
Communication: Drafting and Writing

  • code 07819
  • course 1
  • term Semester 1
  • type FB
  • credits 6

Module: Persuasive Communication

Matter: Written Communications

Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff


Knowing how to express oneself with clarity, criteria, and precision is fundamental for any future professional of communication. Through continued practice, Communication and Written Information offers the essential tools for the student to develop their creativity and grasp the narrative techniques of the written text.

Pre-course requirements

No prerequisites are necessary.


  • Encourage reading and writing to improve oral and written expression
  • Learning to generate content, to relate it to other knowledge and to structure ideas appropriately within a text
  • Offer a theoretical base on the narrative tools that allow the student to make the most of the language for effective communication according to the objective established in each case
  • Experiment with different narrative genres and communicative registers and understand the particularity and potential of each one
  • Write with correctness and precision
  • Improve the style of writing itself and understand the effect of certain stylistic and narrative decisions.
  • Know how to analyze texts in a well-argued way
  • Incorporate self-correction as part of the process of writing the written text.
  • Encourage the critical attitude and reflective capacity of the student as a consumer and creator of texts.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 12 - The ability to produce spoken and written texts
  • 13 - Reading skills
  • 14 - Ability to analyse
  • 15 - The ability to synthesise
  • 16 - The ability to detect newsworthy events
  • 17 - The ability to confront difficulties and resolve problems
  • 22 - The ability to generate debate and reflection
  • 26 - The ability to coordinate yourself and /or work together to / with a team
  • 30 - The ability to contextualise and critically analyse current events
  • 48 - The ability to understand and apply the expressive possibilities of new technologies
  • 50 - The ability to understand and apply the different narrative elements of a project
  • 55 - The ability to design and critique an informative discourse
  • 58 - Knowledge and mastery of the static image and its ability to communicate
  • 64 - Knowledge and mastery of bibliographic repertories
  • 67 - Knowledge and mastery of the digital culture
  • 73 - Knowledge and mastery of techniques to analyze sources of information.
  • 75 - Knowledge and mastery of language use
  • 83 - The ability and capacity to give form to a creative message
  • 87 - The ability and capacity to use technology and communicative techniques
  • 94 - The ability to act freely and responsibly
  • 03 - The ability to plan personal resources (personnel, materials, seasonal...)
  • 05 - The ability to learn autonomously
  • 06 - The ability to act autonomously and responsibly
  • 10 - The ability to develop an ethical attitude
  • 20 - The ability of concretion
  • 21 - The ability of abstraction

Learning outcomes of the subject

Students of Communication and Written Information:

  • They will write correctly and fluently
  • They will learn techniques of synthesis and concretion and organization of ideas
  • They will have a higher command of the language and a greater creative capacity that they will be able to apply effectively according to the communication objectives
  • They will be able to analyze texts of different communicative natures
  • They will put creativity into practice
  • They will learn to manage projects autonomously and as a team


The first part given by Pilar Tourón

  • Text analysis and reading comprehension strategies
  • Rhetoric and orality
  • The technological environment and written communication
  • Editing text and rewriting

The second part is given by Rebeca Pardo
  • Communication: fundamentals, factors, and objectives
  • The process of writing
  • Generate, contrast and order content
  • Theme and idea Surface structure and deep structure of a text
  • Key elements of a story
  • Narrative tools
  • The narrators and the point of view
  • Stress and narrative structure
  • The style
  • The figurative language
  • Rhythm

Teaching and learning activities

In person



Coaching. Monitoring how students learn the content of the subject, either individually or in groups. In the coaching sessions, mistakes will be corrected, queries answered, and exercises and activities to achieve the established objectives will be suggested.


Seminar. This activity will consist of taking an in-depth look at specific up-to-date topics in a monographic manner-in some cases these topics will have been debated socially-, via active work in small groups.


Lectures. In lectures, lecturers/professors not only transmit content or knowledge, but also, and above all else, attitudes, motivation, skills and values, etc. They also ensure that participants can express their opinions and arguments to the other students.


Focused praxis. Handing in occasional exercises to learn theory through practice.


