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Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Learning and Motor Development

Learning and Motor Development
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan,

Teaching staff


In this subject, the child's learning and motor development work. By combining the theoretical part with the practical part, the principles that the student needs to know are known to know the factors that influence the acquisition and improvement of motor skills, as well as interpret the process of motor development and the factors that they condition it.

Pre-course requirements

There is no previous requirement


a-. Analyze the evolution of the motor development by focusing on the characteristic aspects that affect the stage from 0 to 12 years.


b-. Understand the interaction of the individual with his environment.


c-. Understand the student's environment, both from the point of view of development and of motor learning.


d-. To be able to determine possible educational interventions.


e- Be able to make decisions in teaching practice, both for selection and sequencing of contents and teaching-learning strategies, taking into account the evolutionary moment of the child.


f-. Differentiate the different factors that intervene in the development and the motor learning.


g-. Know how to determine the evolutionary stage of each motor pattern in different stages.


h-. Know how to organize the processes of motor learning taking into account the driving context.


i-. Optimize the processes of transfer in the learning engine.


j-. Understanding how we can intervene in the evolutionary process of motor development to optimize its performance.


k-. Understand the scientific fundamentals of motor learning in the context of the general theory of learning and motor behavior.

Learning outcomes of the subject

I. knows how to establish relationships between motor learning and teaching physical education.

II. Identify and sequence the main factors that influence the learning process.

III. It knows how to organize the processes of motor learning taking into account the driving context.

IV. Optimizes transfer processes in motor learning.

V. It is capable of making decisions in teaching practice, both for selection and sequencing of contents and teaching-learning strategies, taking into account the evolutionary moment of the child


BLOCK 0: Introduction:

1 Motor behavior

1.1 Structure of the sciences

1.2 Scientific knowledge

1.3 Structure of the motor behavior 


BLOCK 1: Motor Development:

2 Concepts, principles and factors of DM 

3 Explanatory Models for Human and Motor Development.

3.1 General models of human and motor development from different approaches, sociocultural, thought. Conductism, cognitive, constructivist, ecological 

4 Environment and DM

4.1 Inheritance and Environment

4.2 Importance of the environment

4.3 Environmental stimulation 

5 The DM study by stages.

5.1 Growth, maturation and involution

5.2 The motor development in the human life cycle

5.3 The motor development measurement process


BLOCK 2: Motor Learning:

6 Definitions. Concept of motor learning

6.1 Learning phases

6.1.1 Motivation

6.1.2 Reception of the information: Sensation and Perception 

7 Motor skills

7.1 Concept. Skill, capacity, task and motor competition

7.2 Types and categories of motor skills

7.3 Classification systems for motor skills

7.4 The acquisition process 

8 Theoretical models of motor learning

8.1 The theoretical models of motor control.

8.1.1 Closed loop models

8.1.2 Open loop models 

8.2 Models of the processing of the information

8.2.1 The Schmidt scheme theory Motor programming Concept of motor program General and specific motors programs 

8.3 The ecological model of motor learning. The theory of dynamic systems.

8.3.1 The postulates of Bernstein 8.3.2 Degrees of freedom and acquisition of motor skills

8.3.3 Constraints as a key issue in the learning of motor skills 

9 Factors influencing motor learning

9.1 Regarding the subject

9.1.1 Individual characteristics

9.1.2 Attention Automation and engine performance Practical interventions

9.1.3 Motivation Orientation and intervention strategies

9.2 Concerning the practice and its organization

9.2.1 Variability and differential learning Factors that influence the effects of variability Benefits of variability in practice Practical applications

9.2.2 Contextual interference The concept of contextual interference (IC) General results in contextual interference Practical applications

9.2.3 Distribution of the practice. Concept of distribution of the practice Practice concentrated and distributed practice Effects of the distribution of the practice

9.2.4 The information Concept of feedback and feedforward Types of sensory information Feedforward and feedback properties Guidelines for the administration of information

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Problem-based learning

Cooperative learning

Project-based learning

Case studies

Presenting method / lecture

Problem and exercise solving

Practical classes

Theory classes

Individual / independent study and work

Group study and work


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation will be a continuous evaluation and is composed of different forms of evaluation:

- Written exam: 20%

(It will have to pass a 4 of the absolute mark of the exam to be able to make average with the other parts of the evaluation)

- Development of two tutored works by the teacher 20%

- Periodic tasks and assignments as a support for learning 30%

Review of articles

Debate around a topic addressed in class

Exercises and answers to questions about topics covered

- Attendance in class: 10%


It is considered to be able to access this 10% if you have attended the minimum 80% of teaching classes as well as the tutoring hours marked.

Interdisciplinary work and Court: 20%

Bibliography and resources

LLEIXÀ ARRIBAS, T. (1996) La educación Física de 3 a 8 años (5ª edició) Barcelona: Paidotribo. 

OÑA SICILIA, A. / MARTINEZ MARIN, M. / MORENO HERNÁNDEZ, M. / RUIZ PÉREZ, L.M. (2007) Control y aprendizaje motor. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis.

PONCE DE LEÓN, A. / ALONSO, R. A. / FRAILE, A. / VALDEMOROS, M.A. / PALOMERO, J.E. (2009) La educación motriz para niños de 0 a 6 años. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva. 

RIGAL, R (2006) Educación motriz y educación psicomotriz en Preescolar y Primaria. Barcelona: Editorial INDE. 

RUIZ PÉREZ, L.M. (1993) Deporte y Aprendizaje. Madrid: aprendizaje VISOR.