
Final Degree Project

  • code 09836
  • course 4
  • term Semester 2
  • type TF
  • credits 12

Module: Module Kowledge Summary

Matter: Final Project

Not specified

Teaching staff

Head instructor

Office hours

The teacher set the guidelines for care and tutoring for each student.

For specific areas outside the space tutorial, each teacher will address students by appointment by e-mail

Cristina Monforte:

Anna Aliberch:

Elisabet Arribas:

Lola Bardallo:

Marian Cerezuela:

Marian de Juan:

Rebeca Gómez:

Pilar Fuster:

Cristina Martínez:

Cibeles Moreno:

Anna Pareja:

Gemma Pérez:

Carmen Quiñoa:

Encarna Rodríguez:

Susana Sánchez:

María Vilarrubias:


Date of renovation of the Teaching Guide: May 2012




Final Project Work is a compulsory part of 12 ECTS, framed in the Degree in Nursing to be held at the 4 th year of the Degree and will be presented and evaluated during the performance of 4 th grade year. As stated in the Order CIN 2134/2008 of 3 July, Labor Final Grade (TFG) is a transverse field whose work will be done associated with different materials.

The TFG is essentially an autonomous work that every student be under the guidance of a tutor, who will act as a catalyst and facilitator of the learning process. The TFG has to show an integrated manner, the acquisition of skills and training content received at the bachelor's degree in nursing.

Training activities related mainly to the independent work of student, group tutoring, cooperative learning, tutoring and learning. The following figure shows the distribution by number of hours (see at moodle web).



 With the TFG aims to promote reflective and critical thinking to apply and integrate knowledge acquired in practice. The GFR will be original and specific and may take different formats, whether professional, technical and / or scientific-empirical and power that integrates nursing knowledge acquired over the degree of nursing and ensuring the acquisition and assessment of competences Grade.

Matter Final Project, must enable the knowledge and skills acquired by students in the area of knowledge of the degree, taking into account the multidisciplinary nature of it. The assessment of GFR will be used to assess the student's ability to develop nursing knowledge necessary to enable it to understand, interpret, analyze and explain scientific or clinical aspects of a professional field of nursing, nurses using different skills.

Both the development of GFR, such as evaluation, assignment of subject and tutor, will be supervised by the Commission of the TFG, composed of teachers of nursing degree and ensure compliance with regulations around the TFG.

The TFG commission shall:

- Assess the adequacy of the proposed themes and their feasibility

- Allocation of guardian by topic and number of students

- Proposal for Courts and the appointment
- Development of evaluative rubrics and agree evaluation criteria

- Perform the proposed defenses

Provide a list of topics that students and tutors can choose between the bid.

The final allocation of the teacher / tutor coordinator validate the subject GFR.


Pre-course requirements

The student must have exceeded 60% of the ECTS grade to enroll the subject GFR.





At the end of "Final Project", the student will be able to:


• Integrate knowledge of basic health sciences, humanities and social to solve health problems of individuals, families and community.

• Implement the Nursing Care Process to clinical cases using scientific evidence as a basis for planning nursing care

• Discuss the application of protocols for clinical intervention in clinical practice, taking into account the multi-cultural environment, within a framework of quality of care and sustainability of the system.

• Propose strategies for improvement in nursing care

• Defend and perform their work to grade.

Competences / Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 22. G - Use and management of information and research
  • 24. G - Ability to work autonomously.
  • 21. B - Oral and written communication.
  • 25. E - Knowledge of the field of study
  • 19. B - Ability to make decisions based on critical thinking and reflective practice.
  • 12. B - Know and observe the ethical code of conduct of Spanish nursing, understanding the ethical implications of health in a changing global context.

Learning outcomes of the subject


The student:


Indexed database used in Castilian and English language
Use the Boolean operators
Employs Advanced Search
Delivery search history
Determines the criteria for the final selection of articles
Use a reference manager
Reference by APA system and / or Vancouver
Makes a proper interpretation of the information handled
Check appropriate bibliographical sources
The student presents a calendar of events
Delivery time tasks agreed
Demonstrates a working method
The student follows the rules for submission provided
Presents a speech understandable, coherent and well built
The narrative text is ordered
Paragraphs of text are well defined
Use appropriate language according to the type of work
The student goes to court with correction
Maintain eye contact
Presents a speech understandable, consistent and fluid
Fits the stipulated time
The student shows understanding of the concepts worked
Argues information selection
Raises strong arguments for the development of this work
Reaches conclusions documented
Identifies and reflects on the lessons learned throughout the degree
Recognize what your job brings
Identifies and reflects on the ethical application in the data collection process
Consider the need for assessment of an ethics committee investigation
It takes into account aspects related to confidentiality and anonymity of the study arises
Avoid plagiarism of texts, either completely or partially
Use either the citation to avoid plagiarism




For the correct development of the TFG, students must attend a series of mandatory workshops during the 1st half of the 4 th grade year.