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Evaluation criteria

Class attendance is not mandatory.

Writing correctly is fundamental in all subjects and, especially, in this one. Following the rules of the Faculty, the spelling mistakes will deduct a point in the works and half a point in the exams.

The subject consists of two parts, one taught by Rebeca Pardo in which the foundations of writing are introduced and a second part taught by Pilar Tourón, more focused on analysis and editing. To pass the subject, it is necessary to overcome both parts.

The part taught by Rebeca Pardo represents 45% of the grade, while the part taught by Pilar Tourón represents 35% of the final grade of the subject. It is necessary to approve the two parts of the subject to pass it completely.

The note of the final work: 20%


Evaluation system part Rebeca Pardo:

The evaluation is continuous and, in first call, there will be no final exam. The final grade will be the result of:

The notes of the practices and tests carried out throughout the course


The students of the 2nd call will have to make a written test on the theoretical and practical aspects treated in the subject. 

Evaluation system part of Pilar Tourón:

The evaluation is continuous and, in the first call, there will be no final exam. The final grade will be the result of the notes of the practices and tests carried out throughout the course. The exercises will be announced as the subject progresses.

Spelling tests will be introduced.


Other calls:

Second call: If the student passes a part of the subject in the first call, this note will be saved for the second call and will only have to recover the suspended section. The final grade will be the average of the part approved in the first call, and the part approved in second.

Third call: If the student suspends a part of the subject in the second call, he/she will have to enroll again in the whole subject and take it. The student will have to attend the classes in both parts of the subject and approve them. To pass the subject you will have to approve the two parts.

Fourth call: The student will have to examine and/or do the corresponding works to approve all the parts of the subject. If the student has an approved part of the third call, this note will be saved for the fourth call and will only have to recover the suspended section.

Fifth session: If the student suspends one or both parts of the subject, he/she will have to take advantage of the conditions established by the extraordinary calls

Bibliography and resources

Anderson Imbert, Enrique. Teoría y técnica del cuento. Ariel. Barcelona, 2007. 

Cabré, Jaume. El sentit de la ficció. Edicions Proa. Barcelona, 2010.

Cassany, Daniel. La cocina de la escritura. Anagrama. Barcelona, 2006.

Castellblanque, Mariano.  Manual  del  redactor  publicitario:  ¿reglas, normas, técnicas? ¡Rómpelas! Barcelona, 2009

Eco, Umberto. Seis paseos por los bosques narrativos. Lumen. Barcelona, 1996.

Fuentes Rodríguez, Catalina. Guia práctica de escritura y redacción. Espasa Libros, S.L.U., 2011. 

García Márquez, Gabriel. Cómo se cuenta un cuento. Ollero y Ramos. Madrid, 1995.

Goldberg, Natalie. El gozo de escribir. La liebre de marzo. Madrid, 2004. 

Goldberg, Natalie . El rayo y el trueno. La liebre de marzo. Barcelona, 2003.

Lázaro Carreter, Fernando. El dardo en la palabra. Debolsillo. Barcelona. 2015.

Lodge, David. El arte de la ficción. Península. Madrid, 2017.

Martínez Sousa, J. (2001) Manual de estilo de la lengua española. Ediciones Trea, Gijón (2ª ed.)

Páez, Enrique. Manual de técnicas narrativas. Editorial SM. Madrid, 2006. 

Queneau, Raymond. Ejercicios de estilo. Cátedra. Madrid, 1989.

Rodari, Gianni. Gramática de la fantasía: introducción al arte de contar historias. Editorial del Bronce. Madrid, 2002

Steele, Alexander. Escribir Ficción. Guía práctica de la famosa Escuela de Escritores de Nueva York. Alba. Barcelona, 2014.

Spang, Kurt. Persuasión. Fundamentos de retórica. Eunsa. Barcelona, 2005.

VV.AA. Lengua española para los medios de comunicación: usos y normas actuales. Tirant lo Blanch, 2006.

VV.AA. Llibre d’estil de la corporació catalana de mitjans audiovisuals. Generalitat de Catalunya, 2013.

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