
Television Communication

  • code 07820
  • course 1
  • term Semester 2
  • type FB
  • credits 6

Module: Persuasive Communication

Matter: Comunicación audiovisual

Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff


Television Communication is a 6 ECTS credit subject that is taught during the second semestre of the first academic year of the degree in Advertising and Public Relations.

Knowing how to use visual language is an essential tool for understanding the different sectors in the communications industry. Television language, like other languages, has its own syntax and grammar. Understanding the use of this language as a transmitter of keywords, content and business strategies is critical to the future of the advertiser. This subject aims to teach students how to apply this language to the television sector and more specifically to the advertising in this means of communication.

Pre-course requirements

It is a pre-course requisite to have completed the subject TVSet in order to enrol for this subject.


Provide students with the basic principles and knowledge of the television world (terminology, parameters and consolidated standards of television today). 

Acquire analytical skills and apply theoretical knowledge to practice and find the direct link between the TV world and the advertising world, analyzing their operations and strategies.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 01 - The ability to plan technical resources
  • 03 - The ability to plan personal resources (personnel, materials, seasonal...)
  • 06 - The ability to act autonomously and responsibly
  • 07 - The ability to work in a group
  • 09 - Lingustic ability in Catalan, Spanish and English
  • 11 - The ability to make judgments and well-argued critical assessments
  • 12 - The ability to produce spoken and written texts
  • 13 - Reading skills
  • 26 - The ability to coordinate yourself and /or work together to / with a team
  • 14 - Ability to analyse
  • 15 - The ability to synthesise
  • 16 - The ability to detect newsworthy events
  • 18 - The ability to work under pressure
  • 20 - The ability of concretion
  • 22 - The ability to generate debate and reflection
  • 24 - The ability to plan and carry out audio visual and cinematographic projects
  • 38 - Ability to understand and apply the legal dimension of an audiovisual product
  • 39 - The ability to understand and apply the different agents of the audiovisual sector
  • 41 - The ability to understand and apply lighting and sound techniques of a film production
  • 42 - The ability to understand and apply the techniques and methods of film editing and post production
  • 43 - The ability to understand and apply different television genres and formats
  • 44 - The ability to understand and apply the various stages of development of a television programme
  • 45 - The ability to understand and apply different types of programme scripts
  • 46 - The ability to understand and apply the different lighting, graphic and staging resources
  • 47 - The ability to understand and apply the processes of television programme creation
  • 48 - The ability to understand and apply the expressive possibilities of new technologies
  • 52 - The ability to design and critique an audiovisual script
  • 53 - The ability to design and critique an audiovisual or media product
  • 55 - The ability to design and critique an informative discourse
  • 60 - Knowledge and mastery of the techniques of continuous narrative transmission
  • 68 - Knowledge and mastery of the distinction between opinion and information / colloquial and cultured register
  • 73 - Knowledge and mastery of techniques to analyze sources of information.
  • 87 - The ability and capacity to use technology and communicative techniques
  • 89 - The ability to create synergy in a working team
  • 92 - The ability for analysis, synthesis and critical judgment

Learning outcomes of the subject

Acquire a minimum knowledge of technical and visual language skills to successfully follow subjects related to the audiovisual world.

Understand the audiovisual product as an essential marketing tool to develop one's career.


The theoretical-practical contents of the subject are divided into the following topics: 






Chapter 1 WORKSHOP
      1.1 Briefs
                  ATT_Brief att_barcelona_brief.pdf 
                  ATT_Brief_Cannes att_brief.pdf 
                  Best_Buy_brief bestbuy_barcelona_brief.pdf 
                  Chevrolet_brief chevrolet_barcelona_brief.pdf 
                  Coke_Brief coke_brief.pdf 
                  FoodRevolution_Brief foodrevolution_brief.pdf 
                  Lays_brief lays_barcelona_brief.pdf 
                  Matutano_brief matutanoseeds_english.pdf 
                  Santander_Brief sovereignsantander_brief.pdf 
                  VitaminWater_Brief vitaminwater_brief.pdf 
      1.2 Assets
      1.3 Musics

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Meeting Point. Meetings will be organised with notable people from the professional and scientific fields or the international field, and students. These sessions will take the form of conferences, work sessions, discussions, or interviews, etc.
Workshop. Advanced and intensive workshops of a longer duration, led by lecturers and/or foreign professionals, in which the language used is English. These culminate in the creation of a professional or semi-professional product which is also produced in English.
Lectures. In lectures, lecturers/professors not only transmit content or knowledge, but also, and above all else, attitudes, motivation, skills and values, etc. They also ensure that participants can express their opinions and arguments to the other students.
Coaching. Monitoring how students learn the content of the subject, either individually or in groups. In the coaching sessions, mistakes will be corrected, queries answered, and exercises and activities to achieve the established objectives will be suggested.
Practical workshop. A highly practical working activity, where students can acquire skills that are practical or also theoretical (intellectual skills, logical skills, critical skills, intellectual learning skills, study skills, quoting skills, etc).
Seminar. This activity will consist of taking an in-depth look at specific up-to-date topics in a monographic manner-in some cases these topics will have been debated socially-, via active work in small groups.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The student must attend 80% of the classes. The evaluation will be carried out through 1. Continuous evaluation practices 40% 2. Pitch and Final Spot 60%

