
Business Communication

  • code 09315
  • course 99
  • term
  • type op
  • credits 3

Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff

Head instructor

Office hours

Friday from 10.00 to 12.00h. By appointment via e-mail

Carme Padilla Pineda (Institutional Comunication)  


Angela Elía Garcia (Creatividad) /




Companies and institutions, both public and private, have a figure from the corporate communication professional to convey the mission and identity of the company.Corporate communication, understood as "communication management between an organization and its publics", occupies an increasingly important and influential role in contemporary societies.Currently, it is estimated that there are about  three million people in the world who dedicate themselves professionally to the field of corporate communication.





The subject will show the broad lines of corporate and personal communication, which are essential in the daily job of a company director.Real issues about communication that a manager must know to make decisions will be studied.It is not a course on press releases or how a communication department works.


Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 07 - To be familiar with the basic features of the Spanish economy, both in terms of structure and economic policies.
  • 08 - To understand how leading world economies work, their institutions and interconnections.
  • 09 - To identify emerging economies as well as the underdeveloped world, and to analyse applied growth policies.
  • 10 - To identify long-term economic growth factors and understand the impact of globalisation.
  • 24 - To be able to carry out a financial, social and historical analysis of the environment in which a company operates.
  • 33 - To be able to search for, interpret and convey information.
  • 35 - To analyse time series.
  • 52 - To develop interpersonal skills and the ability to work as part of a team.
  • 54 - To be able to express one’s ideas and formulate arguments in a logical and coherent way, both verbally and in writing.
  • 55 - To adopt good time management skills.
  • 56 - To be able to create arguments which are conducive to critical and self-critical thinking.
  • 57 - To acquire skills which favour reading comprehension.
  • 58 - To be able to develop self-assessment exercises.
  • 59 - To skilfully use software and ICTs.
  • 68 - To develop mechanisms that encourage sensitivity towards social welfare issues.



Creating and positioning of the corporate culture and corporate image, institutional relations and the ability to lobby government, tools for knowing and mastering communication flows within and outside the company,relationship with the media, how to communicate in crisis situations, how to develop a communication plan to launch a new product or service, when it is best to advertise, promotion, sponsorship or patronage, the skills needed to communicate and negotiate effectively , teamwork, etc.

I. Nature of Communication

1.1.Brief historical notes

1.2.theoretical notes

1.3. strategic corporate image management

II. Communication Plan





III. Creativity in communication

3.1. Creativity.

3.2.The creative concept.

3.3. Creativity to new environments.

3.4.The luxury as creative concept

IV. Communication programs

4.1.Communication risks. Crisis management.

4.2.Relations with media.

4.3. Internal Communication.

4.4. Global Communication.


Teaching and learning activities

In person


Each chapter is accompanied by a case study that will be discussed in class. F


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person


Final exposition: 60%

Practical work: 40%

Bibliography and resources


Obligatory Bibliography: inside Materials folder, there are this chapters in pdf.

La Porte, José Mª, "El plan de comunicación: la estrategia en movimiento", págs. 95-122, en Mora, Juan Manuel (ed.), 10 ensayos de comunicación institucional, Eunsa, 2009.

De la Cierva, Yago, "La comunicación en tiempos de crisis", págs. 161-189, en Mora, Juan Manuel (ed.), 10 ensayos de comunicación institucional, Eunsa, Pamplona, 2009.

Recomended Bibliography:

  • ARTGENTI, Paul y FORMAN J., The power of Corporate Communication, Mc. Graw-Hill, New York, 2002.
  • BEL, José Ignacio (coord.). Comunicar para crear valor. Edit. Eunsa. Pamplona, 2004.
  • HEATH, R.L., COOMBS, W.T., Today's Public Relations: an introduction, Ed. Thousand Oaks, Sage, 2006.
  • JACOBY, Standofrd M., The embedded Corporation, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2005.
  • LOSADA, J.C. Gestión de la comunicación en las organizaciones, E. Ariel, 2004.
  • MALLISON, B., Public Lies and Private Truths, Cassell, London, 1996.
  • MANUEL, Fernando de; MARTÍNEZ-VILANOVA, Rafael. Comunicación y negociación comercial. Edit. Esic. Madrid, 1995.
  • MARTÍN MARTÍN, Fernando. Comunicación Empresarial e Institucional. Edit. Universitas, Madrid 2003.
  • PALAU, Goretti. Gabinets de comunicació. Periodistes a l’altra banda. Edic. Pòrtic. Barcelona, 2003.
  • WILCOX, D.L., CAMERON G.T. y Xifra J. (2007), Relaciones Públicas. Estrategias y Tácticas, Ed. Pearson.