1. TFG: Objectives, types, planning, evaluation, content. Diversity of jobs.


2. Review of the literature. Practical tools for document management. Literature searches.


3. Critical reading.


4. Research Methodology


5. Formal aspects of work. Exhibition and public advocacy, communication skills.


6. Research ethics


7. Informed Consent


8. Ethical dilemmas I


9. Ethical dilemmas II


10. Ethical dilemmas III


11. Formal aspects of work.

12. Exhibition and public advocacy, communication skills.



1. Developing a care plan

2. Evaluation and updating protocols

3. Health education program framed in a specific context (school, community, labor, etc..).

4. Work of literature review and updating of knowledge in a specific field

5. Analysis of a case: "In a case":

6. Development of a clinical case with language use NANDA-NIC-NOC

7. Evaluation of protocols, processes, protocols, new roles nurses, workload, clinical guidelines, etc..

8. Results of research work.

9. Research project.


1. Characteristics of written work: The work should be written in Castilian or Catalan and shall include:

-Home (see Annex 1 published on the intranet)

-Report of Guardian credited as the suitability of work for public defense

-Summary of GFR (maximum 300 words)



-PO-specific type of work


-References in Vancouver or APA



The work will not exceed 30 pages, which will assess among other things, the ability to synthesis.

Written work will be assessed by the court designated for that purpose, after analyzing the report of the guardian. For the assessment shall require the correct proofreading and structure of the parts, correct methodology and bibliographic citation.

-The font should be Times New Roman, Arial or Verdana 12-point, 2 spacing

-The margins are set to the following measures: Upper and Lower to 3cm. LHS side to side and 3.5cm to 2.5cm Decho.

- Paging in the lower RH.

Each type of work will have a specific format, but to outline the basic structure is as follows:

                - Introduction:

§ Justification: Justify the theme in the light of the literature review, social interest, professional, medical, theoretical, scientific or ethical.

§ Theoretical Framework: Review of existing information related to the theme

                - Objectives: List objectives that are pertinent to the theoretical framework. For research, you should also formulated the working hypothesis.

                - Methodology: Well explicit.

                - Conclusions

               - Self-assessment
In the student intranet document has a style in which to base the presentation of the GFR. The GFR is a job that must comply with the characteristics of an academic work, so do not be accepted in breach of that legislation.


Teaching and learning activities

In person


The Final Project will be done individually for each student enrolled under the tutelage and guidance of a teacher-mentor who will guide you in preparation. To this end, organize seminars, individual tutorials and cooperative working groups that help the student to integrate theoretical and practical teaching received throughout the degree. Take into account the correlation with the profile defined by humanist International University of Catalunya. In addition, specially incorporated the principles and methodology of the care and management and processing of information and scientific documentation.


The final paper grade, the student will deepen the knowledge acquired in the step. During this learning period will demonstrate that it is able to use the strategies learned to make a correct identification of health problems of the individual and his family and based on scientific literature carried out a proposed plan of care at any healthcare environment.


The work of searching for information and planning will be evident that the student will be able to:


• Application of skills acquired in a case of clinical practice


• Conduct an analysis of the realities of health care and its implications for welfare and health of the individual / family and community


• Find strategies to facilitate the incorporation of innovative approaches to nursing professionals and are based on scientific evidence and pursue the goal of providing care and improve the health of individuals and communities.