Bibliography and resources


BARROSO GARCÍA, J. Técnicas de realización y documentales para tv. RTVE, 1998

BARROSO GARCÍA, J. Realización de los géneros televisivos. Síntesis, 1996

FERNÁNADEZ, F.; MARTÍNEZ, J. Manual básico de lenguaje y narrativa audiovisual. Paidós Comunicación.

HART, J. La técnica del storyboard en cine, tv y animación. IORTV, 2001

PÁRAMO De, J.A. Diccionario de cine y tv: terminología técnica del mundo audiovisual. ESPASA CALPE, 2002

VV.AA. Realización y producción en tv. Instituto Oficial de radio y televisión, 2001

ZETTL, H. El manual de producción para vídeo y televisión. Escuela de cine y vídeo, 1996

ZÚÑIGA REDENAS, J. Realización en tv. Escuela de cine y video de Andoain, 2006



Bates, R. (2002) Cable TV systems and modem systems and technology. Mcgraw-Hill. Nova York.

Baylin, F i Gale, B. (1986) Satellite and Cable TV: scrambling and descrambling. Baylin and Gale. Boulder.

Benoit, H (1998) La televisión digital. Paranimfo. Madrid.

Blumler, JG. (1993) Televisión e interés público. Bosch Comunicación. Barcelona.

Bourdieu, P. (1997)  Sobre la televisió. Edicions 62. Barcelona.

Borque Palacín, A. (2000) Televisión: instalación, analógica y digital. Paraninfo. Madrid

Brown, A. i Picard, R. (2005) Digital Terrestrial Television in Europe. Lawrence Erlbaum. Londres.

Bustamante, E. (1999) La televisión económica. Gedisa. Barcelona.

Colom, R. (2006) La indústria de la televisió. UOC. Barcelona

Martínez Abadía, JM. i Vila Fumàs, P. (2004) “Manual básico de tecnología audiovisual y técnicas de creación, emisión y difusión de contenidos”. Paidós. Barcelona.

McDowell, W. (2006) Broadcast television. A complete guide to the industry. Peter Land. Nova York.

Missika, J-L. (2006) La fin de la télévision. Seuil. París.

Moragas, M. i Prado, E. (2006) La televisió pública en l’era digital. Ed. Pòrtic. Barcelona.

Negroponte, N. (1995) El mundo digital. Ediciones B. Barcelona.

Peñafiel, C. i López, N. (2000) La tecnología de la televisión: del disco de Nipkow a la revolución numérica. Universidad del País Vasco. Bilbao.

Prado, E. i Moragas, M. (2000) La televisió pública a l’era digital. Pórtic. Barcelona.

Pérez de Silva, J. (2000) La televisión ha muerto. La nueva producción audiovisual en la era Internet: la tercera revolución indústrial. Gedisa.  Barcelona.

Richeri, G. (1994) La transición de la televisión: análisis del audiovisual como empresa de comunicación. Bosch Comunicación. Barcelona.

Richeri, G. (1988) Los satélites de televisión en Europa: historia, política y economía. Fundesco. Madrid.

Sartori, G. (1998) Homo videns y sociedad teledirigida. Taurus. Barcelona.

Vilches, L. (2001) La migración digital. Gedisa. Barcelona

Vilches, L. (1993) La televisión. Efectos del bien y del mal. Paidós. Barcelona.

Wolton, D. (1995) Elogio del gran público: una teoría crítica de la televisión. Gedisa. Barcelona.

Zabaleta, I. (2003) Tecnologia de la información audiovisual. Bosch. Barcelona.

Teaching and learning material

            FOODIEHUB_BRIEF foodiehub-unbranded-content-2017-brief.pdf 
            Guión Técnico_example guion_tecnico_tabla.jpg 
            Plan de rodaje_template plan_rodaje_diario_plantilla.docx 
            Storyboard_example_A img_storyboard.jpg 
            Storyboard_example_B karaula_storyboard_11.jpg 
            Storyboard_example_C storyboard_english.jpg 
            Storyboard_template_A storyboard_template.doc.gif 
            Storyboard_template_B storyboard_template_4x3.pdf 
            Storyboard_template_C storyboard2.gif 
            Storyboard_example_D storyboard_2.png 
            Storyboard_template_E storyboard_3b.jpg 
            Donald Gunn_12 Types of Ads 
            Formatos Spots_Franklin/Marshall y Robert L. Hilliard 
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