
Final Degree Project

  • code 08502
  • course 4
  • term Semester 2
  • type TF
  • credits 6

Module: Practicum

Matter: Final degree project

Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish

Teaching staff

Head instructor

Dr. Jaime CAMPS -

Office hours

Each tutor will make it possible for the students to have encounters in order to guide their Project. The responsibility to ask  the tutor for an encounter is for the student, and the consequences of not taking advantage of the tutoring sessions as well, since the fourth year of course the autonomy is assumed to know when they need help.




It consists on the preparation and defense of an original work within the thematic context of the degree (degree in Education).

The Final Degree Project is a matter of the Practicum module, of a globalizing nature and oriented to the integrated assessment of some specific and transversal competences associated with the title of teacher. Its objective must include the application and integration of the competences related to the knowledge (know), the skills (know-how) and the attitudes (know how to be and be) acquired throughout the degree.

The TFG consists in 6 ECTS credits (total dedication of 150 hours)

To track and have the necessary documents to carry out the TFG, you must enter the APM application accessed from the intranet.

You must consult, in addition to this Teaching Guide, the TFG REGULATION (NORMATIVA) that you have at the end of this Teaching Guide.

Pre-course requirements

Once enrolled, the student will have to present and defend the TFG in the same academic year (that is, in the 2nd semester of 4th year), and having passed the rest of the qualification evaluations, including the Practicum-III. To be able to defend the work, students must also have passed the levels of the own language of the Degree of Education: level C of Catalan, level C of Spanish and level B2 of English (B2 of English is a condition that can change).


The Final Project is a matter of the Practicum module, of a globalizing nature and oriented to the integrated assessment of some specific and transversal competences associated with the title of teacher. Its objective must include the application and integration of the competences related to the knowledge (know), the skills (know-how) and the attitudes (know how to be and be) acquired throughout the degree.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CEM-62 - To acquire practical knowledge of the classroom and its management.
  • CEM-63 - To know and apply processes of interaction and communication in the classroom, and master the social skills and abilities required to promote a classroom environment fomenting learning and harmony.
  • CEM-64 - To control and monitor the educational process and, in particular, the teaching and learning process, through mastery of the necessary techniques and strategies.
  • CEM-65 - To be able to relate theory and practice to the realities of the classroom and school.
  • CEM-66 - To participate in teaching activity and gain expertise; acting and reflecting based on practice.
  • CEM-67 - To participate in best practice initiatives in the various possible fields of activity in a school.
  • CEM-68 - To regulate the interaction and communication processes of pupils in the 6-12 age group.
  • CEM-69 - To be familiar with forms of collaboration with the different sectors in the educational community and the social environment.
  • CEM-70 - These competences, together with those of the other subjects, should be reflected in the final degree project as a compendium of all the knowledge acquired in the training described above.
  • CET-1 - Interpersonal responsibility: to be aware of professional performance and influence on students. To have the skills and knowledge to manage group processes and communication for good collaboration with and between students.
  • CET-2 - Pedagogical responsibility: to have the knowledge and teaching skills required to create a safe learning environment for both classes and groups, but also for individual students, in order that children can become responsible, independent adults.
  • CET-3 - Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • CET-4 - Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • CET-5 - Collaboration with colleagues in the profession: to have the knowledge and skills required to make a professional contribution to the teaching environment in the school, in professional relationships, and to achieve a good school organization.
  • CET-6 - Collaboration with the professional environment at the school: to have the knowledge and skills required to establish good relations with the people and institutions dedicated to child welfare or belonging to the school's professional environment.
  • CET-7 - To promote responsibility in terms of professional development: to analyse, reflect on and develop points of view about the profession and teaching skills, to know how to make these clear and how to bring them up to date.
  • CG-01 - To integrate information and communication technologies in teaching and learning activities, teaching management and professional development.
  • CG-02 - To communicate clearly and correctly in the language of instruction (Catalan and Spanish), orally and in writing, in accordance with level C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
  • CG-03 - To be able to communicate in English at level B1, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
  • CG-04 - To promote and facilitate attention to the unique educational needs of students, gender equality, fairness and respect for human rights, in the contexts of learning and social harmony, both in the school and in relation to the surroundings.
  • CG-05 - To be familiar with the elements that make up analytical thinking, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-06 - To be familiar with the elements that make up systemic thinking, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-07 - To be familiar with the elements that make up critical thinking, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-08 - To be familiar with the elements that make up reflective thinking, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-09 - To be familiar with the elements that make up creativity, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-10 - To be familiar with the elements that make up entrepreneurial spirit, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-11 - To be familiar with the elements that make up the quality-based approach, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.


