
Anatomia Cap i Coll

  • code 09715
  • course 1
  • term Anual
  • type OB
  • credits 2

Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff


This course will focus on the anatomy of the head and neck that will serve the student to learn the disemination routes of dental infection and their surgical treatments

Pre-course requirements

No previous requirements


-To have a cognitive overview of descriptive and topographic anatomy of the skull, face and neck.

-Students of the endodontic program must master the anatomical terminology in these regions.

-Student of the endodontic program must master the anatomical knowledge of these areas.

-Topographical and descriptive knowledge of the cranio-facial osteology. The assessment of Angiology and miology of the head and face.



Cranial Bones

1. Description of the cranial bones:
- Frontal
- Ethmoids
- Sphenoids
- Occipital
- Parietal
- Temporal
- Wormian bones

Facial bones:

2. Description of the facial bones:
- Maxilla
- Zygomatic Bone
- Nasal Bone

- Lacrimal bone
- Palatine bone
- Inferior nasal concha
- Vomer bone
- Mandible
- Hyoid bones

Temporal Maxillary Joint


Head muscles
- Muscles of mastication
- Cutaneous head muscles
- Cutaneous cranial muscles
- Muscles of the Eyelid
- Muscles of the nose
- Muscles of the mouth
Neck muscles
- Lateral region of neck
- Region of the hyoid bone
- Infrahyoid muscles
Suprahyoid muscles
- Prevertebral region
-Aponeurosis in the neck


Aorta artery System:

- Branches that extend from the descending aorta.

- Subclavian artery
- Common carotid arteries
- External carotid artery

- Collateral branches
- Terminal branches
Aorta veins
- Superior vena cava
- Facial veins
- Neck veins
- Lymphatics of the head
- Lymphatics of the neck


Peripheral nervous system

Origins and real nerve endings:

Cranial Nerves:

• First pair: olfactory nerve
• Second pair: optic nerve
• Third pair: oculomotor nerve
• Fourth pair: trochlear nerve
• Fifth pair: Trigeminal nerve
- Ophthalmic nerve and ophthalmic ganglion
- Maxillary nerve and sphenopalatine ganglion
- Mandibular nerve and optic ganglion
• Sixth pair: Abducens nucleus
• Seventh pair: Facial nerve
• Eigth pair: Auditory-vestibular nerve
• Ninth pair: Glossopharyngeal nerve
• Tenth pair: Vagus nerve
• Eleventh pair: Spinal accessory nerve
• Twelth pair: Hypoglossal nerve



Cranial walls:

- Superciliary region
- Occipital region
- Temporal region
- Mastoid region


Superficial facial regions
- Nasal region
- Labial region
- Mentonian region
- Masseteric region
- Genian region

Deep facial regions
- Zygomatic fossa region
- Pterygomaxillary fossa region
- Mouth regions
- Palatine region
- Sublingual area
- Gingivodental region
- Tonsillar region
- Pharyngeal region


- Parotid region
- Sternocleidomastoid region

Air cavities
- Ethmoidal cells
- Sphenoidal sinuses
- Frontal sinus
- Maxillary sinus

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Each bone will be studied with its corresponding surfaces and borders (power point presentation) and
image album.
A study of the collateral and terminal branches of arteries and veins and a presentation of an image album and study mnemonics will be undertaken.
A study of the muscles of the craniofacial section, with the respective insertions, irrigations and innervations.
All of this must be reflected in an image album.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Each Thursday the material for that day will be evaluated orally.

When the term ends, all work carried out will be submitted.

The student must undergo an evaluation exam of all the material covered throughout the term.

Bibliography and resources


Anatomía descriptiva   L.Testut y  A.Latarjet Editorial Salvat


Anatomía topográfica  L.Testut y O.Jacob Editorial Salvat

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