
Institutional Communication

  • code 08532
  • course 2
  • term Semester 2
  • type OB
  • credits 6

Module: Creación

Matter: Comunicación Institucional

Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish

Teaching staff

Head instructor

Lc. Marc PUIG -

Office hours

Office hours are  Tuesday 16.00 a 17.00 h.


After 1945, corporate communication was consolidated in the United States as a professional activity in the information market, but this does not mean that it reached its final shape. In Europe, because of the cultural diversity that characterised it and the fact that not all nations lived under the same system of government in the twentieth century, institutional communication reached different levels of development and knowledge. However, at present, we can say that any institution, either public and private, seeking a certain permanence in time, has the figure of director of communication to convey its mission and corporate identity.

Pre-course requirements

No pre-course requirements are needed to enrol in this subject


Master the communication strategy.

Understand the different steps in corporate communication programs.

Learn to use corporate communication tools.

Learn to use main institutional communication techniques.

Reflect on how institutions practice communication

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 08 - The ability to organise time and workspace
  • 09 - Lingustic ability in Catalan, Spanish and English
  • 10 - The ability to develop an ethical attitude
  • 11 - The ability to make judgments and well-argued critical assessments
  • 77 - The ability and capacity to take responsibility for the communication area of an organisation
  • 78 - The ability and capacity to establish a plan of communication
  • 82 - The ability to define and manage a communication budget
  • 95 - The ability for economic and budgetary management in the field of activity

Learning outcomes of the subject

Study the principles applied in corporate communication.

Understand the principles of corporate culture.

Master the communication strategy.

Manage corporate communications programs.


1. Fundamentals of corporate communications.

2. Conceptual framework.

3. Strategic planning.

4. Aspects of corporate communications:

4.1. Advertising & marketing
4.2. Place branding
4.3. Electoral Marketing.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Lectures. In lectures, lecturers/professors not only transmit content or knowledge, but also, and above all else, attitudes, motivation, skills and values, etc. They also ensure that participants can express their opinions and arguments to the other students.
Practical workshop. A highly practical working activity, where students can acquire skills that are practical or also theoretical (intellectual skills, logical skills, critical skills, intellectual learning skills, study skills, quoting skills, etc).
Coaching. Monitoring how students learn the content of the subject, either individually or in groups. In the coaching sessions, mistakes will be corrected, queries answered, and exercises and activities to achieve the established objectives will be suggested.
Meeting Point. Meetings will be organised with notable people from the professional and scientific fields or the international field, and students. These sessions will take the form of conferences, work sessions, discussions, or interviews, etc.
Seminar. This activity will consist of taking an in-depth look at specific up-to-date topics in a monographic manner-in some cases these topics will have been debated socially-, via active work in small groups.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


1st and 2nd call:

60% Test. The test grade must be equal or greater than 5 in order to be eligible to calculate the final grade

40% Exercices


3rd, 4th or 5th call:

100% Test.



Bibliography and resources

Cicerón, Quinto Tulio (2003). Breviario de campaña electoral. Barcelona: El Acantilado.

Toni Aira, Victor Curto y Josep Rom, “Comunicació política i d’institucions publiques”. Editorial UOC. 2009

Sotelo, Carlos, capítulo 1, "Definición", Introducción a la comunicación institucional. Ariel. Barcelona, 2001

La Porte, José Mª, "El plan de comunicación: la estrategia en movimiento", págs. 95-122, en Mora, Juan Manuel (ed.), 10 ensayos de comunicación institucional, Eunsa, 2009.


En la carpeta Materiales, están los capítulos de los autores Buil, La Porte y Sotelo en un pdf. También podéis encontrar todos estos materiales en libros que hay en la biblioteca.

Bibliografía Recomendada:

  • ARTGENTI, Paul y FORMAN J., The power of Corporate Communication, Mc. Graw-Hill, New York, 2002.
  • BEL, José Ignacio (coord.). Comunicar para crear valor. Edit. Eunsa. Pamplona, 2004.
  • Buil, P, "La comunicación en tiempos de crisis", en Roger, O. y Buil, P. Manual de Comunicación Ambiental, Eunsa, Pamplona, 2014.
  • HEATH, R.L., COOMBS, W.T., Today's Public Relations: an introduction, Ed. Thousand Oaks, Sage, 2006.
  • JACOBY, Standofrd M., The embedded Corporation, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2005.
  • LOSADA, J.C. Gestión de la comunicación en las organizaciones, E. Ariel, 2004.
  • MALLISON, B., Public Lies and Private Truths, Cassell, London, 1996.
  • MANUEL, Fernando de; MARTÍNEZ-VILANOVA, Rafael. Comunicación y negociación comercial. Edit. Esic. Madrid, 1995.
  • MARTÍN MARTÍN, Fernando. Comunicación Empresarial e Institucional. Edit. Universitas, Madrid 2003.
  • PALAU, Goretti. Gabinets de comunicació. Periodistes a l’altra banda. Edic. Pòrtic. Barcelona, 2003.
  • WILCOX, D.L., CAMERON G.T. y Xifra J. (2007), Relaciones Públicas. Estrategias y Tácticas, Ed. Pearson.

Teaching and learning material

            ArtículoDaleCarnegie articulolvdalecarnegie.pdf 
            Artículo dircom quiendirigelacomunicacion.docx 
            ArtículoFiguraDircom articulospherapublicalafiguradeldircom.pdf 
            Capítulo Comunicación de crisis cap6comunicaciondecrisisygestionderiesgos.pdf 
            CapítuloIntroducción a la Comunicación Institucional de Sotelo introduccionalacomunicacioninstitucional,cap1.pdf 
            Conclusión l17reputationaddsvaluetocommunicationandprovesitsdirectcontributiontobusinessoutcomes-1.pdf 
            Plan de comunicación plancomunicacion_10ensayos.pdf 
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