The Final Project is a matter of the Practicum module, of a globalizing nature and oriented to the integrated assessment of some specific and transversal competences associated with the title of teacher. Its objective must include the application and integration of the competences related to know-how, skills (know-how) and attitudes (know-how and being) acquired throughout the degree.

Teaching and learning activities

Evaluation systems and criteria

Bibliography and resources


León, O. i Montero, I. (2015). Métodos de investigación en Psicología y Educación. 4a edición. McGraw-Hill.

Matkovich, S. (2011). Apa Made EasyLINK

Houghton, P.M. et al.(2009). APA: The Easy Way! Flint, Mich. : Baker College. 

León, O. G. (2016). Cómo redactar textos científicos y seguir las normas APA 6.ª para los trabajos de fin de Grado y fin de Máster, tesis doctorales y artículos. Cuarta Edición. Madrid: Garceta.

Rossiter, J. (2007). The Apa Pocket Handbook: Rules For Format & Documentation. Dw Publishing Company.

Sánchez, A., Olmos, P., Torrado, M. y García, J. (2016). Trabajos de fin de grado y postgrado. Guía práctica para su elaboración. Ediciones Aljibe.


Guia de les normes APA de la UdG: LINK

Resumen Normas APA LINK


Aspectos generales de estilo APA LINK

The writer’s Handbook LINK

E-Revistas LINK

APA Style – Quick Answers LINK

Eureca – biblioteca digital LINK

Teaching and learning material

            ANNEX-1 - Elecció de tema TFG annex-1elecciotemaiambittfg.pdf 
            ANNEX-2 - Document per preparar el Seminari-III annex-iitfg.pdf 
            ANNEX-4 - Llistat de temes suggerits pel TFG d'Educació annex-4temestfgalumnes.xlsx 
            APLICATIU TFG - tutorial guiaoperativa_apm_estudiants_rev0.pdf 
            CALENDARI TFG (2019-20) calendaritfg2019-20v.20-01-2020.xlsx 
            El Plagi sobreelplagio.docx 
            EXEMPLE DE BON TFG -1  exempledebontfg-1.pdf 
            EXEMPLE DE BON TFG -2 exempledebontfg-2.pdf 
            Materials de suport al TFG materialsdesuportaltfgv.7-11-2014.pdf 
            ---> NORMATIVA DEL TFG normativatfg2018-19alumnes.pdf 
            Normes APA - 1 apa_guia_elaborar_citacions_udevic.pdf 
            Normes APA - 1 - 7ª edició resumapa7oed.pdf 
            Normes APA - 2 normesapaguiabreu.pdf 
            Normes APA - 3 citation_apa_6th_quickguide.pdf 
            Normes APA - 4 Resum resumenapa6oedicion.pdf 
            Normes APA - 5 normescitacioapa6aedicio.pdf 
            Ofertes de TFGA del professorat 2020-21 tfgaoferts2020-21v.2020-08-20.docx 
            ORIENTACIONS PER A LA PRESENTACIÓ I REDACCIÓ DELS TREBALLS ESCRITS orientacionspresentaciotreballsv.setembre2012.doc 
            PORTADA TFG castellà annex2portada_tfg_educas.doc 
            PORTADA TFG català annex2portada_tfgeducat.docx 
            RÚBRIQUES AVALUACIÓ TFG rubriquesalumnat.xlsx 
            SEMINARI-II: Presentació Jaume Camps presentacioseminari-ii2019-20jaumec.pptx 
            SEMINARI-I: Presentació Jaume Camps presentaciotfgseminari-iplaacollida.ppt 
            WORD Tutorial format de treball en word tutorialperalformatduntreballword2010.pdf 
            WORD Tutorial referències bibliogràfiques tutorialbibliografiaword2010.pdf 
            Ajuda recerca UB 
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