Teaching and learning material

            Calendario temario12-13.docx 
            Calendario temario12-13.docx 
            Caso bonÀrea casobonarea.doc 
            Caso bonÀrea casobonarea.doc 
            Caso DIBA casoxbibliotequesmdiputacibarcelona-1.doc 
            Caso DIBA casoxbibliotequesmdiputacibarcelona-1.doc 
            Com. de crisis comunicacioncrisis_10ensayos.pdf 
            Com. de crisis comunicacioncrisis_10ensayos.pdf 
            Com. Interna com.interna.ppt 
            Com. Interna com.interna.ppt 
            Comunicació Institucional 1 comunicacioninstitucional1.pdf 
            Comunicació Institucional 1 comunicacioninstitucional1.pdf 
            Comunicació Institucional 2 comunicacioninstitucional2.pdf 
            Comunicació Institucional 2 comunicacioninstitucional2.pdf 
            Comunicació Institucional 3 comunicacioninstitucional3.pdf 
            Comunicació Institucional 3 comunicacioninstitucional3.pdf 
            Comunicació Institucional 4 comunicacioninstitucional4.pdf 
            Comunicació Institucional 4 comunicacioninstitucional4.pdf 
            Comunicació Institucional 5 comunicacioninstitucional5.pdf 
            Comunicació Institucional 5 comunicacioninstitucional5.pdf 
            Institutional Communication. Content and bibliography / resources guiadocente.pdf 
            Institutional Communication. Content and bibliography / resources guiadocente.pdf 
            Creativity. Class 01 Learn to flirt - Notes clase01-aprende_a_ligar_apuntes.pdf 
            Creativity. Class 01 Learn to flirt - Notes clase01-aprende_a_ligar_apuntes.pdf 
             Creativity. Class 01 Learn to flirt - Presentation clase01-aprendealigarvideo.pdf 
             Creativity. Class 01 Learn to flirt - Presentation clase01-aprendealigarvideo.pdf 
            Creativity. Class 02. Creativity pure and simple. Notes creatividadpuraydura.pdf 
            Creativity. Class 02. Creativity pure and simple. Notes creatividadpuraydura.pdf 
            Creativity. Class 02. Pure creativity. Presentation creatividadpurayduravideo.pdf 
            Creativity. Class 02. Pure creativity. Presentation creatividadpurayduravideo.pdf 
            Creativity. Class 03. Advertising is dead. Notes lapublicidadhamuerto.pdf 
            Creativity. Class 03. Advertising is dead. Notes lapublicidadhamuerto.pdf 
            reativity. Class 03. Advertising is dead. presentation lapublicidadhamuertopresentacion.pdf 
            reativity. Class 03. Advertising is dead. presentation lapublicidadhamuertopresentacion.pdf 
            Creativity. Class 04. Are you on the list? Notes areyouonthelist.pdf 
            Creativity. Class 04. Are you on the list? Notes areyouonthelist.pdf 
            Creativity. Class 04. Are you on the list? Presentation areyouonthelistvideo.pdf 
            Creativity. Class 04. Are you on the list? Presentation areyouonthelistvideo.pdf 
            Creativity. Class 05. Fan efect. Notes efectofan.apuntes.pdf 
            Creativity. Class 05. Fan efect. Notes efectofan.apuntes.pdf 
            Creativity. Class 05. Fan efect. Presentation efectofan.pdf 
            Creativity. Class 05. Fan efect. Presentation efectofan.pdf 
            Pautas caso pautascaso.docx 
            Pautas caso pautascaso.docx 
            Plan de comunicación plancomunicacion_10ensayos.pdf 
            Plan de comunicación plancomunicacion_10ensayos.pdf 
            Programación calendariopdi.docx 
            Programación calendariopdi.docx 
            Recuperación 2ª convocatoria recuperacion.docx 
            Recuperación 2ª convocatoria recuperacion.docx 
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