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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Ethics and Deontology in Advertising and Public Relations

Ethics and Deontology in Advertising and Public Relations
Second semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Teaching staff


Professional Ethics of Advertising and Public Relations is a compulsory subject of 6 ECTS taught in the second semester of the fourth year of the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations. The main objective of this course is to study the different components that affect ethical decisions made by professionals advertising and public relations.

Pre-course requirements

No Facilidades Requisitos Previos para cursar EXISTEN this asignatura, AUNQUE es recomendable Haber cursado previamente Empresa Informativa, Fundamentos de la Comunicación Humana 1, Derecho de la Información, Derechos Fundamentales e Igualdad de Derechos, Comunicación Institucional, Dirección Estratégica y Marketing.


This subject is marked as goal to study the basic issues for proper realization of advertising and public relations according to criteria of good professional. This course focuses on the different ethical and deontological concepts themselves in the advertising industry as well as the application of these concepts in the daily work performed by the professional business communication.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • 04 - The ability of self assessment and professional self management
  • 05 - The ability to learn autonomously
  • 06 - The ability to act autonomously and responsibly
  • 08 - The ability to organise time and workspace
  • 09 - Lingustic ability in Catalan, Spanish and English
  • 10 - The ability to develop an ethical attitude
  • 11 - The ability to make judgments and well-argued critical assessments
  • 30 - The ability to contextualise and critically analyse current events

Learning outcomes of the subject

Una vez cursada la asignatura Ética y Deontología de la Publicidad y de las Relaciones Públicas, los alumnos:

  • Reflexiones con mayor Capacidad crítica sobre la correcta realización de la actividad publicitaria y de las relaciones públicas Según Criterios de buen acero profesional.
  • entender mejor el desenvolupament teórico y práctico de los fenómenos publicitario y de las relaciones públicas.


The theoretical and practical program of this course consists of the following contents:


part I

Topic 1. Ethics, ethics and moral

Item 2. Aspiration to happiness, meaning of life and sense of work

Item 3. Individual, subjectivity and moral conscience

Item 4. Privacy and publicity

Item 5. Truth and lies


part II

Item 6. General principles for a self-regulation advertising

Item 7. The women in advertising

Item 8. Minors and advertising

Item 9. Protection of honor, privacy and self-image. comparative advertising

Item 10. Codes sector. Self-regulation and co-regulation of advertising and public relations

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Evaluation is ongoing and consists of:

  • a first partial exam, which evaluates the contents and skills gained during lectures. 
  • a second partial exam, which evaluates the contents and skills acquired during the second block of lectures.

The first partial exam will count 65%, the second partial exam 35%.

In both tests, orthographic rules of the Faculty will apply.

Bibliography and resources

AGEJAS, José Ángel; SERRANO OCEJA, Francisco José (2002). Ética de la comunicación y de la información. Barcelona: Ariel.

AZNAR, Hugo; CATALÁN, Miguel (2000). Códigos éticos de publicidad y marketing. Barcelona: Ariel.

CODINA, Mónica (2001). De la ética desprotegida. Ensayos sobre deontología de la comunicación. Pamplona: Eunsa.

MARTÍN, Marta; HERNÁNDEZ, Alejandra (2010). Efectos de la deontología de la publicidad en la actitud profesional. Questiones Publicitarias, 1 (15), 99-113.

MEDINA, Mercedes; AN, Soontae (2012). Advertising self-regulation activity: A Comparison between Spain and US. Revista ZER, 17 (33), 13-29.

MEGÍAS, Justo; CABRERA, Leticia (2013). Ética y Derecho en la Publicidad. Granada: Ed. Comares.

MELÉ CARNÉ, Domenec (1998). Ética en dirección comercial y publicidad. Pamplona: Eunsa.

MÉNDIZ, Alfonso (2010). Los valores en la Publicidad: Un nuevo planteamiento ético y comercial. Madrid: IC-Media Ediciones (E-Book PDF: disponible gratis en Internet).

PARSONS, Patricia (2008). Ethics in Public Relations. A guide to best practice. London: Kogan Page.

PATIÑO ALVES, Beatriz (2007). La autorregulación publicitaria. Especial referencia al sistema español. Barcelona: Bosch.

PELLICER, Maite (2011). Ética y publicidad: un binomio polémico. Question, 1 (31).

PELLICER, Maite (2011). Ética y estrategias publicitarias. Por una publicidad ética y veraz. Madrid: Editorial Académica Española.

RAMOS, Fernando (2001). Autorregulación, mediación y consulta previa, la nueva frontera de la ética publicitaria. Revista ZER, 6 (11).

XIFRA, Jordi (2010). Relaciones públicas, empresa y sociedad. Una aproximación ética. Barcelona: UOC.

SEMOVA, Dimitrina (2014). Introducción a la Ética y la Deontología de la Publicidad. Madrid: Visión Ebooks (Ebook PDF DRM).

Teaching and learning material