
Nursing Simulation Labs I

  • code 09521
  • course 1
  • term Anual
  • type PR
  • credits 4

Module: Module Fundamentals of Care I

Matter: Basic Nursing Simulation Labs

Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: Spanish

 Anual  MO 12:00 14:00 
 Anual  TU 12:00 14:00 
 Anual  WE 12:00 14:00 
 Anual  TH 12:00 14:00 
 Anual  FR 12:00 14:00 

Teaching staff

Head instructor

Dra. Laia WENNBERG -

Office hours

Attention to students will be by appointment by email.

Mireia Llauradó, PhD, MsN   

Silvia Pilar, MsN                    

Mariona Guerrero, PhD, MsN

Magda Quijada, MsN             

Laia Wennberg, MsN            

Carmina Rodríguez, MsN      

Laura Brichs, MsN               

Leandra Martin, PhD, MsN    

Cristina Alfonso, MsN           



The (LBS) Nursing Simulation Lab is an educational space that recreates real-life situations of care nurses. It is a tool that enhances the learning techniques that all nursing students must acquire before coming in contact with the patient and in particular reinforces the activity of the nurse in the hospital field. The Simulation Lab is a space that allows nurses to develop the necessary skills to "know how to be and do" as a nurse in a health context (especially hospital-wise).

From the first course, the nursing student will learn the clinical skills in the Simulation Lab in an environment free of the multiple stressors that are in the hospital world. Subsequently, the student must implement these skills directly with people. This practice should serve to apply knowledge, skills and attitudes from a holistic care perspective to people.

During the first course students must acquire the basic skills for basic care for people as well as learn how to protect the patients and themselves from the threats posed by hostile environments.

Pre-course requirements

To enhance learning in the Nursing Simulation Lab (LBS), students should comply with the following terms:

  • Attendance to all classes of the LBS.
  • Willingness to learn.
  • Prior reading of the notes of the LBS.
  • Self-training to acquire the required minimum ability for practices.
  • Motivation to perform the procedures.
  • Use of the white coat in LBS.
  • Suitable dress in the LBS (comfortable clothes, neatness, no heels, no nail polish, short nails, hair tied up, and no jewelry)


  1. Nurses will act taking into account ethical aspects inherent in the care of the person and in the basic care procedures
  2. Displayed skill in the performance of basic care procedures.
  3. Performing basic care procedures autonomously using the elementary criteria of development.
  4. Learning to relate the information about the patient and the basic care procedures and applying them appropriately.
  5. Using the resources according to the maintenance criteria in the basic procedures of performance (quantity, selective rejection and recycling if necessary)

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 11. E - Establish effective communication with patients, families, social groups and partners and promote health education.
  • 13. G - Know the principles of health-care funding and use resources appropriately.
  • 19. B - Ability to make decisions based on critical thinking and reflective practice.
  • 1. G - Ability to provide technical and professional health care appropriate to the health needs of the people they treat, with full technical and scientific autonomy, according to current and available scientific knowledge and to the quality standards and safety requirements set forth in the applicable legal standards and code of ethics.
  • 22. G - Use and management of information and research
  • 23. B - Ability to analyze and synthesize.
  • 24. G - Ability to work autonomously.
  • 25. E - Knowledge of the field of study
  • 3. E - Know and apply the theoretical and methodological foundations and principals of nursing.
  • 7. B - Understand people without prejudice, considering their physical, psychological and social aspects, as autonomous and independent individuals, ensuring respect for their opinions, beliefs and values, ensuring their right to privacy through confidentiality and professional secrecy.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • Students will begin to be able to attend to the basic medical attention needs of health.
  • Students will be able to assess all people equally, without prejudices when considering their physical aspects
  • Students will be able to initiate effective communication through the Nursing Simulation Laboratory
  • Students will be able to initiate decision-making through critical thinking and reflective practice
  • Students will be able to perform basic nursing procedures in an autonomous way


1. Standard measures of the evaluation of a person:

  • Hygiene measures and asepsis. Standard measures of protection.
  • Physical examination I.
  • Physical examination II.
  • Physical examination III. Taking vital signs

2. Basic CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation):

  • CPR adult.
  • DEA

3. Measures of comfort:

  • Ergonomics: fundamental principles to move inanimate weights and to move into the hospital space. Attainment of a vacant bed.
  • Implementation of an occupied bed I: complete patient hygiene. Post-mortem care.
  • Implementation of an occupied bed II: complete patient hygiene: care of the mouth, eyes, hair and pressure areas. Enema and rectal probe placement. Adult diaper placement. Bed Pan placement.
  • Measures of Comfort: Care of the bedridden patient. Use of the cot and bottle. Postural changes.

4. Preparation and Administration of Medication:

  • Preparation and administration of medication: oral, NG tube, topical, ophthalmic, irrigation optics and optics.
  • Preparation and administration of medication: intradermal, subcutaneous (administration of insulin) and intramuscular.
  • Preparation and administration of intravenous medication I: micro drip and macro drip.
  • Preparation and administration of intravenous medications II: serum therapy.

