyramid and food composition, nutritional education, nutritional education needs and recommendations at different stages of life, intake regulation will be studied. Also, some pathology associated with the diet will be studied.

During the teaching process of the subject, it is intended that the student can achieve the competencies provided in the syllabus of the degree program.

Pre-course requirements

Specific prerequisites are not required to take the Nutrition course, although it is recommended that you have a basic understanding of physiology, endocrinology, biochemistry, and metabolism.


The main objectives of the subject of Nutrition are:

  • Understand the basic concepts of human nutrition and body composition.
  • Understand approaches to the calculation of energy requirements and influential factors.
  • Know the recommended distribution of macro and micronutrients in the diet, as well as their main functions in the body.
  • Understand the principles that define a balanced diet and some of the tools for evaluating a diet.
  • Understand the main mechanisms of regulating food intake.
  • Understand the relationship between diet and regulation of gene expression and oxidative stress.
  • Understand the concept of functional and GM foods, and some examples.
  • Provide the basics of food safety and know some of the methods of food preservation.
  • Understand changes in body composition and energy requirements in different physiological stages throughout life.
  • Understand the different approaches to assessing nutritional status.
  • Understand the basic principles of the concept of malnutrition and the magnitude of the problem.
  • Understand some diet-related pathology, both at the level of allergy and intolerance, as well as the diseases associated with the metabolic syndrome, their compilations and the magnitude of the problem.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • Recognize the basic biological concepts and the language of biomedical sciences in the state of health.
  • Have a holistic view of human nutrition and its relation to illness and well-being, and identify misconceptions spread in society.
  • Understand the scientific foundations and fundamental mechanisms of food digestion and nutrient metabolism. Apply critical strategies for labeling daily consumer products. Apply critical strategies for labeling daily consumer products.
  • Understand different types of food plans and their impact on metabolism. Recognize the general and specific aspects related to the head of nutrition and aging.
  • Develop appropriate planning and organization skills.
  • Develop problem-solving skills. Develop capacity for analysis and synthesis.
  • Ability to carry out autonomous learning.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course, the student:

  • Understand the scientific basis and fundamental mechanisms of food digestion and nutrient metabolism.
  • Apply critical strategies for labeling daily consumer products.
  • Understand different types of food plans and their impact on metabolism.
  • Acquire the basic knowledge that is described in the objectives of the subject.


Tema 1: Què es la nutrició?

Tema 2: Composició corporal.

Tema 3: Necessitats energètiques de l’organisme.  

Tema 4. Macronutrients. Hidrats de carboni i fibra dietètica

Tema 5. Macronutrients. Lípids

Tema 6: Macronutrients. Proteïnes.

Tema 7: Microcomponents orgànics de la dieta.

Tema 8: Estrès oxidatiu.

Tema 9: Equilibri dietètic.

Tema 10: Valoració d’una dieta.

Tema 11: Regulació de la ingesta alimentaria.

Tema 12: Regulació nutricional de l’expressió gènica.

Tema 13: Aliments funcionals i transgènics.

Tema 14: Seguretat alimentaria. Conservació dels aliments.

Tema 15: Nutrició en diferents estats fisiològics. Gestació i lactància. Infància, edat escolar, adolescència i envelliment.

Tema 16: Valoració de l’estat nutricional. Desnutrició.

Tema 17: Al·lèrgies i intoleràncies alimentaries.

Tema 18: Patologies associades a la dieta.


All classes will be given by the associate professor Sílvia Ballesta.

The classes will be taught in Catalan.


Teaching and learning activities

In person

Lectures: 50 minutes presentation of a theoretical topic by the teacher.

Case Studies or Case Methods (MC): A Real or Imaginary Situation. Students will work on the questions posed in small groups or with active interaction with the teacher, and the answers will be discussed. The teacher is actively involved and, if necessary, brings new knowledge.

Virtual education (EV): Online material that students can consult from any computer, at any time and which will contribute to the self-learning of concepts related to the subject.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

1) Students in the first call:

- Class participation and attitude: 10%

- Resolution of case methods: 20%

- Final exam: 70%

 2) Students in the second or subsequent call: the note of participation and attitude in class and methods of the case will be saved, although whenever the students wish they can repeat the attendance in class and obtain a new grade.



General points to keep in mind about the evaluation system:

1) In the final exam, it will be necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 5 to be able to average with the continuous assessment marks (class participation and attitude, resolution of case methods).

2) The exam will be test type with 4 answer options, counting +1 the successes and -0,25 the errors.

3) 10% of the exam questions could be of concepts that have not been explained directly in the classroom but that are present in the recommended bibliography, as well as in articles discussed, press or recommended virtual material.

4) Participation in class means the contribution of interesting ideas or ideas of pertinent questions that help to improve the quality of the session, be it lecture or method of the case.

5) Attendance in class:

- Regular attendance at theory classes and case studies is recommended. 

- Attendance at lectures is not required, but attendees will have to follow the rules indicated by the teachers.

- Support for case methods is optional. In order to be evaluated in this part of the course, it is mandatory to attend a minimum of 3 sessions and carry out the activities proposed in the session.

6) Misuse of electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets or laptops can lead to class expulsion. Abuse refers to the recording and dissemination of both students and teachers during the different lessons, as well as the use of these devices with recreational and non-educational purposes.

Bibliography and resources

  • GIL, A. Tratado de Nutrición. Madrid: Panamericana, 2017.
  • GARROW, J. S.; JAMES, W. P. T.; RALPH, A. Human Nutrition and Dietetics. London: Churchill Livingstone, 2000.
  • GIBNEY, M.J., VORSTER, H.H.; KOK, F.J. Introducción a la Nutrición Humana. Zaragoza: Acribia, 2004.
  • SHILS, M.E.; OLSON, J. A.; SHIKE, M.; ROSS, K. Modern Nutrition in health and disease. Baltimore : Williams and Wilkins, 2006.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:

  • E1 02/06/2020 16:00h
  • E2 23/06/2020 16:00h
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