The realization of TFG includes several key moments:


a) Choice of topic: Once enrolled the student, the student may choose the topic and type of work you can do. Students apply their choice through the computer system. Will the Evaluation Commission of the TFG who check requests from students and produce assignments and tutors themes that run them.


b) Attendance at the seminars mandatory


c) Carrying out the activities planned virtual


d) Assistance to individual and group tutorials (will require 80% attendance of tutorials in order to present the TFG for its defense). The Annex shows the tutorial GFR planning both group and individual tutoring, and the objectives of each of the tutorials and work that is required in each one of them.


c) Planning: The student and tutor plan the activities of autonomous work the student must take the proper execution of the TFG


d) Development: This is the central phase of the GFR. During this phase, students work independently with the support of his tutor and group and individual tutoring.


e) Delivery of the GFR: See annex which publishes the dates of the different deliveries.


f) Public presentation of the GFR: See annex which publishes the dates of the different deliveries.



Tutoring process


The tutor is the teacher who advises the student in the learning process and development of the work, following the steps listed above, the appropriate scheme according to the type of work selected, the timing


Annex published on the intranet, the student can see the plan programming tutorial, with their individual targets for each of the tutorials.


Failure to attend 80% of tutorials will mean that students may not make the TFG on schedule.


To qualify for Round 2 will be equally necessary that the student has attended at least 80% of tutorials throughout the course.


The GFR will start in September with the start of the 4th year course of grade and end in June with either Round 1 or July, coinciding with 2nd call.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

El Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG), se evaluará a partir de la presentación y defensa del mismo ante un tribunal y su evaluación se realizará siguiendo el sistema de calificaciones en las titulaciones universitarias de carácter oficial y validez en todo el territorio nacional como figura en el Real decreto 1125/2003, de 5 de septiembre (BOE núm. 224, 18 de septiembre de 2003). 

El tribunal evaluador estará constituído por el tutor del TFG, así como otros profesores del departamento de enfermería, de otros departamentos expertos en el ámbito de estudio, y profesionales asistenciales de centros de prácticas.

El tribunal, una vez terminada la deliberación procederá a:

  • Aceptar o rechazar el trabajo presentado, por mayoría simple. Si se produjera empate, el voto del presidente, se considerará de calidad
  • Calificar el trabajo realizado con la nota media obtenida de las calificaciones emitidas por los miembros del tribunal
  • Cumplimentar las Actas de Valoración, la cual, habrá de ser suscrita por todos los miembros del tribunal.
  • Anunciar en sesión pública la calificación
  • En el caso de que el TFG sea rechazado, el tribunal procederá a la elaboración de un informe en el que se hará constar aquellos errores, omisiones y deficiencias que deban ser subsanados y que motivaron la no aceptación del mismo.


Para la evaluación se tendrán en cuenta los siguientes criterios:


  1. Evaluación del proceso tutorial (será el tutor conjuntamente con el alumno que evaluarán el proceso de aprendizaje y ejecución del TFG). Se tendrán en cuenta si los objetivos planificados para cada tutoría se han alcanzado.
  2. Evaluación del Tribunal evaluador: El tribunal estará compuesto por profesores de la asignatura TFG; también podrán formar parte del tribunal profesionales de la enfermería de centros colaboradores.

Se evaluará el Trabajo escrito, la defensa oral, el proceso tutorial, y la evaluación entre iguales. Asimismo formará parte de la evaluación una autoevaluación por parte del alumno.  Ver cuadro de la página 9.

Para poder aplicar los porcentajes el TFG debe haber obtenido una nota igual o superior a 4.5 en cada una de las partes a evaluar (Proceso tutorial / Defensa oral / Trabajo escrito).

  1. En caso de suspender el TFG en 1ª convocatoria, se podrá optar a 2ª Convocatoria siempre y cuando el alumno haya asistido al 80% de las tutorías durante el curso
  2. Si se suspende el TFG en 2ª Convocatoria, deberá matricularse de nuevo la asignatura TFG.
  3. La asignatura TFG se aprueba con un mínimo de 5 sobre 10 puntos.
  4. El tutor del TFG podrá decidir no presentar un TFG si considera que no cumple los mínimos necesarios para ser defendido públicamente.
  5. Todo lo anteriormente citado configurará el 90% de la nota de la asignatura TFG. El 10% restante corresponderá a la asistencia a los seminarios obligatorios, ejercicios marcados por los profesores de seminarios, presentación de casos y participación activa en los seminarios.