5. Procedures I:

  • Sample collection I: glycosuria, ketonuria, urine samples, urine culture from independent patient and patients with a catheter and sputum swab and stool culture. Special taps: spinal, abdominal and thoracic.
  • Clinical laboratory samples: blood collection and distribution in the analytical tubes. Blood transfusion: cross matching and checking of blood group. Arterial tap.
  • Inclusion of peripheral venous catheters.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Methodology and training activities

The methodology followed in the nursing laboratory simulations (LBS) is a teaching-learning methodology based on reflective thinking, practice and participation. To do so, there are no more than 10 or 11 people in LBS groups. The sequence of the teaching activity has been organized according to the following structure:

  • Exploration of knowledge
  • Presentation and discussion of the case -  Theoretical-practical contribution
  • Practice management
  • Independent practice
  • Practice reflection

Classes are conducted according to the following activities:

  • Discussion
  • Oral presentation
  • Case analysis
  • Video 
  • Metacognitive modeling
  • Role- Playing
  • Resolution of problems
  • Clinical records

Classes are always 1 hour and 50 minutes.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

La asistencia a LBS es obligatoria y el alumno debe asistir mínimo al 88% de las clases, por tanto, el alumno sólo puede tener 2 faltas NO JUSTIFICADAS. A partir de la 3º falta, cada una restará 0,5 puntos del examen final de la asignatura. 

Los alumnos que estén en 3º o 5º convocatoria deberán venir los días que el profesor considere más importantes en función del caso particular. Se comunicaran al inicio del semestre al alumno. Cada dia que el alumno no venga a clase, supondrá restar 0,25 puntos del examen final. 

Cada alumno deberá asistir a las clases del grupo que ha estado asignado y no se admitirán cambios de grupos. No habrá la posibilidad de recuperar la clase perdida. Sólo si hay una causa justificada el alumno se deberá poner en contacto con el profesor para informar de la situación y poder buscar alternativas. Como causa justificada sólo se aceptará: ingreso hospitalario del alumno o defunción de un familiar de primer grado. 

El módulo de RCP es totalmente obligatorio y se deberá asistir un sábado de 8 a 14h. La no realización de este módulo implicará restar 1 punto a lanota final de la asignatura. Las personas que demuestren tener la certificación de RCP+DEA vigente (hecha en los últimos 3 años) quedan exentos de realizarla y por tanto no habrá penalización.

Pruebas evaluativas:

  • Pruebas intermedias: Observaciones del profesor durante el trabajo en el aula y pruebas evaluativas del semestre (30%). 
  • Prueba práctica al finalizar todo el temario (70%): se plantean diferentes situaciones hospitalarias reales para que el alumno las resuelva de manera individual. Esta prueba debe estar aprobada con un 5 para poder hacer media con el resto de partes evaluativas. En esta prueba habrá diferentes criterios que el alumno deberá cumplir para poder aprovarla. 
Para 2º, 4º y 6º convocatoria:
  • Se guardará la nota de la prueba intermedia y sólo se recuperará la prueba final.
  • En caso de tener la prueba intermedia suspendida, sólo se podrá recuperar con la prueba final y la nota máxima a la que se puede optar es un 5.
  • Si no se ha ejecutado la prueba intermedia solo se podrá recuperar mediante la prueba final y se tiene que obtener un 7 para superar la asignatura. 
Antes de matricularse de nuevo en la asignatura, se tendrá que mirar la compatibilidad con el resto de asignaturas.    No se concederán matrículas de honor en 2º convocatoria. Para las siguientes convocatorias, si se conceden, se aplicarán los mismos criterios. Es decir, la 3º y la 5º convocatoria serán como la 1º y la 4º y 6º serán como la 2º.   

La nota final de esta asignatura se verá afectada por la no asistencia a cualquiera de las tutorías de liderazgo de cada semestre en la siguente proporción: 0.5 puntos si se falta en 3 ocasiones; 0.4 puntos si se falta a 2 tutorías y 0.3 puntos si se falta a 1 tutoría. Esta norma se aplicará a los alumnos aprobados y nunca será motivo de suspenso de la asignatura.

La misma normativa se aplicará en 2º convocatoria.


Bibliography and resources

  •  B. Kozier / G.Erb / K.Blais / J.M.Wikinson. Fundamentos de enfermeria, conceptos, procesos y práctica. Ed. McGraw-Hill. Interamericana.
  • Carpenito L.J. Planes de cuidados y documentación en enfermería. Primera edición. Ed. McGraw-Hill Interamericana. 1994.
  • J.Esteve / J.Mitjans. Enfermeria. Tecnicas clinicas. Ed. McGraw-Hill. Interamericana 2000.
  • Jamieson M.J., Whyte L. A., y McCall J.M. Procedimientos de enfermería clínica. 5ª edición. Edit. Elservier. Barcelona 2007
  • M.T.Luis. Diagnosticos enfermeros, un instrumento para la practica asistencial. Ed. Harcourt Brace 2004.
  • Nanda. Diagnósticos de enfermeria, definiciones y clasificación. Ed. Hartcourt / Brace España 2000.
  • Nanda. Diagnosticos enfermeros. Definiciones y clasificaciones. Ed. Mosby/Doyma, Madrid, 1995
  • Prieto Valtueña JM. La clínica y el laboratorio. Edición 20a. Masson. 2004.
  • Ruiz Moreno J, Martín Delgado MªC y García-Penche Sánchez R. Procedimientos y técnicas de enfermería. Ed. Rol. 2009
  • Smith S.F., Duell D.J., Martin B.C. Técnicas de enfermería clínica. 7ª edición. Edit. Pearson. Vizcaya 2009
  • Zabalegui Adelaida, et al. Administración de medicamentos y cálculo de dosis. Edit. Masson. L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona) 2005.

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:

  • E1 04/06/2020 10:00h
  • R1 19/06/2020 09:00h
  • E2 26/06/2020 08:00h
  • R2 08/07/2020 11:00h
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