
Anthropology of Health

  • code 09524
  • course 2
  • term Semester 1
  • type FB
  • credits 6

Module: Humanities and Arts Module

Matter: Anthropology

Main language of instruction: Spanish

group M
 Sem.1  WE 10:00 12:00 
 Sem.1  TH 08:00 10:00 
 Sem.1  FR 08:00 10:00 

Teaching staff

Head instructor

Dr. Ignacio MACPHERSON -

Office hours

- Make an appointment via e-mail to Professor


Technological advances have created new scenarios for all professionals in the health sciences and have raised great hopes of concrete improvements to the lives and future of mankind. However, it is also common for both clinical practice and scientific research or in management that problems and questions of ethical and anthropological nature arise and unambiguously demonstrate the need for a constant relationship and integration between technical and ethical reasons, so that the acquisition of new knowledge is conducted so to achieve and do the best for the man who is at his/her greatest vulnerability. For prepared professional, technical and scientific training is not enough to practice nursing correctly but also includes an anthropological and ethical dimension.

The course of "Medical Anthropology" aims to reflect on the value of human life, the respect it deserves and its relationship to good health. Based on the principles that should inspire Nursing conduct, in order to know how to integrate the actions that arise in daily clinical practice, knowing the rights of the person and the main health regulations governing professional skills is necessary.
Training in "Medical Anthropology" aims to provide students in Nursing knowledge and specific training that will train and help, not only to make the best decisions in situations that are considered limited, but also to know how to act in various situations that arise in daily clinical practice.

Pre-course requirements

Have knowledge of Philosophical Anthropology


  1. Develop the ability to think and argue about ethical issues based on the analysis of the present situation.
  2. Provide conceptual tools to understand the importance of acquiring the principles and fundamental virtues of the ethics of care: compassion, competence, confidence, trust.
  3. Discover the meaning and value of the fundamental principle of the dignity of the human person, particularly in areas related to illness or other vulnerable situations taking into consideration both the physical and mental limitations of the person
  4. Demonstrate the importance of interpersonal communication in the context of the therapeutic relationship.
  5. Make known the basics of professional nursing legislation.
  6. Analyze the important implications of the social and cultural diversity for understanding disease and health.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 12. B - Know and observe the ethical code of conduct of Spanish nursing, understanding the ethical implications of health in a changing global context.
  • 15. B - Work with the team of professionals as a basic unit in which uni or multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary professionals and other staff of health care are organized.
  • 1. G - Ability to provide technical and professional health care appropriate to the health needs of the people they treat, with full technical and scientific autonomy, according to current and available scientific knowledge and to the quality standards and safety requirements set forth in the applicable legal standards and code of ethics.
  • 4. B - Understand the interactive behavior of the person according to their gender, group or community, within their social and multicultural context.
  • 7. B - Understand people without prejudice, considering their physical, psychological and social aspects, as autonomous and independent individuals, ensuring respect for their opinions, beliefs and values, ensuring their right to privacy through confidentiality and professional secrecy.
  • 8. B - Promote and respect the right of participation, information, autonomy and informed consent in decision-making of people treated, according to the way they live their health - disease process..
  • 11. E - Establish effective communication with patients, families, social groups and partners and promote health education.

Learning outcomes of the subject

At the end of the course of "Medical Anthropology" students will be able to:

  1. Provide care guaranteeing the right to dignity, privacy, intimacy, confidentiality and patient's and family's ability to make decisions.
  2. Recognize ethical issues that arise in professional practice and identify the apparent ethical conflicts and values presented.
  3. Know and respect the ethical and deontological code of Spanish Nursing.



1. Basics of Bioethics

1.1. Need for ethics in the life of human beings

1.2. Ethical codes of Bioethics  

2. Methodological principles of ethical decisions

2.1 Ethical components of human action

2.2. Moral decision analysis of the nursing professional  

2.3. Stages in the decision-making process

2.4. Application to health practice

2.5. Preparation and case analysis

3. Origin and Development of Bioethics

3.1. Brief historical overview     

3.2. Definition of Bioethics     

3.3. Model foundations in Bioethics      

3. 4. Application of models in case studies


4. Bioethics and the fragile life

4.1. Life, health and quality of life

4.2. Information to patients and their rights    

4.3. The care and attention to at-risk patients    

4.4. Application and case analysis

5. Beginning of life

5.1. Human sexuality

5.2. Procreation and reproduction. The problem of infertility

5.3. Contraception.

5.4. The reality of abortion.

5.5. Genetic manipulation and experimentation with embryos

5.6. Current legal situation in Spain on abortion, embryo research.

6. Bioethics and the end of human life.

6.1. Palliative care

6.2. The diagnosis of death

6.3. Euthanasia and assisted suicide

6.4. Limitation of therapeutic effort

6.5. Current legal situation in Spain


Teaching and learning activities

In person

The course is usually taught through theoretical sessions (lectures) and practice sessions. The content of the lectures will consist of the main topics and concepts of the units which are detailed in the course syllabus. The classes will be based mainly on the analysis of texts, audiovisual documents and case studies that are intended to illustrate and deepen the concepts explained above. Students can find in the "materials" syllabus guidelines and documents necessary to prepare for the practice sessions and should do so in advance.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The Medical Anthropology course must be passed with a 5.

