
Lean Management

  • code 08549
  • course 99
  • term
  • type op
  • credits 4

Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Head instructor

Pre-course requirements

Pupils have already basic knowledge on industrial production, logistics and supply chain.


The main goal of this subject is to introduce the pupil to the Lean Management in general, and particularly to the Lean Manufacturing.

Starting by creating a solid base regarding the principles of lean philosophy, the pupil will learn how to analyse, improve and design value streams.

This subject has a practic focus, very close to industry reality. Thus simulations, examples and real cases are included, as well as a visit to a leader company, which is a reference in the implementation of lean.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 12 - To be familiar with the main concepts and theories of economic and business philosophy.
  • 13 - To be familiar with and understand the terms and processes of company management.
  • 27 - To be able to read and understand literature on economic and business issues.
  • 31 - To develop the ability to identify and interpret numerical data.
  • 32 - To acquire problem solving skills based on quantitative and qualitative information.
  • 33 - To be able to search for, interpret and convey information.
  • 37 - To be able to apply managerial methods, tools and techniques.
  • 39 - To acquire the ability to solve problems and make decisions based on relevant information, applying the appropriate methods and situating the problem within the organisation as a whole.
  • 41 - To be able to descriptively summarise information.
  • 50 - To acquire the ability to relate concepts, analyse and synthesise.
  • 54 - To be able to express one’s ideas and formulate arguments in a logical and coherent way, both verbally and in writing.
  • 55 - To adopt good time management skills.
  • 56 - To be able to create arguments which are conducive to critical and self-critical thinking.
  • 58 - To be able to develop self-assessment exercises.
  • 61 - To develop skills for adapting to new situations.
  • 64 - To be able to plan and organise one's work.
  • 65 - To acquire the ability to put knowledge into practice.
  • 66 - To be able to retrieve and manage information.


 1. Principles of Lean Management



 -Process Orientation

-Creating flow. One-piece-flow

-Avoid waste


-Pull Principle. Pull vs. Push

-Avoid mistakes. Standardization and Transparency

-Continuous Improvement


2. Basic Concepts

-Process Indicators

-Productivity and Losses

-Demand. Customer Takt Time

-Techincal Capacity. Capacity calculation


3. Value Stream Mapping and Design


-Current state

-Improvement potentials

-Future state

-Implementation of improvements

-Real cases


4. Process Analysis

-Introduction to the Methodology


-Balancing of work

-Real cases


5. Quality Tools



-Transparency. Visual Management


-Sustainable Problem Solving



6. Standardization

-Standardized Work

-Process Confirmation

-Quick Change-over. SMED 


7. Lean Logistics


-Pacemaker process


-Synchronous production. Fifo-Lane

-Closed-loop systems. Supermarket

-Leveled pull systems

-Two-loop systems


8. Cyclical Transportation



-Point of Use Provider


-Logistic cells. Picking. Ship-To-Line

Teaching and learning activities

In person

35% lectures, 25% simulations, 20% cases and 20% practical exercises and visits and business practice.

Bibliography and resources

-Rother, Mike; Shook, John: “Observar para crear valor (en anglès: Learning to see)”. The Lean Enterprise Institute 1999

-Womack, James P; Jones Daniel T: "Lean Thinking". Diverses editorials 1996

-Womack, James P; Jones, Daniel T; Roos, Daniel: "La máquina que cambió el mundo". Ed. McGrw-Hill 1992

-Goldratt, Eliyahu M: "La Meta (en anglès: The Goal)". Ed. Díaz de Santos (entre d'altres)

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