Para su evaluación se tendrán en cuenta los siguientes criterios:

  • Entidad del problema tratado (grado de dificultad o complejidad del caso clínico)
  • Originalidad del caso presentado
  • Grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos
  • Fuentes bibliográficas consultadas
  • Calidad en la elaboración del documento escrito
  • Calidad en la defensa oral
  • Estimación de la dedicación del alumno
  • Informes del proceso de aprendizaje a lo largo de la realización del trabajo


La evaluación se llevará a cabo bajo rúbricas evaluativas que homogeneizarán los criterios evaluativos.

La calificación podrá ser numéricamente de 1 a 10 con expresión decimal, a la que podrá añadirse su correspondiente calificación cualitativa de Suspenso, Aprobado, Notable, Sobresaliente y Matrícula de Honor.

La mención de “Matrícula de Honor” (MH) podrá ser otorgada a trabajos que hayan obtenido una calificación igual o superior a 9,5. Serán trabajos excepcionales que hayan abordado un problema de gran complejidad, o con una gran originalidad en sus planteamientos, hayan ido más allá de los objetivos inicialmente propuestos, hayan sido expuesto con gran claridad y hayan sido defendidos con una argumentación clara y basada en el razonamiento lógico.

A continuación se adjunta un cuadro resumen del sistema de evaluación.



% acumulat



Propi alumne se autoavalua






½ maig

Tutor del alumne y membre 1 del tribunal TFG




Valoració evolució del  TFG. Rubrica 2




Valoració escrita del TFG i evolució.


Defensa Juny



Valoració sobre la Comunicació oral.

Defensa Juny

Professor y membre 2 del tribunal del TFG




Valoració escrita del TFG.

Defensa Juny



Valoració sobre la Comunicació oral.

Defensa Juny

Avaluació Iguales (altre alumne avalua el TFG)




Valoració escrita del TFG.


Defensa Juny

Professor membre del tribunal 2 (diferent al que presenta el TFG el alumne, ja que es el tribunal en el que el alumne critica el TFG de altre alumne)




Rol avaluador del alumne al criticar altre TFG diferent al seu.


Defensa Juny


 Regulations TFG:

Bibliography and resources

•      Argimón, JM, Jiménez J. Métodos de investigación clínica y epidemiológica. 3a ed. Madrid: Elsevier; 2004




•      Armitage P, Berry G. Estadística para la investigación biomédica. 3a ed. Barcelona: Harcourt Brace; 1997.




•      Bisquerra R, Echeverría B, Rodríguez M. Estadística Psicopedagógica. Barcelona: Promociones y Publicaciones Universitarias; 1987.




•      Burgos R. Metodología de investigación y escritura científica en clínica. 3ª ed. Granada: Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública; 1998.




•      Burns N, Grove SK. Investigación en Enfermería. 3ª ed.  Madrid: Elsevier; 2004.




•      Cobo E, Muñoz P, González JA, Bogorra J. Bioestadística para no estadísticos: principios para interpretar un estudio científico. Barcelona: Elsevier Masson, 2007.




•      Daniel W. Bioestadística: base para el análisis de las ciencias de la salud. 4a ed. México D.F.: Limusa; 2002.




•      Dawson-Saunders E. Bioestadística médica. 4a ed. México D.F.: El Manual Moderno; 2005.




•      Manzano V, Varela J, García A, Pérez FJ. SPSS para Windows. Madrid: Ra-Ma; 1999.




•      Martínez MA, Faulín FJ, Sánchez A. Bioestadística amigable. 2ª Ed. Madrid: Díaz de Santos; 2006.




•      Mayan M. Una introducción a los métodos cualitativos. Módulo de entrenamiento para estudiantes y profesionales. México: Qual Institute Press. International Institute for Qualitative Methodology; 2001.




•      Milton JS. Estadística para biología y ciencias de la salud. 2a ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill Interamericana; 1994.




•      Norman GR, Streiner DL. Bioestadística. Madrid: Mosby/Doyma; 1996.




•      Peña D, Romo J. Introducción a la Estadística para las Ciencias Sociales. Madrid: McGraw Hill; 1997.




•      Sánchez Carrión JJ. Manual de análisis estadístico de los datos. Madrid: Alianza Editorial; 1999.




•      Sentís J, Pardell H, Alentà H, Cobo Valeri E, Canela i Soler J. Manual de bioestadística. 3a ed. Barcelona: Masson; 2003.




•      Tomás-Sábado J. Fundamentos de Bioestadística y análisis de datos para enfermería. Bellaterra: Servei de publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; 2009.


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