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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

International Contract Law

International Contract Law
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff


The subject of Law International Contracts intended to make students take an initial contact with the legal aspects of global trade and business in a global and diverse international community, and, especially, to become familiar with the English language and the terms used in the international contracts.

To do this, legal texts emanating from supranational institutions and bodies will be analyzed not only in the field of the European Union but in the wider world trade. The language of instruction will be English.

Pre-course requirements

No procede


Know and understand the legal framework of international contracts and trade.

Understand and get familiar with economic documentation and customary documentation in international trade operations.

Work independently and plan and organize their learning.

Acquire legal terminology in the English language capacity in matters relating to international contracts.

Knowing the sources of law in international contracts (treaties, private systems, principles and scope of autonomy) and contractual mechanisms for resolving disputes (judicial and non-judicial mechanisms: mediation and arbitration).

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 11 - To acquire skills for autonomous learning
  • 27 - To skillfully use terminology and linguistic structures in English related to Law
  • 28 - To be able to read and understand bibliography and other legal texts in English
  • 29 - To be able to gather and interpret economic documentation

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. Know and understand the legal framework of international contracts and mechanisms for resolving international commercial disputes.

2. Be able to interpret and understand common economic documentation and documentation in the trade.

3. Be able to work independently and to plan and organize their learning.

4. Get the ability to speak in English in matters relating to the appropriate legal terminology in commercial matters.


1. The exchange of goods and services. International trade. The phenomenon of globalization. Its effects on the international contracts and in the markets. The free movement within the European Union.

2. The international contract. Sources. Tendency to unification. New Lex Mercatoria and UNIDROIT Principles. Rome I. The Vienna Convention.

3. Content, writing and usual clauses in international contracts.

4. E-commerce. State contracts. Consumer contracts.

5. The capital companies in the global market. Groups of companies, joint ventures and M & A International. Risks.

6. Solutions to disputes in international contracts: private international arbitration.


Teaching and learning activities

In person

This course will be taught by introductory lecture, followed by material that will be delivered to students to discuss together, in English, the different aspects of the subject. Furthermore, and in order to develop individual skills and get used to work in groups together, students will work individually and collectively

Presenting concepts and their practical application in the classroom
Classroom activities in order to follow up on students (both individual and in a group)
27 29
Student independent study
11 27 28 29
Individual and group projects
27 28

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The final grade of the subject will be integrated by the final exam grade, which will count 40% and the continuous assessment grade, which will count 70%.

The final exam, written, will be done at the University, and consist of two questions to develop.

The continuous assessment is constituted, for the purposes of the final grade, by:

1. Class attendance, which will count 20%. Of this 20%, 10% will be integrated by the assessment of interventions and participation in class, and the other 10% exclusively for attendance, that, regarding the exceptional circunstances, everyone will have it.

2.  And finally, there will be a practice, in English, that must be done at home and sen d by email, and that will count another 40%.

 In the examination of 2nd call of July, the continuous evaluation will not be taken into account.

The teacher will always be available for questions and tutorials. Please communicate with the teacher's email or at the end of the theoretical classes.


Bibliography and resources

 -A.-L. Calvo Caravaca y J. Carrascosa González (Directores), Derecho del Comercio Internacional, Colex, 2012.

-J. C. Fernández Rozas, R. Arenas García y P.A. de Miguel Asensio, Derecho de los Negocios Internacionales, Iustel, 2013.

-P. Llanez González, E-contratos, Bosch, 2004.

-S. Sánchez Lorenzo (Editor), Derecho contractual comparado, Thomson Reuters, 2013.

-R. C. Feenstra y A. M. Taylor, Comercio internacional, Reverté, 2011.

-D. G. Papa y L. Elliott, International trade and the successful intermediary, Gower, 2009.

-B. M. Hoekman y M. M. Kostecki, The political economy of the world trading system, Oxford, 2009.

-A. M. Rugman y T. L. Brewer, The Oxford handbook of international business, Oxford, 2001.