Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


Labour Insertion Workshops - 2023/2024 academic year

Capsule sessions on labour insertion

In the process of looking for job opportunities, whether for internships or full-time employment, it is essential to understand the process and to have the tools that allow us to stand out from the rest.

All sessions will be in online format and will last approximately one hour.

Digital branding: boost your personal brand online

Session 1: 31 January 2024

Successfully prepare the elevator pitch of your CV

Session 2: 21 February 2024

Social networks as a tool when looking for a job

Session 3 - 21 March 2024

Steps to passing the selection process

Session 4 - 24 April 2024

*Aquesta sessió, organitzada per Career Services, forma part del Cicle de Tallers en línia per a la Inserció Laboral i està oberta als alumnes de grau, alumnes de màster/postgrau/doctorat i antics alumnes recent graduats.