  • Attendance, participation in classes and text analysis: 10%
  • Development and presentation of individual work: 20%
  • Midterm: 20%
  • Individual final written exam: 50%

To calculate the final mark of the course, it is essential: to get at least a four on the final exam and having done the written work.

Copying, forgery or fraud in individual written assignments or in teams, in attendance to classes, and/or in written or oral exams is a serious offense that carries the immediate failure of the course. If a course is repeated, disciplinary proceedings will be open to the author. DISCIPLINARY RULES FOR THE STUDENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF CATALUÑA. CHAPTER I. OF THE DISCIPLINARY OFFENCES. Article 2. ((g) h) 

Honors qualifications will not be awarded during retakes.

Bibliography and resources


POLAINO, A., Manual de Bioética General, Rialp, 2000.

CICCONE, L.; Bioética. Historia.Principios. Cuestiones. Palabra, Madrid, 2005.

MANERO, E; TOMAS, G Mª, Diccionario de Bioética para estudiantes, Formación Alcalá, S.L., 2008.

SGRECCIA, E., Manual de Bioetica I: Fundamentos y Ética Biomédica, BAC, 2010.

SIMON, C., Diccionario de Bioética, Montecarmelo, 2006


AA.VV, Vivir y morir con dignidad: temas fundamentales de bioética en una sociedad plural, A M González, E. Postigo, S. Aulestiarte (ed), Pamplona, Eunsa, 2000.

ABEL, F., Bioética: orígenes, presente y futuro, Madrid, Institut Borja de Bioética, Fundación Mapfre medicina, reimp. , 2001.

ALBURQUERQUE, E., Bioética, una apuesta por la vida, Madrid, 1992.

ANDORNO, R., Bioética y dignidad de la persona, Madrid, Tecnos,1998.

ANRUBIA, E. (Ed.), La fragilidad de los hombres. La enfermedad, la filosofía y la muerte, Eds. Cristiandad, Madrid, 2008.

ASHELY, B.M., O'ROURKE, K.D., Ethics of Health care, An Introductory Textbook, 2ª ed. Washington. Georgetown University Press, 1994.

BEAUCHAMPS, T.L., CHILDRESS, F. J., Principios de Ética Biomédica, Barcelona, Mason 4ª ed., 2000.

BLAZQUEZ, N., Bioética: La nueva ciencia de la vida. Madrid, BAC, 2000.

COMITÉ CONSULTIU DE BIOÈTICA DE CATALUNYA (2007). Orientacions sobre la diversitat cultural i la salut. Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Salut.

D'AGOSTINO, F., Bioética: estudios de Filosofía del Derecho, Madrid, Eiunsa, 2003.

DE HENNEZEL M. La muerte íntima. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés, 1996.

DEL BARCO, J.L., Bioética de la persona:fundamentos éticos y antropológicos. Chía [Colombia], Universidad de la Sabana, 1996.

ESCRIBANO, X. (Ed.), Territoris humans de la salut. Societat, cultura i valors en el món sanitari, Eds. Dux, Barcelona, 2008.

ESPEJO M.D., CASTILLA, A., Bioética en las Ciencias de la Salud, Granada, Asociación Alcalá, 2001.

GRACIA, D., Fundamentos de Bioética, Madrid, 1989.

LOPEZ MORATALLA, N., [et al. ] Deontología biológica, Pamplona, Universidad de Navarra, 1987.

LEÓN SANZ, P. (ed.), La implantación de los derechos del paciente: comentarios a la Ley 41-2002. EUNSA, Pamplona, 2004.

LÓPEZ, G. Aborto y contracepción,

MONGE, M. A., Ética, salud, enfermedad. Palabra, Madrid, 1991 (especialmente enfocada a las cuestiones éticas de la práctica clínica)

PASTOR, LM y LEÓN FJ. Manual de ética y legislación en Enfermería. Madrid. Ed. Mosby, 1997.

PASTOR L.M., FERRER, M., La bioética en el milenio biotecnológico, Murcia,Sociedad Murciana de Bioética,2001.

POISSON, J.F. Bioética ¿El hombre contra el hombre?, Rialp, Madrid, 2009.

ROQUE MV. Médico y paciente. El lado humano de la medicina. Ed. Dux, Barcelona, 2007.

TORRALBA, F., Antropología del cuidar, Institut Borja de Bioètica/ Fundación Mapfre Medicina, Barcelona, 1998.


- Bioethicsline

- Euroethics

- Asociación Médica Mundial

- Canadian Bioethics Society:

- Asociación Europea de Centros de Ética Médica:

- European Bioethical Research:

- Asociación Española de Bioética y Ética médica:

- Bioética y Derecho. Universidad de Barcelona:

- Centro de Documentación de Bioética del departamento de Humanidades Biomédicas:

-Observatorio de Bioética de Valencia:

Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:

  • E1 17/01/2017 12:00h
  • R1 31/01/2017 15:00h
  • E2 28/06/2017 08:00h
  • R2 12/07/2017 11:00h
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